Alien Invasion? Why not XCOM?


Black Sun in a White World
"Hello, Commander... In response to recent events that shook Central Europe and North America, this council of nations has chosen to activate the X-COM Project."

It began in spectacular fashion.

Worldwide wire excerpt, sent 20 June, 2014:

Berlin, Germany (AP)
-- Gunfire and explosions rattled windows across the German capital in the early hours on Monday morning. Following the widely observed fall of meteoroids or satellite debris, panic gripped the streets of lower Berlin with people wondering if their country was under attack. Ambulances and police arrived promptly to old Tempelhof Airport, one citizen said. Gunfire and rioting gripped the old airport and streets surrounding it. Fires engulfed several warehouses along the southern edge of Komturei.

Black helicopters thought to belong to German special forces...

Banner headline article from The New York Times, 10 June 2014:


GLENDO, Wyo. -- The streets of Glendo are deserted after a weekend plagued by violent storms, but not for the usual reasons: the residents have vanished. "A town of 205 people has completely disappeared," says Platte Country Sheriff Glen Rockwood. Meteorological stations near Cheyenne reported violent storms across the state ravaged Platte County in particular Saturday night. In nearby Hartville, residents took shelter in their homes and basements to avoid the worst of the weather, but no tornadoes were reported as touching down.

The governor has declared a state of emergency as the FBI and National Guard descend on Platte County...

And what it would become... We had no idea. Simply no idea. For the world's fate rested on the back of we proud few, and we rose to the call. The X-COM Project was all that stood between Earth and E.T.'s meaner, shittier cousins.

So, yeah, XCOM! Let's play it. A game of sci-fi action, horror, intrigue, and a good chance to get blow apart by a pissed off Muton!

I'm looking to use nWoD (probably the original version, unless I find God-Machine works for me still). All you need is the core (maybe God-Machine and Armory). Super simple to use, easy to play. Will be utilizing XCOM Enemy Unknown version of canon to brew my stories and the like. This will not be a play-by-play of the game, even though I'm using the tutorial in the news article above.

Characters are corebook mortals with 35 experience. You're playing the proud and few from the armies and special forces of the world. I require each player to represent a different Council nation (i.e. America, Great Britain, China, Germany, Russia, Brazil, etc.). Specialize. Snipers, assault, support, even be a more technical minded character for SHIVs and the like*. Tell me why you would be recruited.

The how will be part of your Intro.

Also poking @Grey , @Vanman , @Skrakes , @Inquisitor Muhaha , @Cabin Girl Frixz , and @Alexandra if they'd be interested as well!

So, anyone interested?

*PSI potential will be handled by me, the almighty roller!

[QUOTE="Cthulhu_Wakes]This will not be a play-by-play of the game

Is this a chat game?
No, I meant it won't be following the story of the game, it'll be a play-by-post game, if I can drum up enough interest.
[QUOTE="Cthulhu_Wakes]No, I meant it won't be following the story of the game, it'll be a play-by-post game, if I can drum up enough interest.

Ah. Silly me.

I haven't played a military character in ages.

I also suspect Grey would be all over this like white on rice....
I'm IN. Calling ex-SAS infiltrator for Queen and Country, and everyone else if they'll quieten down a bit.

Also, I say go with Integrity and most of GMs chargen, but then just apply the appropriate hacks from Armory. That said, GM does have hardcore combat...

Oh, and I assume it doesn't hurt to have a copy of The Vigil lying around? I'm thinking of Task Force: Valkyrie's crazy tech. Or Cheiron-inspired gene therapies.
Grey said:
Oh, and I assume it doesn't hurt to have a copy of The Vigil lying around? I'm thinking of Task Force: Valkyrie's crazy tech. Or Cheiron-inspired gene therapies.
That actually raises an interesting question; will there be supernaturals in this world, or is it straight up Mortals with an alien invasion happening?


Vampires. In. SPAAAAACE!

EDIT: Just because the above doesn't do my excitement justice, DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN PLEASE LET ME PLAY THIS GAME!

And I'd like America, please. Or whatever is left.
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No spess vampires?


Though in seriousness now; the countries are going to go fast, so at the moment I'm thinking a Stasi agent. For those of you who have never heard of them, the Stasi were the East German secret police, operational between 1950 and 1990.
Question. Will you be using the canon enemies exclusively, or letting your imagination go wild as well?

Also I'm in! And... Aww, Russia and the UK already taken. Drat :\

Hm. I'll think of something.
To answer questions!

Everyone: This will be a mortals-only world with the invasion going on. Just to clarify. Also! Don't worry about the gene therapy and augments and MEC Unit juuuuuuuuuuuust yet. Those will come up as the story goes on. You'll be the glorious redshirts newbies-cum-Squaddies fighting out there on the frontline!

@Grey : Most likely will use Integrity as I do really, really like that aspect of GM. And I may use Valkyrie as one of those odd asides that we in America love doing -- alternate programs. Obviously they won't be hunting supes down. It would be hilarious to have some run-ins from time to time. And fear not, I too had Vigil's nasty augments in mind!

@Taliesin : No worries! There are 16 nations, and I can surely be wheedled to take a nation not exactly on the Council, but can donate for exemplary service merit or a 'particular set of skills' the project could need! Re: the enemies. All of the canon enemies from XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be in here. Plus, maybe, a few of my own invention as a wild card. I do have two in mind.

@Esbilon : Vive la France!

@Alexandra : Want to play ex-Stasi? I've no issues with that. I'll let you and @Inquisitor Muhaha work that out, if you like. Both of you are looking for Germany, even though the Stasi are quite defunct now. Old Regime personnel wouldn't be a bad idea.

@WlfSamurai : I think you've called it in time!
Here's a list of XCOM nations, for the thread's benefit:



South Africa





UK (taken)

Russia (taken)

France (taken)

Germany (taken)

United States (taken)




I am seriously tempted to make an ancient German who's legit ex-SS. Just because I know I can be a pain in your ass that way, Cthulhu.
I suppose I shall take Canada eh if we're doing the dibs thing. Specialty-wise, my pick would be something tech-oriented, because why not.
[QUOTE="Inquisitor Muhaha]I am seriously tempted to make an ancient German who's legit ex-SS. Just because I know I can be a pain in your ass that way, Cthulhu.

You would be in the Special Skyranger! The one used for SHIV target practice :P
"Here's what you do in the modern army, Kommandant - take this here high-ex detpack, and run into the UFO. Then throw it, drop it, whatever. Hope you can still run like you did at Nuremberg."
[QUOTE="Inquisitor Muhaha]It's hilarious because in 2014 he'd be nearing what, 90 potentially?

Depends, the last generation of SS soldiers were in their early teens in 45, so they would be in their mid-eighties. The stereotypical SS veteran officer would be pushing or past a hundred.

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