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Realistic or Modern After the Virus OOC

Well I don't like my backstory that much I'll think of ways to make it better. Anyway I forgot to say hello since I was busy so... Hey there XD
Ok so, where would you all like to do this rp? Here on RPN, through Discord, or somewhere else?
I'd prefer the site and to maybe use Discord for OOC
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Age: 32

Elias is a member of NATO, had been since the Gulf War. He was apart of the German coalition, and fought alongside just about every type of person you would meet. He led the 26th Infantry, coinciding with the 16th Engineering and 11th Armored, into the United States when shit hit the fan. He was aware of the effects, and aware that he was likely not immune, and was always sure to wear something covering his face. And just in case he always kept a gas mask on hand. His squad had deserted after it got worse, and he didn't blame them. It was bad out here. They were cut off from the rest of the world it felt.​
To have served during the Gulf War your character would have to have been much older than 32 by the time of 2015, he'd have barely been 7(8?) from the respective start and 8(9?) at its conclusion.
Actually wasn't even the 90's, ended in 2011, so Kindly F off with being overly technical ONI ONI , last I checked you weren't the accepting sheets, oh and I'm fairly sure this thread died, so yeah
LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 I don't understand what the issue is. I'm not saying there wasn't a Second Gulf War, I'm just saying that the First Gulf War (Known primarily as "The Gulf War") took place in the 90s and if you don't specify your character's credibility is questionable. It's a lot like saying the Great War but referring to the Second World War and expecting there to be a obvious link (Unless you're a Russian then it makes sense). Your kindly fucks are not kind.
It'd be like saying World War and not specifying, A. The Great War was the Great War, end of story there. And if it matters so much to you, with this dead thread, I'll edit it. I don't appreciate the sort of tone that was taken with MY CHARACTER. I am not at my best in the mornings, so sorry for being a dick then, but you frankly have no excuse, and it's pissing me off
Oh you know what pisses me off more ONI ONI ? You don't have a character, but randomly choose toick mine out for some minor flaw. Go check it now, because it's fixed. And please don't do that with other people's characters, let the GM or however handle that crap. Because in the end, did the time of war really matter? No. Did you make a fuss about it and start an argument? Yes. Did I overreact? Maybe a little. But nobody likes random people nitpicking characters.

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