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AHS Romance, Anyone?


Hello, there!

Well, it's been a while since I've been on here last. I have missed RPing so much that it is unreal! So, anyways, I've decided to try and do this once again. Hopefully this time, I can actually keep myself from becoming so busy.

Why am I here?

I know those who are reading this are thinking 'alright, Am, get to the point already!' I am in search for a 1 one 1 fandom from one of my favorite shows, American Horror Story (Season 1), and my favorite pairing of any I've had before; Tate and Violet.

I don't want the same exact relationship that Tate and Voilet have — I want something with the slight incorporations. I absolutely love the relationship between the pair, even though it's not at all perfect by any standards, but it is pretty adorable.

My Requirements.

I would really appreciate more detailed paragraphs, but I am generally really understanding when it comes to having a moment when you cannot think of what to type—or, well, you can but it isn't six-hundred words long and three plus paragraphs! We all get like that, I know I do.

2.) Be able to post at least once or twice a day. If you can't, feel free to let me know! As I've stated above, I'm generally understanding.

3.) If at any time during the role-play you get bored, please let me know! The one thing I cannot stand —and I mean can't stand— is to be totally ignored. It rubs me the wrong way all over. I'm sure that's everyone, though! Haha.

4.) If there is something that you'd like to change about the role-play, feel free to contact me and ask me about it. Most likely, we will feel the same way about it.

Only four requirements? Oh yeah!

Anyway, any questions, concerns, etcetera, feel free to contact me! I'm willing to work with someone to get all the details out. ^.^
[QUOTE="Good Vibes]Yo! c: I'd LOVE to do AHS with you!

I will pm you right now. :D
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