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Ain't a hero yet 1x1

Akira stands back up on her two feet, a little wobbly but standing none the less. Sighing, she walked forwards back to the changing room to change back into her clothes.
Akira came out a few minutes later, still quite sleepy but dressed in her regular clothes. "We should go soon." She mumbled, walking up to him and taking his hand.
Akira smiled, nodding briefly before turning towards the door. "Then let's head home. I have some rest I need to catch up on."
He soon reached her place, hearing her snore lightly. "She's fallen asleep already... well, it was one heck of a day," he said quietly to himself before taking her up to her room/
He blushed, hearing her light giggle and found it more adorable about her before taking her keys out and enter into her apartment room.
He soon tries to get her onto her couch but feels her arms won't let him go. "Come on Akira..." he said tiredly before giving a light yawn as it was a bit of a stressful day.
Arthur looks to Akira, seeing her sleeping soundily as she snuggles close to him, he couldn't help but smile before cuddling close to her, holding her close to him.

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