Aldric Nickolaus Perseus [The Ties that Bind]


Junior Member

  • Corporate Agent

    Assistant Director (Rank 5)

    Str 3 (-1)

    Dex 8 (+0)

    End 5 (-1)

    Edu 10 (+1)

    Int 10 (+1)

    Soc 11 (+1)

    Carouse 0

    Comms 0

    Computers 2 (+1 DM)

    Deception 2

    Demolition (0)

    Diplomat 1

    Drive (Wheeled) 0

    Gun Combat (Energy Pistols) 0

    Gun Combat (Slug Pistols) 1

    Investigate 3

    Language 0

    Persuade 1

    Recon 0 (+1 DM)

    Remote Operations 1

    Sensors (0)

    Stealth 1

    Streetwise 1

    Vacc Suit 0

[QUOTE="Kaji-Oni]Looks good, can you please post your plus and minus modifiers next to your characteristics?

That should do it.

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