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Fandom Akame Ga Kill (Alternative)

@Himeragi Seiker, would having Yatsufusa be allowed? Y'know, Kurome's blade.

Also, would it be possible to be a "collector" of Imperial Arms? Collector as in keeps a small stash of them (maybe four or five), but can't really use any of them?
Kiyoko Tomoe] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13377-himeragi-seiker/ said:
@Himeragi Seiker[/URL], would having Yatsufusa be allowed? Y'know, Kurome's blade.
Also, would it be possible to be a "collector" of Imperial Arms? Collector as in keeps a small stash of them (maybe four or five), but can't really use any of them?
well...i suppose you can use Kurome's blade. but you cant really be a collector of imperial arms.
Alright, perfectly fine by me.

Forgive me, but I can't really go and create the full character without getting this one at least out of my mind... Expecting a no, but better a proper no than this stay in my head and torment me, given it rests right in front of me as I make the character >~<

So... A second Imperial Arms possible? One that's pretty much a defensive and support kind of Imperial Arms, as in it doesn't actually do much in the way of harm... A giant fan, one durable enough to withstand various blows from Extase, though has solely defensive properties aside from the ability to send an enemy back a little ways with a large gust of wind; not enough power to the wind to actually harm a person though, not even a scratch from a loose pebble or anything as the pebble wouldn't be kept in the air by the wind. Enough to keep somebody at a slight distance though, albeit it can get rather tiring to have to swing the fan every time one wishes to use its wind.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Alright, perfectly fine by me.
Forgive me, but I can't really go and create the full character without getting this one at least out of my mind... Expecting a no, but better a proper no than this stay in my head and torment me, given it rests right in front of me as I make the character >~<

So... A second Imperial Arms possible? One that's pretty much a defensive and support kind of Imperial Arms, as in it doesn't actually do much in the way of harm... A giant fan, one durable enough to withstand various blows from Extase, though has solely defensive properties aside from the ability to send an enemy back a little ways with a large gust of wind; not enough power to the wind to actually harm a person though, not even a scratch from a loose pebble or anything as the pebble wouldn't be kept in the air by the wind. Enough to keep somebody at a slight distance though, albeit it can get rather tiring to have to swing the fan every time one wishes to use its wind.

well you can only use one Imperial Arms so no you cant have a second Imperial Arms xD
Now then... I have just one last question, one that's rather necessary... As we all should probably know, Run's now one of the "revived" puppet corpses that can be controlled by Yatsufusa... Run still has his Teigu as a puppet of the Yatsufusa, so it leads me to ask if I'm allowed to use him with his Teigu should my character make use of the ability the blade has to summon/control them. Would that be allowed?
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]In other words... I have to make and bake a bunch of characters... This is going to be a good bit problematic... Oh well, I at least can make reference to characters such as who they look up to and whatnot, right...? >~<

yep. problematic. hmmmm maybe you can try coming up with a blade that summons undead skeletons instead?
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]yep. problematic. hmmmm maybe you can try coming up with a blade that summons undead skeletons instead?

No no, that would be a bit too conflicting with the definitions of Teigu and Shingu. If it were a skeleton-summoning blade, it would be considered a Shingu seeing as it would be a blade purposed with being stronger than the Tengu Yatsufusa, but ended up weaker. *takes lore of things seriously when doing fandom RP's*
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]No no, that would be a bit too conflicting with the definitions of Teigu and Shingu. If it were a skeleton-summoning blade, it would be considered a Shingu seeing as it would be a blade purposed with being stronger than the Tengu Yatsufusa, but ended up weaker. *takes lore of things seriously when doing fandom RP's*

well...okay. what ever suits you xD
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]well...okay. what ever suits you xD

Don't worry, I'll enjoy making the characters. I enjoy making characters after all, y'know. It's just that I was a bit disappointed at first, having to figure out what to do for the characters.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Don't worry, I'll enjoy making the characters. I enjoy making characters after all, y'know. It's just that I was a bit disappointed at first, having to figure out what to do for the characters.

I fear I may have a bit of changes to do, but posting her as-is... Feel free to let me know if you have any problems, and I'll try to correct them >~<
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]of course. just make a character sign up

Ok I'll make a good cs if I can.


[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]of course. just make a character sign up

I posted it just tell me what I need to change.
Not really my choice, though I would like to comment that I'm not all that certain there's be any such thing as miniguns in the medieval setting that Akame Ga Kill has... :sweat:
@GIGN Might I recommend making that trump card go from 50 meters to 1000? 50 meters isn't much in terms of a straight path, given a mile is approximately 1600 meters... Also, the seeing through solid objects and walls seems a bit off for the type of weapon. Something with perception and strength actually surpasses a Teigu. A single Teigu only has one type of ability, as they're only able to be made from a single Danger Beast and danger Beasts only have one type of ability to them.

Don't go by my word though, Himeragi makes the choices and this is just my input that doesn't matter :x
Kiyoko Tomoe] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18185-gign/ said:
@GIGN[/URL] Might I recommend making that trump card go from 50 meters to 1000? 50 meters isn't much in terms of a straight path, given a mile is approximately 1600 meters... Also, the seeing through solid objects and walls seems a bit off for the type of weapon. Something with perception and strength actually surpasses a Teigu. A single Teigu only has one type of ability, as they're only able to be made from a single Danger Beast and danger Beasts only have one type of ability to them.
Don't go by my word though, Himeragi makes the choices and this is just my input that doesn't matter :x
actually il just have u like verify the CS Teigu's cuz...i dont know a lot of about Teigus and ur an expert so yea xD . (Making you Co-Founder of this RP)
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]actually il just have u like verify the CS Teigu's cuz...i dont know a lot of about Teigus and ur an expert so yea xD . (Making you Co-Founder of this RP)

Okay, will do! o~o

I'm definitely getting a lot on my plate today... It's not anything I can't handle, but it is a little intimidating to get everything put there within a select three-hour span :x
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Okay, will do! o~o
I'm definitely getting a lot on my plate today... It's not anything I can't handle, but it is a little intimidating to get everything put there within a select three-hour span :x

yea...btw u owe me a post

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