Alice May

This Note Tells u all About how to make a Character for this RPG

(Has a Cute Surprise if you have finished your Character :3)



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Name: Tracy Ford

Age: almost 16 (in 3 months)

Gender: Female


Appearance: About 5'3, 90 pounds, with black, medium length, a bit messy hair, her blue eyes are usually covered with black eyeliner, wearing ripped skintight blue jeans, with wide leather military-style belt, black tank top, combat boots, spiked choker and spiked bands on her wrists. It's impossible to convince her to change into skirt or dress

Tracy is a half-orphan. Her beloved dad, a military man, had passed away four years earlier (in a stupid car accident). She lives with her mother, Sally, and she's constantly arguing with her. She has much younger brother, Thomas, who is only five now and needed more attention for the last few years than Tracy, but the girl felt neglected by her mother.

Tracy is a rather shy girl, but is trying her best not to show it and hide her thoughts. She tries to use her smile anytime she can. She still remembers from her father's tales that shy and weak animals are trying to look more dangerous than they really are, therefore Tracy is trying to look tougher - kinda like rock chick - than she really is. She noticed recently that boys like confident girls more than shy ones ;)

If she gets a chance to meet somebody closer, she will befriend quickly.

A school student, journalist of a school newspaper. She wants to become a professional journalist in the future.

Tracy still remembers some things her father used to tell her. She knows how to kick. She did use her boots as a weapon one evening when she was attacked walking street after dark - her father used to explain her about the target ;) . In her right boot she carries a foldable Swiss knife.
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