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New Member
hello! my name is narumiya. i'm a twenty-two year old who has been roleplaying for ten years. i have no recent roleplay samples as i haven't done any writing in a while. i typically provide literate multiparagraph responses, and i have gone over 2000 words in the past. since i'm easing back into roleplaying, i'm hoping to start off with something less intense, so partners who aren't too invested on having such long replies would be nice. i prefer quality over quantity, anyways. if you plan to roleplay with me, please be over eighteen for my personal comfort and for compatibility. and be willing to fork over ideas/suggestions for the roleplay plus headcanons! i struggle having to generate the entire plot for a roleplay alone and have the most fun when i'm bouncing ideas off of someone. my replies may be slow since my personal life can become quite hectic fast, but i will try my absolute best to reply when i can. don't hesitate to throw me a message if you would like to roleplay with me! i donโ€™t check this forum too often, so your best bet is just dming me. if you would like my discord for plotting or roleplaying, please donโ€™t hesitate to ask.

currently, i am seeking out three different types of original non-doubling up oc x oc roleplays. any gender pairing works with me. for the first one, i want something similar to the show โ€œeuphoriaโ€ except have it based in college. weโ€™ll have free range of what we want our ocs + side characters to be and look like. iโ€™m comfortable with either realistic or nonrealistic faceclaims for this. i just want messiness, drama, partying, romance, and more all wrapped into one roleplay. i donโ€™t have anything specific set up in terms of plot, so we can always collaborate on that.

for the second one, youโ€™re welcome to use any oc that youโ€™d think would pair well with mine. iโ€™m still in the process of creating him, so feel free to ask any questions you have about him to get more info. his faceclaim is henry cavill, so realistic faceclaim ocs only would be paired with him. heโ€™s a reserved thirty-eight-year old literature professor who joined the military to escape a life of poverty and then sought out a degree in education after discovering it was his passion. most of his time is spent at the college heโ€™s employed at teaching and grading work or reading novels at the local coffee shop by his house. he doesnโ€™t really let anyone in very easily, so maybe a sunshine character or persistent character would go well with him.

for the final idea, i really just want some kind of hero society roleplay. hero x hero, villain x villain, hero x villain, hero/villain x civilian, etc.. i want romance and drama and intense moments, but also a roleplay where hero society is just completely messed up would be fun to explore. nonrealistic faceclaims are preferred but absolutely not mandatory here. again, i donโ€™t have a specific plot here and iโ€™m more than happy to create one with my partner.

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