Story Against the Odds by Dr. E. Bloodlust

Fluffy Cookies

Angelic Demon
Roleplay Type(s)
In this story, a few friends are transported to Middle Earth to help the Fellowship complete their journey. It is told in the first person point of view of Emma. But as time goes on, and when the group is split, it will change between characters.
Chapter 1: Bree
The black swirling void had opened up beneath us: Me, Fox, and Andrew. Not the others. Oh no, just us three, and once we were in, there was no getting, or seeing out. Like a black hole. Anything that goes in, objects, light, sound - people - doesn’t come out. It would take an immense amount of force to even try. Before we knew it, we were beyond the event horizon.
I called out for my friends, but my voice was lost in the deafening silence. I couldn’t see them because there was no light and the darkness was blinding. No one could see anything. It was like a pitch-black film was covering everything, which spun, faster and faster. Instead of feeling sick like I normally would, I felt tired. Hyper-sleep. That’s what was happening to me and I was out like a light.

Fox was the one who woke me up. He shook me quite frantically which caused me to panic. I sat up, eyes wide open and gasping for air. I hoped it was a dream, but unfortunately, it wasn’t.
“Emma, there’s something wrong with Andrew!” Fox exclaims, pointing behind him. I glance around my panicking friend. There, low to the ground and walking toward us, was a small, cat-sized hippo.
“Guys, why is everything so big?” It asked, sounding just like Andrew. I let out a yelp of surprise.
“Oh my God, Andrew, what happened to you?” I questioned, standing up. I didn’t notice the greater height difference between me and Fox.
“What do you mean ‘what happened to me’? What happened to you two?” This question now caused me to search myself. My ears were first, big and pointy. Then my feet, big and hairy. Next, my height, shorter than ever. Finally, my clothes, white button down, black corset-vest, red jacket, brown short pants.
“Emma, you’re so short!” Fox smiles.
“Yeah, no shoot, Sherlock, I’m a freaking Hobbit!” I shout in frustration. “And you have ears and a tail! Oh my - What the actual heck is going on?! I’m a Hobbit, you’re a neko-fox-thing, Andrew’s a freaking tiny hippopotamus, and we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere, with nothing!” Right as I finish yelling, it started to rain and an inhuman screech sounded out. My anger turned to fear. The marrow in my bones froze. I went completely pale.
“What is it?’ Andrew asked.
“I know where we are,” I say, picking him up. “Follow me, quick!” I started to run toward a muddy road.
“Hey, put me down!” Andrew yelled as Fox followed.
“Do you wanna die?” I asked him frantically, looking at him. He shook his head. “Good, we’re almost there.”

We got to a large, wooden gate surrounding a town. Bree. It was a bit of a hassle getting in, but we managed.
“What is this place?” Fox asked once we were ‘safely’ inside. I smirked.
“Don’t you recognize it, Fox? It’s Bree, from Lord of the Rings,” I say quietly.
“Lord of the -” he began in a loud voice. I hushed him quickly.
“These people don’t know what’s going on,” I explain, “They have no idea this place is famous and a part of a story. We cannot tell anyone what is going to happen, like the laws of time travel.”
“So, no warning them about the Black Riders?” Andrew asked. I nodded as we entered The Prancing Pony. “By the way, you have a letter in your pocket.” I hand him to Fox and search my pockets. A sealed parchment was there, still dry as if by magic, and addressed to none other than Aragorn.
“Ah, hello there, what can I do fer ya?” Barliman Butterbur asked us, looking at Fox.
“We’re looking for a Ranger who goes by the name of Strider,” I say to him. He looks down at me. “Please.”
“He’s by the window, smokin’ his pipe, you’ll know him when you see him.” Butterbur nods to me. I nod back, heading into the dinning-area.
“Don’t stare,” I said in a low voice to my friends before I was grabbed by a really ugly-looking brute. He whispered some snarky, disgusting, harassing words to me and I elbowed him in the nose. We continued toward the window-area before he could do anything else.
“You okay, Emma?” Fox asked me.
“I think that’s the first time in my life I’ve ever been sexually harassed,”I say matter-of-factly, only half realizing we were next to the main four Hobbits. “But yes, I’m okay.” Finally, we reach the Ranger. He stared at us. I handed him the letter and he read it.
“I assume you know where my room is?” Strider asked. I nodded. But before I knew it, it happened. Pippin gave Frodo away. Frodo fell and the ring slipped onto his finger.I saw the eye, clear as day, and Mr. Baggins as well. I stare at him in shock. My own shock, that is, for being able to do this instead of being like everyone else and not seeing. Once Frodo had crawled under the table, I pulled Fox along toward the stairs…

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