

Aidan Morris Blake
Boy #4

Aidan has a sort of strange attractiveness about him. Although some would argue he isn't actually good looking, his brown eyes and charming smile make people forget his bad complexion and wide nose. Either way, he doesn't care what people think; he's happy with how he looks. He has dark brown hair and an oval face shape. From years of acne, he suffers from scars, but rarely breaks out anymore. He isn't overly tall, but of average height, and his figure is toned and slim. He usually wears jeans and tees, but will sometimes but on a shirt or a hoodie. He doesn't much care for fashion.
noticeable marks:
Aidan has a scar on his shoulder and a long one stretching from his wrist to his elbow; both were gifted to him in a car crash when he was just eight. He hasn't gotten any tattoos yet, but would like one.

Cynical - Aidan doesn't have the best view on the world. From a life full of disappointment, he has come to understand that nothing on earth is fair. Good people die, bad people thrive. It has driven him to be impulsive; at the end of the day, everyone ends at one point or another, so he might as well do what he wants in the moment.
Angry - Aidan has a lot of pent up anger, and he doesn't deal with it very well. If something sad happens to him, he misinterprets it as anger. If something good happens to him, he thinks it's a joke and he gets angry. He smashes things up and shouts, but he hates himself afterwards; which, in turn, makes him more angry.
Careless - Sometimes, because of Aidan's impulsiveness, he can do things to upset people. He breaks things and calls people names, but again, once he's gotten all his anger out of his system, he feels so terrible, it eats him up.
Childish - Aidan will do any dare, not matter how dangerous or stupid. He'll pull any prank, which often gets him into trouble. He picks fights with people he doesn't know. A lot of what he does is just to impress people.
Ignorant - Although Aidan is good at sympathizing with people, he needs their emotions to be very obvious. He can't take hints and doesn't understand subtlety. If you don't tell him to stop being a jerk, or show that he's pissing you off, he'll just continue pushing.
Kind - Aidan has a very caring nature to him. He hates to see people sad or crying. Aidan always thinks that it's the little things that count, so he gives out as many hugs as he can. He's not one for expensive things or fancy things, but small things like movie nights and picnics and parties are a good place to start when it comes to cheering people up.
Youthful - Aidan likes to grab life and let it lead him wherever it wants. He often doesn't think about the consequences of his actions, but nevertheless he enjoys what he does; the dares he pulls off and the reckless pranks, it makes him feel alive.
Empathetic - If Aidan sees someone crying, no matter what the situation, he will do his best to make them feel better. He adapts to the situation. Somehow he just knows whether they need a hug or alone time. He can tell if someone needs a motivational speech, or a bag of chips. It comes naturally to him.
Protective - Because of his small family and lack of a father, Aidan has always had to be the head of the household. He always had to look after his brother and his Mother, he always had to take care of them when debt collectors came the door or if bullies did something to Alex. If he sees anyone being picked on by someone bigger than them, he'll step in. If there's one thing he hates; it's bullies.
Gamely - Aidan knows when to put on a brave face. Even if he's dying inside; he'll smile for his Mother. However, this can be bad for him; if he holds in his emotions too long, he'll have an outburst.

Alex Timothy Blake - 12 - Alex is five years younger than Aidan, but he's already started to show signs of delinquency. He caught him with a packet of cigarettes and a switchblade. Still,
they maintain a good relationship and Aidan is doing his best to stop him from doing things he'll regret.
Paula Marie Larson - 38 - Alex loves his Mother, but she can be frustrating. She forgets things, rarely goes shopping, and focuses a lot on making new friends and meeting douchbag guys. She's trying to make up for a lost youth, but she hasn't found anything to make her happy.
Earl Walker Blake - 40 - Aidan doesn't have a clue where his Father is, and doesn't want to know. If he ever saw him, lets just say all the pent up anger he has ever held would be taken out on him.
Alcohol - Alcohol is something that almost every kid his age drinks. When he gets drunk and throws up everywhere and does stupid things, people life and call him a legend. But in reality, alcohol is the only thing that can help him put all the shit in his life behind him; it turns him into someone else, someone who doesn't have troubles. He would never admit that he's addicted, but deep down he knows it's a problem.

The first few years of Aidan's life seemed to be great. Of course, his parents didn't have much money and they lived in a one bedroom apartment. His Mother was madly in love with his Father, who used to get drunk and smack her around. But, Paula would have done anything to make him happy; to make their little family work. Aidan rarely saw the real cracks, or he just didn't understand them because he was so young, but once his brother was born, things really broke down and Aidan saw his Father in a new light.
Aidan had to look after Alex a lot. He had to protect him from his Father and put him to bed and nurse him when he was sad. His Mother cried a lot back then. One night, Earl had gotten extremely drunk. He'd knocked Paula around, and something suddenly clicked in her. She took the boys and drove, she didn't know where to. Her own Mother hadn't contacted her for years and she had no other relatives. All she knew was that she had to protect her kids from that monster. But, her hysterical crying made her lose focus and on an intersection, she slammed into another car at 50mp/h. Luckily, no one died. Alex had been right at the back of the car, and luckily only suffered a little whiplash. But Aidan, who had been in the passenger seat had been the most affected. The front of the car had been crushed and along with it, his arm. Paula did everything she could to get him out, but ultimately, it was down to the fire department.
Aidan still has memories of all the blood. In the end, he was lucky. The doctors told him if it had been any worse, they wouldn't have been able to save his arm. Altogether, he had a fractured leg, two breaks in his arm and a broken collarbone. They had to operate on his arm. To this day, he doesn't have any feeling in his left hand because of the severed nerves.
For two weeks, Aidan was in the hospital. In the second week, Earl visited. He felt responsible, and made the choice to leave everything behind. He didn't want the look of hatred from his kids, or his wife. So he just left them. After that, Paula moved herself and the boys into a new apartment. A new life.
They didn't have any money and Paula was always working. Aidan made didn't do well at school; he skipped classes and argued with teachers. But, at home, he had to look after his Mother and Alex. He'd make dinner and clean up. It was like he was a different person.
As Alex grew up, he stared to be just like Aidan. He'd get into fights and come home late. Paula was either at work or out with friends to really do anything, so it was down to Aidan to put a stop to Alex's bad behavior. But, no matter how many pep talks he gave him, Aidan jut felt like a hypocrite, and so Alex carried on being just like his bog brother. Aidan hopes it's just a phase.