One Time Luck
- One on One
- Group
Hello hello! ...I've been having *awful* luck finding like-minded roleplayers, so this is my last-ditch-attempt before I go (practically) cold turkey on RP.
I don't have the energy to make this post as all encompassing(or clean) as I'd like-- so if there is *anything* you're curious about, PLEASE ask.
Anyhow, let's get on with it, yeah?
Now, abit about myself! ^-^
I'm nineteen, twenty in May. I don't really care how old *you* are, as long as we're not writing anything sexual-- but I'm no stranger to gore and emotionally distressing topics, so *be WARNED*, there's GOING to be dark themes here and there!
I'm a lad, he/him-- no preference for my partner's gender.
Let me know if you've got any triggers!..- or even just stuff you're kinda "eeeeh" with...... I don't mind having to avoid or get creative with some stuff if it means keeping you comfortable--- if I weren't willing to compromise on things, I'd be writing a fanfic- not roleplaying.
Speaking of triggers, I don't really have many "hard no"s...
I hate anything involving finger/toe-nail damage. Don't want to touch ANYTHING incestuous or pedophilic with a 100-foot pole...... Don't talk about politics or real life tragedies around me--- and give me fair warning about anything suicide related.
I *know* there's going to be a good handful of dark topics in this RP-- but I REALLY hate when stuff is ALL angst / horror / negative all the time... I'm a man who likes a good silver lining. For every breakdown or injury, there's gotta be a scene about hope, growth, or just goofiness. Generally, I like characters being hurt because you then get to see them *heal*.
There can be exceptions to that rule, of course. Tragedies can be immensely interesting-- and I can't say they won't potentially be present in my RPs--- but I'd like for our characters to have an ultimately positive adventure.
I haven't roleplayed in a LOOOONNNG time-- and I'm a Verrry visual person, so I might have a hard time writing certain stuff scene-to-scene. Though, I'll try my best to make sure my replies are both fun to read- and easy to respond to! ^-^;;
My writing style is about boiling / refining all the actions, thoughts, and dialogue down into only what's actually *important* and *needed*-- they might seem abit short because of that- but by default, It'll be *at least* afew paragraphs.
I don't care how long or short your replies are, so long as you give me some actions to work off of / react to.
My default is third-person. I usually write in present or past tense- but every now and then I sprinkle in future-tense when I think it fits. No preference for what POV and tense you write in though!-- infact, I actually find first and second person to be really fun to read! : D
I don't have much preference for what site we roleplay on. I personally like Toyhouse worlds due to the HTML and CSS access- but I know that's not everyone's style, so Discord or RPNation work just fine.
Also, I'm happy to "double-up", especially with the more self-indulgent ideas. I prefer to have the doubling-up be two separate RPs, you scratch my back I scratch yours.
I deal with a handful of mental health issues, motivation and consistency aren't exactly my strong suites-- and I'm *already* a slow writer as is... So you may get aton of replies in the span of a single day--- or you could get only a singular one within an entire month..- it really just depends on how I'm feeling. The only thing I can promise is that at *one point* you WILL get a reply.
Finally- OOC chat is unnecessary, though not unwelcome. My main focus is on writing a story together, rather than becoming friends-- but I'm far from anti-social, so no worries if you just want to chat every now and then.
Now!- plots!! I'll be focusing almost entirely on fandom related ideas, as that's what I've got the most interest in right now.
Anything involving romance or OCs will be marked with a heart ♥ and sunflower
symbol respectively.
While I talk confidently about my plothooks- *nothing* is set in stone. I'm happy to discuss alternative ideas based off the stuff below!-- so if there's a concept you generally like but want a detail or two added / removed, just let me know! This includes changing platonic plots into romantic ones, and vice versa ^-^
Metal Sonic is my MAIN interest and is *the* reason why I'm so into StH-- so, all the plots listed below revolve around the badnik in some way or another.
I've got lots of headcanons for him, some of which can be found >here<.
Apologies for the bad formatting/organization, it's still a WIP and--- it's just...-- Metal Sonic is by FAR my all time favorite character- so I've got an absolute TON of characterization for the lad- and it's *really* hard to fit years worth of thought into words, you know?
Currently one of my MAIN interests! The funny little alchemist from this series has abit of a chokehold on me at the moment! ^-^
......Aaand *that's* all my energy spent. I've got a bajillion other story drafts that'd probably work as RPs with afew tweaks(I didn't even talk about my current favorite idea!), but I simply do not have the brain power to make this any longer than it already is.
You're welcome to ask about these unmentioned concepts- but be warned when talking about them I'll be even LESS eloquent than I already am hhh
I don't have the energy to make this post as all encompassing
Anyhow, let's get on with it, yeah?
Now, abit about myself! ^-^
I'm nineteen, twenty in May. I don't really care how old *you* are, as long as we're not writing anything sexual-- but I'm no stranger to gore and emotionally distressing topics, so *be WARNED*, there's GOING to be dark themes here and there!
I'm a lad, he/him-- no preference for my partner's gender.
Let me know if you've got any triggers!..- or even just stuff you're kinda "eeeeh" with...... I don't mind having to avoid or get creative with some stuff if it means keeping you comfortable--- if I weren't willing to compromise on things, I'd be writing a fanfic- not roleplaying.
Speaking of triggers, I don't really have many "hard no"s...
I hate anything involving finger/toe-nail damage. Don't want to touch ANYTHING incestuous or pedophilic with a 100-foot pole...... Don't talk about politics or real life tragedies around me--- and give me fair warning about anything suicide related.
I *know* there's going to be a good handful of dark topics in this RP-- but I REALLY hate when stuff is ALL angst / horror / negative all the time... I'm a man who likes a good silver lining. For every breakdown or injury, there's gotta be a scene about hope, growth, or just goofiness. Generally, I like characters being hurt because you then get to see them *heal*.
There can be exceptions to that rule, of course. Tragedies can be immensely interesting-- and I can't say they won't potentially be present in my RPs--- but I'd like for our characters to have an ultimately positive adventure.
I haven't roleplayed in a LOOOONNNG time-- and I'm a Verrry visual person, so I might have a hard time writing certain stuff scene-to-scene. Though, I'll try my best to make sure my replies are both fun to read- and easy to respond to! ^-^;;
My writing style is about boiling / refining all the actions, thoughts, and dialogue down into only what's actually *important* and *needed*-- they might seem abit short because of that- but by default, It'll be *at least* afew paragraphs.
I don't care how long or short your replies are, so long as you give me some actions to work off of / react to.
My default is third-person. I usually write in present or past tense- but every now and then I sprinkle in future-tense when I think it fits. No preference for what POV and tense you write in though!-- infact, I actually find first and second person to be really fun to read! : D
I don't have much preference for what site we roleplay on. I personally like Toyhouse worlds due to the HTML and CSS access- but I know that's not everyone's style, so Discord or RPNation work just fine.
Also, I'm happy to "double-up", especially with the more self-indulgent ideas. I prefer to have the doubling-up be two separate RPs, you scratch my back I scratch yours.
I deal with a handful of mental health issues, motivation and consistency aren't exactly my strong suites-- and I'm *already* a slow writer as is... So you may get aton of replies in the span of a single day--- or you could get only a singular one within an entire month..- it really just depends on how I'm feeling. The only thing I can promise is that at *one point* you WILL get a reply.
Finally- OOC chat is unnecessary, though not unwelcome. My main focus is on writing a story together, rather than becoming friends-- but I'm far from anti-social, so no worries if you just want to chat every now and then.
Now!- plots!! I'll be focusing almost entirely on fandom related ideas, as that's what I've got the most interest in right now.
Anything involving romance or OCs will be marked with a heart ♥ and sunflower

While I talk confidently about my plothooks- *nothing* is set in stone. I'm happy to discuss alternative ideas based off the stuff below!-- so if there's a concept you generally like but want a detail or two added / removed, just let me know! This includes changing platonic plots into romantic ones, and vice versa ^-^
Metal Sonic is my MAIN interest and is *the* reason why I'm so into StH-- so, all the plots listed below revolve around the badnik in some way or another.
I've got lots of headcanons for him, some of which can be found >here<.
Apologies for the bad formatting/organization, it's still a WIP and--- it's just...-- Metal Sonic is by FAR my all time favorite character- so I've got an absolute TON of characterization for the lad- and it's *really* hard to fit years worth of thought into words, you know?
A "café AU" type scenario where Metal accidentally lands himself a job at a small, yet bustling, café! He's able to keep this secret for awhile, but as with every facet of his life- Sonic somehow weasels himself in... Perhaps by accident, or maybe one of his friends (I.e Amy, Tails, etc etc) finds the café first and Sonic gets the info from them?..- who knows, either way he pays Metal a visit and things develop from there.
The only OC involved here is the café owner- and said involvement is very very minimal, really only here to help serve Metal's character arc.
Semi-inspired by the links below, though this RP won't be quite as lighthearted-- as there'll be a bigger emphasis on Metal's struggles with identity, purpose, and his self-destructive habits. This'll be a slow burn!-- and I'd like to play the role of Metal! ^-^
1 / 2 / 3
Anything metonic honestly, It's the only pairing I can genuinely say I "ship". Doppelgangers, robots, redemption arcs, enemies to friends / lovers...-- it ticks the box of nearly ALL my favorite tropes, I absolutely cannot get enough of this silly little duo! ✦✦
I've got..- loootts of other plot ideas for these fellows-- but I don't think I could do 'em justice, so I'll leave it at just the one for now.
I don't really have a specific idea for this one, other than I liked this >fic< and wanted to something similar-- just with Metal instead of Sonic. Mm, though we could have it be Metal AND Sonic?
I'd be playing Metal. As for the other characters..- it depends on the specific group, but I think a semi-even split between us would work? My only condition is that we don't have a scenario where one of us is basically RPing by themselves (, like..- Sonic and Metal are VERY likely to interact one on one, so It wouldn't make sense for one of us to play BOTH of 'em)...
I've got a lengthy, very VERRRY messy, WIP, google doc about this plot! It was written with the intention of commissioning a fic based off it(which I actually did!- will share if we end up RPing together), so that's why it seems like I'm talking to someone in the doc hhh>Google Doc.<I don't think we should follow the ideas listed so directly / closely- but I think an RP vaguely based of the above concepts could be interesting! ^-^That's the only planned out idea I have-- but I'd LOVE to discuss other potential Metal Sonic meets DSMP type scenarios! ₊✦⁺ *Especially* those involving c!Tommy, though I'm happy to consider other characters as well....---------------I'd be playing the role of Metal Sonic- and you, c!Tommy. It's highly unlikely that we'll involve any other characters from either franchise-- and if we do, it'd(probably)be a fake / copy / illusion of them rather than the real deal.Would prefer you write the starter.......Though..- ah, one last important note---I'm *not* a supporter of Dream or Wilbur- and I don't want to interact with those who actively engage with their content-- but I'm fine with RPing, writing, and reading about their characters.
The basic plothook is similar-ish to the DSMP one. Though instead of our main lads(Varian and Metal, in this case)finding themselves trapped in a sub-dimension, Metal is transported into the Tangled universe-- alongside some unstable patches of the Emerald's *attempt* at a sub-dimension.Varian ends up stumbling upon Metal, entangled in vines and vegetation not native to the alchemist's world, seemingly non-functional... Of course, that assumption is wrong-- and Varian gets quite the fright when the badnik makes that fact very abruptly known....I think a mid villain arc Varian would be the best choice for this scenario-- as it gives him a stronger reason to stick with Metal beyond his fascination with machinery. With everyone against him, every potential ally matters a whole lot.Also, having a character whose actively going through the *literal* worst period in their life- gives the Chaos Emerald alot more fuel for its mystic shenanigans.Though, *you're* the one playing Varian- so write him however you want! ^-^......While this plot takes place in Tangled's world, the Chaos Emerald has taken slices from the StH universe with it-- its creations volatile and unpredictable due to being separated from the other gems.I don't have many specific ideas for this plot yet- but I'd really like to have the Chaos Emerald and the Black Rocks interaction / colliding in some way or another...........---------------I'd be taking the role of Metal Sonic-- and you'd be Varian. We'll definitely be including abunch of the other Tangled cast, though they'd be featured significantly less often than the two main fellows.I'm happy with playing Rapunzel and most of the canon cast-- but I would prefer splitting things relatively even between us, if possible.Would prefer you write the starter! ^-^
Currently one of my MAIN interests! The funny little alchemist from this series has abit of a chokehold on me at the moment! ^-^
Basically a "rewrite AU" of the show's original story. Character personalities and backstories are pretty much the same-- but the lore / mythos and alot of plotlines are completely rewritten. I can go into more detail about all that if you want- but for now, I'm just going to list the basics of the plothook.Will heavily feature an OC of mine. A young fellow(Seventeen or Eighteen, depends on Varian's age)who owns a run-down shack on an apple orchard. He's completely aimless in life, his only real goal is to find some sort of passion to strive towards. Abit morally skewed but not actively malicious (though technically a criminal). Quite smart, used to be a teacher!That's a VERRRRY bare-bones bio of him hhh-- but I'm too tired to properly write out stuff. If you want to know more, just ask.Plot will eventually feature other OCs of mine, though most aren't nearly as relevant and won't show up until MUCH later on anyway.This plot will mostly focus on found-family dynamics, redemption arc(s), mysteries plus lore, and some good ol' action / adventure surrounding it all! Not interested in focusing on romantic ships, though I'm fine with including some in the background.......This plot takes place in an AU where some pretty notable canon divergence happened at the end of TTS season 1 / sometime during season 2.Like in canon, Varian breaks out of prison and continues pursuing his life of crime and goal of freeing his father (plus an unhealthy helping of vengeance).Unlike in canon, the specific plans he makes and people he meets are much different.Eventually, one of his schemes almost lead to his death.......Following events take vague inspiration from the first two chapters of >this fic<It's not representative of what happens in my AU-- but it does follow the "almost dies, gets saved by Rapunzel, gains a pretty nasty sun-shaped scar (and a strange warmth in his chest) from it, runs off to hide in a cabin for a night" plot beats.Unlike in the fic, said cabin was not as abandoned as he thought.Twas owned by a young fellow, who ends up catching Varian basically squatting in his run-down "house" (if you could even call it that).The other teen was almost as strange as the alchemist himself though, so the two become friends in a..- *relatively* short time.Said friend's the OC I mentioned earlier. He's simultaneously a massive enabler yet also keeps Varian from going too far-- it's complicated- we'll build the specifics of the dynamic as we roleplay......You'll be taking the role of Varian in this. In return, I'm happy to play most of the other canon characters.
I..- honestly don't have a solid idea for this one! ^-^;;...-*but*-- I think this crossover could end up being REALLY fun, with abit of brainstorming! ✦I mean, Hunter and Varian have *almost exactly* the same character arcs, just in reverse.(Good guy goes bad.. Bad guy goes good... One with the need to help his family...- the other, needing to defeat his family...... Also, both have animal companions and something up with their teeth ((Hunter's got a tooth gap, Varian's got buck teeth)).---------------There's alot of incredibly interesting characters in both series, that I'm also (kinda) confident I could write at least somewhat decently-- so I don't have much preference on who plays who ^-^
Oughg I don't feel like writing more plots out-- in short, I've got abunch of OCs that I think would make for some neat stories... Maybe we could do like, a (simplified) DND type thing?- where I setup a little campaign for you and maybe one / two other people? You lot would be playing as the main turtles, perhaps afew of your own OCs too-- and I'd be the "GM", using mostly OCs...
Our main quartet *~~(Donnie, Leo, Raph, and Mikey)~~* get wrapped up in a mystic related incident-- either due to a villain using some mystic-magic on them- or from them messing with something they shouldn't have.Either way, they've gotten blasted (or something)- and now find themselves lost in a New York not quite their own...Only three of the four turtles are together initially, with Leo being the outlier.Perhaps it was an ill-timed portal that caused the separation?...Eh, who knows?.. Hell Salem's Lot is extremely chaotic as is- and ROTTMNT's mystic shenanigans only add even MORE potential ways as to how Leo got seperated from the group............Whatever the case may be, our other three turtles are on the hunt for their missing brother!When Libra catch wind of a mysterious trio asking around for a "Leo" though, they assume the teens are after *their* Leo ~~*(Leonardo Watch)*~~, believing it to be for some nefarious reason.Our lads are confronted by afew members of Libra ~~*(probably Zap and or Chain)*~~-- a fight ensues from both groups misunderstandings.Eventually, our boy Leonardo Watch enters the scene ~~*(having been recently informed some people were apparently "after him")*~~--- and the situation soon deescalates.With the tension finally being- kind of- cleared, Leo laughs at the misunderstanding-- and explains how he believes things got so mixed up.The turtles are, *rightfully*, annoyed by this-- but their grievances are quickly put aside when Leo claims he knows how to help them find their MIA brother.---------------I'd be fine with playing most, if not all, of the relevant Kekkai Sensen characters. If you *are* familiar with that series though, it'd definitely be nice if you could take on the role of afew of 'em....As for the ROTTMNT turtles- we could probably split them semi-evenly between us? Ideally, you'd take on more of the ROTTMNT cast- and I'd take on more of the Kekkai Sensen cast--- or maybe even the inverse?I'm not confident I could write a particularly good Raph or Mikey but I guess I could try..? I don't know, we'd have to discuss further.You'd have to play ROTTMNT Leo, since I'd be using Kekkai Sensen's Leo.
We find the turtles face-to-face with a duo of mystic wielding villains-- in the midst of trying to summon and then control / possess "another worlds most powerful entity!".Regardless of said threats validity-- the quartet can't let these troublemakers go on their merry-way.They're fending off these aggressors relatively well-- but all it takes is one slip-up for the villains to find an opportunity to bring their plan to fruition.For a good few seconds, everything's engulfed by lights and flare-- as if abunch of fireworks were set off right in front of them....With one final ***flash!***- the smoke fades and the dust settles.........Despite the anime-level theatrics-- there is..- *literally **no** change*......Our turtles take advantage of the villains' momentary shock ~~(and exhaustion)~~- and swiftly finish the fight!......They immediately head back home, assuming that all the threats and lightshows were either elaborate bluffs- or just delusions.*(Unbeknownst to them, the criminals' scheme wasn't* entirely *for naught...)*...............Next scene focuses on Donnie's lab. The aforementioned tech wiz is seen plugging in his Tech-Bō and leaving it to charge...Now, *this* is where the AvA part comes in!The earlier antagonists "spell" actually WAS successful in bringing over a certain someone(s) from another dimension!This "someone" being Second Coming (AKA Orange)- with the color gang fellows also getting caught in the crossfire.The stick figures can only really exist within technology-- so when they were summoned, the only valid place for them to appear was the tech Donnie had on him during the fight.Without a screen though, it was impossible to *visually* tell they were there.For this story, I'm gonna say they ended up in his Tech-Bō specifically ^-^Anyhow, when it's plugged in- the AvA crew are able to travel through the wall outlet--- and into any other tech connected to each other / to that outlet.For awhile, the turtles have no idea they've got some accidental stowaways.When Donnie's inventions start malfunctioning out of seemingly nowhere though-- the softshell is determined to prove it isn't caused by his "faulty engineering"......That's when the turtles finally meet the AvA lads! ^-^---------------The characters of both fandoms would have to be split semi-evenly between us.Since the two groups are initially separated, we'd basically be RPing with ourselves if we both only played characters from one series or the other...
......Aaand *that's* all my energy spent. I've got a bajillion other story drafts that'd probably work as RPs with afew tweaks
You're welcome to ask about these unmentioned concepts- but be warned when talking about them I'll be even LESS eloquent than I already am hhh