After the Flock (A Max Ride RP)


Junior Member
Here's the sign up... only one more character is going to be allowed, so hurry! The story and plot are there too.

Rowan opened her eyes slowly. The sun burned at first but she was able to blink it away. She rolled over in bed and checked the time, as usualy it was about 5:30. Nobody else was up yet. She slipped her feet out of bed and began digging through her closet. She picked out a knee length black dress and some short black boots. She walked lazily into the bathroom and pulled a brush through her snarled black hair. She walked into the living room and smiled, peace and quiet. She extended her wings.
Ky had woke up "Nightmares." She said in her head.She got up and got dressed. She had on a blue shirt with black jeans on. "Rowan?'' She called out softly, then waited for a answer. She was only four and Rowan was like her big sister. She let her wings out and waited.
Avery awoke in the early morning. The sun just had begun to strtch across the sky. Rays had fallen through the window over her bed. She gently pulled hersel out of bed. Avery had her hair in a ponytail, she carefully hopped down onto the ground. She recoiled when her bare feet had made contact with the icy tile floor.

Avery slipped on a pair of slipper's, as she desended to her closet. She pulled out a white cotton knee high dress. Avery wuickly chaged, listening to the silence of the house. Not before long, she heard the soft voice of Ky. Calling for Rowen out into the hall. Avery watched the outside world. She watched a small blue bird land on the outside bush. Avery walked into the livin room. "Good morning Ky." She amiled, as she saw her.
"Morning." Ky said. She yawned and walked back to her room. She put her hair back and cleaned. She made her bed and cleaned up some and after perfectly cleaning her room she found her sliver and gold ring and slipped it on. She saw a cat out the window. It saw her too and meowed. She went back to the living room.
Ugh. I pulled myself out of the warm trap that was my bed. Some people are morning people. I'm not. I'm groggy, jerky, and sarcastic in the morning. I pushed myself out of bed, and out of the room.

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