Story Against the Odds - Part I: The Paranormals - Chapter II

Fluffy Cookies

Angelic Demon
Roleplay Type(s)
She faltered just a little. He noticed and cocked the gun quickly. She was ready to shoot.
"My hitlist," Fox smiled wryly and paused a little for effect, "is paranormals." Her blue-gray eyes widened in fear before he pulled the trigger. She flinched as the gun clicked. What?! How? He loaded it! The girl Emma ducked out of the way and grabbed her knife, aiming her own gun at my face. She pulled the trigger. Click.
“Aw, f- oh shoot!” She yelled as Fox lunged to grab at her. She jumped out of the way. Odd, she looks just like his little sister… His only little sister… His DEAD little sister! She runs behind the counter probably where her little friends were hiding. Stupid move. “We need to go! Run zig-zag so he has a smaller chance of hitting you if he shoots!” Smart words…
Emma and two boys ran out of the library. One didn’t zig-zag so Fox aimed for him and burned powder. The bullet hit him in the shoulder. The right one. Damn, he was aiming for the left! The boy fell and Fox ran up to him with my knife.
“Oh no, you don’t!” The girl yelled, throwing a book at my head. That distracted him for a moment. It was enough time for her to drag up the boy and continue running.
“Really? You’re wearing sandals in the middle of winter?!” Emma whisper-yelled, still trying to keep quiet. He tried to smile at me but he winced in pain. The snow was cold. Really cold and that’s not exactly good for people in sandals.
“We should get home,” Andrew suggested. She shook her head.
“He’ll follow us there and your mom will get hurt or probably killed,” she replied. “We gotta get outta town… And… I think I know where to go.”
“Well, is there a freaking doctor where we’re going? He’s been shot for crying out loud!” Andrew whisper-yells back.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” the stranger assures us. Emma didn’t feel assured, though. Wait… She knew that voice.
“Wait… Benjamin?” Emma questions. He smiles through the pain he was experiencing from the freakin’ bullet he took to the right shoulder.
“Hola, Miss Emma,” he greeted.
“I told you to drop the ‘miss’, friends don’t give each other titles like that,” Emma tells him. “But that’s not what we need to worry about right now.” A gunshot rang out in the street and it hit Ben in the leg. Entrance wound in the front, exit in the back.
“We gotta go, Emma,” Andrew said in a panic. The three of them panicked. Benjamin was beginning to contort and convulse violently. Shoot!
“What are you doing?!” Emma exclaimed as Ben fell to the ground.
“I think he’s trying to shapeshift…” Andrew explained. Nothing else was happening. He wasn’t shifting. Emma had to think fast.
“He can’t, the bullets won’t let him,” She says, remembering what she read in a book on her father’s shelf. “We need to find a way to lose the maniac and get somewhere safe.” Her newest friend stopped convulsing and his head lolled to the side tiredly. Emma and Andrew propped him up against the nearest wall.
“Well no duh, Emma!” Her best friend exclaimed. She couldn’t think clearly. How were they supposed to get where she wanted them to go?
“The train…” Benjamin suggested. Emma met his gaze as soon as she heard the whistle of the steam engine. It was not even three blocks away.
“We take it South,” she agrees, “to Virginia, and then we go West a ways.”
“Well, we better hurry, he’s catching up!”
Andrew and Emma find a cart nearby and place Ben in it as well as Andrew’s crutches. They couldn’t carry him the whole way, they’re only teenagers. Pretty scrawny ones too. Once they did, each took a side and pushed it, running as fast as they could without tripping over their own feet.
The train was pulling out of the station. It was slow at first but it was speeding up. Fox was on the trio’s tail, following close, and firing his pistol.
“We gotta go!” Emma yells. She and Andrew practically drag Ben to the train car with an open door. The perpetrator shot again and the bullet ricochets off of the train car and into Andrew’s left shoulder. No exit wound. “Come on, we’re almost there.” The two pushed Benjamin through the door and threw Andrew’s crutches in after him. Emma wasn’t a fast runner so she was next to get in. The satyr ran alongside the train. Emma stretched out her hand as she hung on to the handle of the door. The train sped up. “Andrew, you need to run faster!” The girl screams.
“I can’t run any faster!” Andrew yells back.
“Then reach!” With that, he reached out and grabbed Emma’s hand. It was a struggle to get him into the train car but she managed to pull him in. “Aw crap… You’re shot… And both of you are losing a lot of blood.” Emma cuts off both of her sleeves and takes her boots off, cutting the legs off of the leggings she wore as well. Her hands shook half with nerves and half with adrenaline.
“What are you doing?” Andrew asked.
“I need to make a tourniquet and two bandages,” she explained, beginning to tear up. “If I don’t, you’ll bleed out.” She hides her tears and swallows to steady her voice. Her words drop to a whisper as she tightens one of the legging strands around Ben’s leg with a stick she found. He howls in pain. “I can’t let you die…”

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