Alchies vs the Wyld!


Junior Member
maybe I just glossed over it, but the Alchemical Exalted don't seem to have any inborn defense against the transformitive powers of the Wyld, nor any charms or protocols dealing with such. Am i just skipping over them?
It would seem to make sense, since there's no such thing as the Wyld in Autocthonia.

The closest thing to the Wyld that Alchems have encountered would probably be the Poles. and I don't remember them having any real defense against those either.
I think the Void is more analagous to the Wyld in Autocthonia: An entropic force slowly chewing away at the fringes.

Once they come across the Wyld and see the effects it has on them, I see no reason why they would not design protective charms to cover this new challenge.
Shouldn't them being made of Five Magical Materials + Adamant prove some innate defense against the Wyld?
the voids more like oblivion from exalted the abyssals.

the wylds simple chaos and it can either good or bad.

its infinite possibletys

the void destroys all things.

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