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Fantasy Aether: The Dark Age OOC

I added an axe to Arryn's items and posessions.

I also edited the last paragraph of his backstory to reflect that he made Severa's crown instead of Akio's and Akio is to present the crown to his new wife at the wedding.
Will be experimenting in the RP with post times, also might occasionally offer choices that require dice rolls?

Like when I do an intro post for a ruin, there could be prompts like


OR some such, then depending on the roll in the OOC you'll get some extra info which you can factor into your post - maybe lead to new lore or treasure or something to help survive or some such. I dunno, I'll experiment.
Avari Avari dang, seems like you got your routine down to a point! I asked because everytime I check, you're active! (and even when I'm not) xD
Will be experimenting in the RP with post times, also might occasionally offer choices that require dice rolls?

Like when I do an intro post for a ruin, there could be prompts like


OR some such, then depending on the roll in the OOC you'll get some extra info which you can factor into your post - maybe lead to new lore or treasure or something to help survive or some such. I dunno, I'll experiment.

Never done dice rolling RPs before, but I guess we basically roll the virtual dice and depending on the outcome, the environment will react to our character in a certain way.
Avari Avari hey, do you know what the ratio of races that work for the church looks like?

I'd say 70/25/5 for Humans, Elves and Dwarves.

And I've just thought - fraternization is probably forbidden between Elves and Humans in the Church - not out of racism or anything, but simply coz their kids won't be able to have kids themselves - which could create population issues in the long run.
Last I counted, the only churchy people are two elves, and one married human. That leaves a pair. hint* hint*
Last I counted, the only churchy people are two elves, and one married human. That leaves a pair. hint* hint*
considering Aurora's character she's not all that into relationships. The church is 1st and top priority. sorry bois :D

went with this for Cereza, might look a little old - she's only 17 - but I liiikkeeeeee


Ulfric Cainhurst


Empress a bit like that
Hinokian one.

I'm writing up the restoration spells

you're gonna have some cool stuff!

Such spells include:
Making fresh water, destroying undead, regrowing limbs, summoning a ghostly hand to help you out with holding shit and creating zones where no one can lie.

I just gotta do Evocation now but good god there's so many of them x_x
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