Alert! Red Newbie is In the Base!

The New Kid

New Member
First of all, if you get the reference, congrats. If you didn't, go watch "Meet the Spy."

Now that's out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. I am a person still in high school, who showed potential in creative writing. Of course, given that this is a more "professional" site than what I've previously been on, I highly doubt my 7A means much here. Though, I do enjoy writing, and often do it when gaming tires me, and I've finished a book. I came here simply to RP, and hopefully pick up a few writing skills on the way. But for now, allow me to ask this before I sleep:

Generally speaking, does someone's age influence another person's immediate respect for them? I'm not asking if it should, rather if it does. And do you expect someone to be of a certain skill, before you see their posts, but after you see their age?
Age only matter to me, in the aspect that a 2 year old would not be able to write in the proper grammar. Besides that, I care not what your age is. So long as I like the content, and I get what your saying, i don't care about age.

On another note: Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it here :)
I do, as I believe many others do, to make a split second judgement about the quality of future posts depending on the age of the RPer in question.

However, as proven by MANY members on this site, age has just about jack-shit to do with posting skill, and the mastery and manipulation of grammar.

Personally, I already like the way you post, and hope you have a good imagination to back up your pretty-well flawless grammatical style.

I also hope you enjoy your time here, so, make the most of it and jump right into the RPs!
I personally am not particularly judgmental about the age of the person but their behavior. If you act, speak and RP like a 12 year old, even if you're older, I'm still gonna view you as a twelve year old, and even if you're fifteen or sixteen but act with maturity *coughesmecough* I'm going to keep forgetting you're fifteen or sixteen.
Well, I've never actually written a book before. Granted, I've done some chapters for schoolwork, but that's the extent of it. To be quite honest, I'm not actually able to make up a compelling storyline that can last a decent amount of pages... Yet.
"A red newbie's in the base!?" [Proceeds to grab a shotgun,marches down the stairs,double-quick-time]

PROTECT THE SHOUTBOX! "We need to protect the shoutbox!"

"Yo! A lil' help,here!?" [scout tries to yank door open,steps up,pushes him aside] "Alright,stand back,son. One,one,one...Uhhh...One!" [Door unlocks] "Let's go,let's go!" "INCOMING!!!!!" [Heavy charges through door,taking the Scout and Soldier with him,all shouting] "...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHey! It's still here!" "Ahem. Gentlemen?"

[Meet the Spy title card]

With that out of my system...Welcome! Here at RPN we encourage creativity in all forms. If you have any questions,we'll be happy to answer them. The shoutbox on the main page (By clicking the logo at the top of the page),where you can talk to any online member,in real time.

So,welcome,and enjoy your stay.

"Right behind you..." [stab,stab,stab!]
Hm, I don't think I judge people based on age...

I usually know a person's age before reading their posts, but if the post looks like chopped liver the first thought that comes to mind isn't "How old are they!?". xD

In fact, I still don't know Hatchet's age, and it matters naught 'cause her posting, and grammar *coughnazicough* skills are better then most.

However, I will say that if you're young, and your posting skill/role playing skill are really good, your respect level will go up.

Yay or Neigh?

I typed this up yesterday...but my internet went bonkers. Not sure if the question still stands?

oh right.

Welcome to the site an' all that jazz~

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