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Fantasy Akuma no tochi {} Demon Hunter Roleplay {}

Captain Spooks

Your friendly neighborhood Darkwraith

Here's the Character sheet. Please check the other tabs before you make you're character. If you have any question or concerns then please pm me or tag me in the ooc chat.

[centerblock=OPTION][border=10px solid black]
[imageFloat=right][img=9Insert character's appearance here. No realistic pictures please0][/imageFloat]


Codename: {All Demon hunters have a codename}

Age {Tamabingu have no age limit, they don't die from age}


Race: {Check Overview tab}

Alligance: {who are they loyal to? Factions will be in the organization tab}

Soul power: {1-10. Humans can only go up to 5}

Tamabuki: {picture or description. Remember the size depends on the users Soul power}

Squad: {If you want to be a squad leader then pm me. Squad 1's leader is already taken}




weaknesses: {must have at least three}

Special ability: {Every hunter has a special ability. Please make this special, and don't half ass this part}


Bio: {why did they become a demon hunter?}


Enemies: {could be other Demon Hunters}

Theme song: {optional}

Extra: {did I miss anything?}

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Haga Kenzo

"I'm not sure what you want from me, but you can stick to your stuck up group"



Haga Kenzo










None, as of right now

Soul power:

unknown, his soul is extremely powerful {He's the only exception to the human soul power limit}.



{His Tamabuki is much much larger than any other Hunter's weapons. Out of every characters his will be the largest.}


Currently not assigned to one


High School student




150 Pounds


~Extremely strong soul~

~Never gives up on anything~

~Isn't easily manipulated, or controlled~


~Cannot control his soul, he can only summon his Tamabuki~

~Uses brute force to win battles~

~Ignorant to the power and abilities of his opponents~

~as of right now he can't use magic~

Special ability:

~Seal Breaker~

Kenzo can break the seals that block the rest of his soul. There are a total of 4 seals, and each one reveals more power, but each level takes more of a tole on his body. When the final seal is broken Kenzo has only 5 minuets before his soul destroys itself

~Seal one~

An unbreakable mask forms around Kenzo's face, but only part of it forms. His Tamabuki also shrinks and becomes a slim katana. His strength and speed go up tremendously.


~Seal Two~

The mask fully forms, and a white robe appears around him. His Tamabuki splits into two swords.


~Seal Three~

Pieces of white armor forms around his legs, chest, and arms. His Tamabuki forms two floating swords that aid him in battle.


~Seal Four~

The final and most powerful form. Kenzo can only stay in this form for 5 minuets before his soul destroys itself. He is sealed in white armor, and his Tamabuki's grow to a huge length. Nothing survives this form.



Kenzo is what you call different. He's quick to jump into a fight, and he doesn't really give a shit about anything. He would rather focus on his own survival, but he isn't afraid to reach out to save someones life. And when he does then it must mean he really likes you, or that you just got lucky. Kenzo has a short fuse, and he holds on to grudges for an eternity. In school he's known for being a delinquent due to his hostile attitude, and his knack for getting into fights. He's straightforward and he doesn't beat around the bush. Kenzo is rather hostile twords the Bound Genesis due to his fear that they will only use him as a weapon, and not see him as a person. He hates having attention drawn twords him, but it's hard to do that with two different colored eyes and the amount of power that he has. Everyone usually steers clear of him.


When Kenzo was born his soul was unstable. If the Elder of the Bound Genesis hadn't arrived in the hospital and seal most of his soul, then Kenzo's soul would have exploded, killing thousands. Kenzo's birth was only told to high ranking Akuhanta's, and he went on to live a normal life... Well not exactly. Kenzo could always see weird stuff, from spirits to guys wielding weapons. He tried to tell people, but they called him crazy and eventually he stopped telling people about what he saw. Kenzo always attracted trouble, from bullies to demons he somehow survived for a couple of years... Mostly to blind luck, but the guy's still standing today. Anyways, once Kenzo learned how to summon his Tamabuki the Bound Genesis noticed him, but there not sure if he's real. One thing for sure is that recently Demons are being destroyed by someone powerful, but they can't find out who it is.


none as of now, but it's a wise choice to become one.


Anyone who pisses him off.

Theme song:


~Kenzo will be the strongest character in this Roleplay~

~His eyes are actually different colors, he gets a lot of shit for it~

~He'll rarely go above Seal Two~
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Name: Skylar Zinn

Codename: {All Demon hunters have a codename} Jinx

Age {Tamabingu have no age limit, they don't die from age} 21

Gender: nonbinary

Race: {Check Overview tab} human Akahanta

Alligance: {who are they loyal to? Factions will be in the organization tab} Akahanta

Soul power: {1-10. Humans can only go up to 5} 3

Tamabuki: {picture or description. Remember the size depends on the users Soul power}

Squad: {If you want to be a squad leader then pm me. Squad 1's leader is already taken} probably not the leader

Height: 5'3

weight: lean

Strengths: very lucky, hard to intimidate, pretty good at hand to hand combat

weaknesses: {must have at least three} reckless, low tolerance for suffering, controlled by emotions, over confident

Special ability: {Every hunter has a special ability. Please make this special, and don't half ass this part} limited probability manipulation (For example if a man is shooting at them he wouldn't suddenly lose control of his bowls or something equally improbable. But theirs substantial chance that his gun would chance and a very good chance that the bullet would miss, unless he is a highly skilled marksman. Their luck isn't so much that it makes them immortal, but it definitely gives them an edge.)

Personality: Brash and reckless, Skylar has never been one to miss a fight. They're not competently heartless, but they definitely put their own wants before anything else. Skylar usually maintains a carefree and cocky attitude but are quick to anger if things don't go their way. They're not one for restraint, not ever missing a chance to indulge themself in whatever they find entertaining.

Bio: {why did they become a demon hunter?} Growing up with little supervision and lots of money, Skylar acquired a taste for dangerous excitement early on. They picked fights, stole, vandalized, caused all shorts of trouble. With their superhuman luck on their side and their parents money to bail them out when that failed, Skylar felt unstoppable. Things changed when after a partially bad arrest their parents finally cut them off. But Skylar found a way to get more excitement and money then ever before, a career as a demon hunter.

Allies: none yet (message me if you want your character allied with them)

Enemies: {could be other Demon Hunters} none yet (message me if you want your character to be their enemy)

hunters rise

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Bec said:

?cb=20140527231243 0[/img]


Name: Skylar Zinn

Codename: {All Demon hunters have a codename} Jinx

Age {Tamabingu have no age limit, they don't die from age} 21

Gender: nonbinary

Race: {Check Overview tab} human Akahanta

Alligance: {who are they loyal to? Factions will be in the organization tab} Akahanta

Soul power: {1-10. Humans can only go up to 5} 3

Tamabuki: {picture or description. Remember the size depends on the users Soul power}

Squad: {If you want to be a squad leader then pm me. Squad 1's leader is already taken} probably not the leader

Height: 5'3

weight: lean

Strengths: very lucky, hard to intimidate, pretty good at hand to hand combat

weaknesses: {must have at least three} reckless, low tolerance for suffering, controlled by emotions, over confident

Special ability: {Every hunter has a special ability. Please make this special, and don't half ass this part} limited probability manipulation (For example if a man is shooting at them he wouldn't suddenly lose control of his bowls or something equally improbable. But theirs substantial chance that his gun would chance and a very good chance that the bullet would miss, unless he is a highly skilled marksman. Their luck isn't so much that it makes them immortal, but it definitely gives them an edge.)

Personality: Brash and reckless, Skylar has never been one to miss a fight. They're not competently heartless, but they definitely put their own wants before anything else. Skylar usually maintains a carefree and cocky attitude but are quick to anger if things don't go their way. They're not one for restraint, not ever missing a chance to indulge themself in whatever they find entertaining.

Bio: {why did they become a demon hunter?} Growing up with little supervision and lots of money, Skylar acquired a taste for dangerous excitement early on. They picked fights, stole, vandalized, caused all shorts of trouble. With their superhuman luck on their side and their parents money to bail them out when that failed, Skylar felt unstoppable. Things changed when after a partially bad arrest their parents finally cut them off. But Skylar found a way to get more excitement and money then ever before, a career as a demon hunter.

Allies: none yet (message me if you want your character allied with them)

Enemies: {could be other Demon Hunters} none yet (message me if you want your character to be their enemy)

hunters rise

Accepted, we will wait for three more people to joim.


Keaton Jackson

Codename: None at the moment

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Alligance: None

Soul power: Speculated 5, not actually been tested.


Squad: None

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 163 lbs


Independent, can stand easily (and possibly more comfortably) alone

Solves problems very efficiently

Survivor, has good instincts and skills for survival


Manipulable when under pressure

Runs away from people, has paranoia around them

Defensive player, isn't aggressive in combat

Special ability: Stealth adaptation - Keaton naturally blends into his environments, making him hard to pick out. For some reason, he always is hard to focus on and remember. You can't pick him out in a crowd, and the shadows always seem to favor him when it comes to hiding him. Keaton also moves eerily silently.

Personality: Keaton is a solitary creature, favoring being alone than having company. He is cold to others, and doesn't talk much. Keaton doesn't fool around when accomplishing goals, he likes to get things done the most via the most efficient way. He is hard to form a relationship with, but once he forms one he is loyal to his friends and allies.

Bio: Keaton lived in a dumpy house in the rural areas of the city with his parents. He went to school and was devoted to digging them out of the pit that they were in. Sadly, when he was 14 he returned from school to find his parents missing. Not knowing what to do, he delved into a life of homelessness around the city. Every week he would move somewhere else, being passed by people that thought that he was just poor scum. Keaton was able to summon his tamabuki (he found out by accident) by 16, and was using it to fight off demons that went near him, without really going through with the job and fully finishing them off. Over the years, he has slowly attracted more demon attention as has been running more and more. The Bound Genesis has gotten reports of him and have tried to find him, but always come up empty handed. Keaton wants to keep it that way.

Allies: None

Enemies: Demons, the public in general

Theme song: [media]

Extra: Hunters rise?

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Foundry said:


Keaton Jackson

Codename: None at the moment

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Alligance: None

Soul power: Speculated 5, not actually been tested.


Squad: None

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 163 lbs


Independent, can stand easily (and possibly more comfortably) alone

Solves problems very efficiently

Survivor, has good instincts and skills for survival


Manipulable when under pressure

Runs away from people, has paranoia around them

Defensive player, isn't aggressive in combat

Special ability: Stealth adaptation - Keaton naturally blends into his environments, making him hard to pick out. For some reason, he always is hard to focus on and remember. You can't pick him out in a crowd, and the shadows always seem to favor him when it comes to hiding him. Keaton also moves eerily silently.

Personality: Keaton is a solitary creature, favoring being alone than having company. He is cold to others, and doesn't talk much. Keaton doesn't fool around when accomplishing goals, he likes to get things done the most via the most efficient way. He is hard to form a relationship with, but once he forms one he is loyal to his friends and allies.

Bio: Keaton lived in a dumpy house in the rural areas of the city with his parents. He went to school and was devoted to digging them out of the pit that they were in. Sadly, when he was 14 he returned from school to find his parents missing. Not knowing what to do, he delved into a life of homelessness around the city. Every week he would move somewhere else, being passed by people that thought that he was just poor scum. Keaton was able to summon his tamabuki (he found out by accident) by 16, and was using it to fight off demons that went near him, without really going through with the job and fully finishing them off. Over the years, he has slowly attracted more demon attention as has been running more and more. The Bound Genesis has gotten reports of him and have tried to find him, but always come up empty handed. Keaton wants to keep it that way.

Allies: None

Enemies: Demons, the public in general

Theme song: [media]

Extra: Hunters rise?

Accepted. We can start now if you want to.


Name: Aki Shino


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human Akuhanta

Alligance: Akuhanta

Soul power: 4

Tamabuki: Huge warhammer


Squad: Squad 1

Height: 5.5

Weight: light

Strengths: Can keep calm and optimistic in almost any situations. Trained reflexes.

Weaknesses: Too loyal, physically weak, self-hatred.

Special ability: Mimic Spell. Ability to mimic sounds, actions and even appearance under the form of illusions to deceive others, but these illusions are fragile and will eventually fade if the manipulated person concentrates on it.

Personality: Light hearted, friendly and optimist to the point of annoying. These are what people see at her and also what she wants to be. But she knows and despises what she is – she possesses a warped mind, she enjoys seeing other’s suffering and nothing brings her as much pleasure as killing a person with her own hand. Hating herself, her biggest fear is for someone to discover her true self.

Bio: When she was just a child, an Akuhanta noticed an evil force inside her, which guaranteed her to become a demon in the future. But because their rules forbid harming human they had no choice but to take her away from her parents place her under the Bound Genesis’s custody. There she was trained as a Demon Hunter and surprisingly grows up as a normal girl, but little did they know about her true self. She knows full well if her secret was to be revealed, she will no longer be welcomed here.


Enemies: {could be other Demon Hunters}

Extra: Hunter rise!!!??

[QUOTE="Guardian Demon]


Name: Aki Shino


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human Akuhanta

Alligance: Akuhanta

Soul power: 4

Tamabuki: Huge warhammer


Squad: Squad 1

Height: 5.5

Weight: light

Strengths: Can keep calm and optimistic in almost any situations. Trained reflexes.

Weaknesses: Too loyal, physically weak, self-hatred.

Special ability: Mimic Spell. Ability to mimic sounds, actions and even appearance under the form of illusions to deceive others, but these illusions are fragile and will eventually fade if the manipulated person concentrates on it.

Personality: Light hearted, friendly and optimist to the point of annoying. These are what people see at her and also what she wants to be. But she knows and despises what she is – she possesses a warped mind, she enjoys seeing other’s suffering and nothing brings her as much pleasure as killing a person with her own hand. Hating herself, her biggest fear is for someone to discover her true self.

Bio: When she was just a child, an Akuhanta noticed an evil force inside her, which guaranteed her to become a demon in the future. But because their rules forbid harming human they had no choice but to take her away from her parents place her under the Bound Genesis’s custody. There she was trained as a Demon Hunter and surprisingly grows up as a normal girl, but little did they know about her true self. She knows full well if her secret was to be revealed, she will no longer be welcomed here.


Enemies: {could be other Demon Hunters}

Extra: Hunter rise!!!??

Accepted, I'll get to.work on the first post.

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