Alchemicals in Creation Circles


Junior Member
The Alchemicals seem cool, but I'm trying to work out if they'd really work in a mixed circle of Creation dwelling Exalts.  I mean, would you be able to slot an Alchem into a group of Solars and expect to be able to play him properly (considering that at essence 4 he's gonna be about 10 feet tall and still made of metal...).  Also do you think it's possible, if you were to play with an Alchem in the group, to actually construct some modicum of a vat system, so he could gain new charms, etc... without having to trek all the way back to Autochthonia for refits?

I love the idea of the Alchems, but I think it's really irritating trying to play them in creation giving the restrictions on them socially; ie. 12 feet tall and made of clay, crystal and magical materials doesn't lend itself to "fitting in".  I'm wondering if anyone has overcome this problem or think it could be worked out well enough to make alchems in creation playable (I've not really tried it myself for an entire story).
Kajata said:
Also do you think it's possible, if you were to play with an Alchem in the group, to actually construct some modicum of a vat system, so he could gain new charms, etc... without having to trek all the way back to Autochthonia for refits?
Considering that the book actually addresses this, yes.

Kajata said:
I love the idea of the Alchems, but I think it's really irritating trying to play them in creation giving the restrictions on them socially; ie. 12 feet tall and made of clay, crystal and magical materials doesn't lend itself to "fitting in".
Well, they don't have to be humanoid. When they hit the higher Essence ratings, just have them get fitted with a black sportscar for a body.

Can you give me some referances as to where the book addresses that problem?  I can't seem to find it anywhere  :oops:
Kajata said:
Can you give me some referances as to where the book addresses that problem?  I can't seem to find it anywhere  :oops:
I don't have the book with me now to check, but I'll look it up later if nobody beats me to it.

The book mentions (somewhere) that it might be theoretically possible to create a vat complex in Creation, but it would require a  fairly beefy manse and a lot of resources. I beleive it would also belch out a lot of blacktog and pollute the crap out of the surrounding area.

Alchemicals aren't really supposed to run with Celestials.  It's not that they aren't powerful enough, they are at least as powerful as Lunars, its just that they don't have the right support facilities.  Without those facilities, they cannot add or remove Charms, cannot learn new Charms or Combos and cannot improve Attributes or Essence, meaning that, without a successful Locust Crusade or some really awesome power players helping them, they will become very boring very quickly.  Alchemicals really aren't Exalts anyway, not in the traditional sense anyway, they are much more like magical cyborgs.
I don't know why not, especially if given the correct adversary.

With the First & Forsaken Lion in the mix, i can see a very valuable reason for various types of Exalts to group together, just as long as the ST is half decent, then many plots hooks can be generated, with brilliant results.

It'll be fucking tough though  :twisted:

Of course, you can just rule that they don't have to have all that refitting.  Might increase their power, but I doubt it would do it to an insane degree.  I assume the refit times are just a way to compensate for the fact that training doesn't really make sense for them.

Rule that they have "organic programming" or some such, and let them alter themselves.  Or let them do the same if they take 5 dots in Craft (self-modification) or something.
I just thought of an interesting problem:

Weaving Protocols, unlike Sorcery, work by sending commands to the Design Weavers to make changes directly to the Design.

These protocols also work on the Pattern Spiders in Creation to make changes on the Loom.

With me so far?

Now, the Vat Surrogate Weaving Technique (I think that's the name) protocol allows you to swap out a Charm for one in the Vats instantly.

Here's the rub: Would this protocol allow you to, from Creation, swap out a Charm that was sitting at a Vat complex in Autocthonia?

You commands would go to Creation's Patter Spiders, not the Design Weavers, and since neither has access to the others' Loom/Design), they wouldn't be able to make changes to it, right?

I think I just answered my own question :P

I dunno, I guess technically it shouldn't work, but I'd definately let an alchem in creation use it.  Considering they may be hundreds or thousands of miles away from a vat, surely you could at least allow them to swap charms :P

I'd just say that since the mighty Auto' created all the 'spiders, then I'd guess they could work together, if a protocol demanded it of them.
I think a protocol such as that would be a fairly decent way to allow such things to be used. However, would that combination of things allow for other uses of reality shaping?
Stillborn said:
You commands would go to Creation's Patter Spiders, not the Design Weavers
I don't see any reason why. Protocol prayers go to whoever's relevant. The Alchemical's design is woven by the design weavers, so the pattern spiders don't need to get involved. At a glance I don't see any rules preventing prayers to design weavers from Creation.

Alchemicals: 145: "protocols... function flawlessly within Creation."

It may well be that the protocol's designers failed to think of this (keeping in mind that they're either Autochthon or eons-old supergeniuses using Imprinted Data Cluster, Clarified Data Assimilator, the Abstract Abacus (depending on whether the ST says these "divine algorithms" are logic-based)... um, in fact just about every Alchemical cognitive charm, giving them a dice pool of teh win). If the Alchemical can only pray to the pattern spiders in Creation, they can still (Alchemicals: 146) "reweave patterns directly", summoning their Charms themselves at twice the Essence cost.
The Pattern Spiders and Design Weavers may be networked.

Sorry, images of Alchemicals jumping on AIM (Alchemical Instant Messenger) or fragging each other has got me giggling.

C'mon, tell me that an Alchemical running with a buch of Solars isn't going to get lonely, and miss his/her friends (such as they are).

It'd be worth it for the expression on the Solar's faces when their travelling companion suddenly explodes and a dissociated voice booms "Godlike".
ashenphoenix said:
C'mon, tell me that an Alchemical running with a buch of Solars isn't going to get lonely
Loneliness is non-functional.  :lol:

Seriously though, it would be the humane thing to attune an Alchemical to Autochthon's consciousness so's they wouldn't get lonely. Not that "humane" and "Clarity 10" sit easily next to each other...
Then I have a question for y'all. Currently I am playing the 1 alchem among 3 Lunar. sould I be worried about my character progress like you guys have said? I haven't read the Alchem book except for character creation and some general info.. I didn't realize how my growth would be stunted. Is there no way my character could requistion some mechanic? Or someone who can alter my character in creation? Or am I hosed and forced to only advance my skills, willpower and virtues?

And just to sooth curisity we're searching the S.E. section of creation for chunks of some guy named Yugosh(sp?).
You need to talk to your ST about the backstory they're running. They should make it clear to you what contact you have with your Vats.

You're not searching for... chunks of <i>Yugash</i> are you? That might make getting back to the Vats difficult.
Basically, if your ST is lenient, he might let you build your own vats in creation over a manse etc... It'd probably be a story or so's worth of work to do, but worth it if your game is gonna last a while.

On the other hand if your group (like the group I ST) is highly mobile and has no base camp, per-se, then you're gonna run into difficulties.  Creating a moving vat substitute is probably rather improbable.  Of course, in Exalted, quite literally nothing is impossible.

You've just gotta talk to your ST and see what he thinks is fair really.

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