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Fantasy Aether: The Dark Age OOC

Well I can just write a intro post if you like, I'm gonna try and not get caught up doing PP all the time - keep the posts a-coming! I want to avoid the silly long posts that took two weeks to write during the first RP attempt! (THough they'll be handy for long conversations)

I'll see if Pai Chan Pai Chan wants to be present that hash something out

But I am always available on request!
An intro would be fine. You can include Markku in it, if you want. I firmly believe you knwo him well enough for a short intro post.
An intro would be fine. You can include Markku in it, if you want. I firmly believe you knwo him well enough for a short intro post.

Oh, I won't dare write him dialogue - that's all you.
But I'll do a few intro lines with Narcy and Elly
Avari Avari so I want Alexander to try his hand at the Archery competition, do we do the roll of fate now or after my first post?
Avari Avari so I want Alexander to try his hand at the Archery competition, do we do the roll of fate now or after my first post?

OooOooo, Well I wanted to do it as a proof of concept so we'll try a few ways of doing things

didya rather wanna set it up first, or know if you're gonna lose/win from the start?

Actually answered my own question. First is better. hahaha

ARCHERY A rather bouncy Elf ranger by the name of Elevan from Arcanlux has set up a Church-approved Archery contest at the coronation festival - Entry is 5 silver coins, but there's the chance to win 1 gold if you hit a bulls-eye. It's been a popular event, with some rather talented bow users showing off their talents. However, there's a rumor that Elevan has a special prize for anyone who manages to defeat her at Archery...

10+ = Bulls-eye

Pai Chan Pai Chan Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly

It might be fun if we introduce the Cainhurst crew together. Or at least Narcissa, Eleanor, Lilith and Markku.
Narcissa will be embarrassing everyone and insisting on holding both Markku and Eleanor's hands.

"Oh isn't this simply wonderful? When is the last time we had a family trip that didn't involve having to kill someone - oh my darling, look at this jewelry isn't it precious??"

southkovenz southkovenz Lekiel Lekiel
Same goes for the Hinokah crew?
Though I dare say Mitsuru is probably not in a great mood after the wedding, watching Akio get marries to a CAINHURST of all people.

and Church and Dwarf cuties can be doing whatever they do haha


My alerts messed up again Q_Q... *opens ooc thread and gets instaburried*

V_V... and it's 5am now and i should be sleeping

My alerts messed up again Q_Q... *opens ooc thread and gets instaburried*

V_V... and it's 5am now and i should be sleeping

go to sleep, we'll still be here tomorrow!
Avari Avari a quizzel if i may, before sleep! ^3^

Where would mitsuru have stayed the previous night? Hinokah royal encampment outside the fortress? Or special accommodations within? Trying to think of an angle to begin without cutting things too short.
Avari Avari a quizzel if i may, before sleep! ^3^

Where would mitsuru have stayed the previous night? Hinokah royal encampment outside the fortress? Or special accommodations within? Trying to think of an angle to begin without cutting things too short.

She'd be with the others in the market unless she decided the whole coronation was too much and wanted some space. She'd 100% have a retainer or servant with her however. Or another Hinokah, which I can help with. Or southkovenz southkovenz ?
Fuck me that took a while.


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MagicPenguin MagicPenguin I hope you don't mind, but you're one of the story prompts for the Market.

If anyone needs any help getting started, I'm happy to help!
Pai Chan Pai Chan Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly We should have all the Cainhurst kids hanging out :3

Same goes for the Hinokah crew southkovenz southkovenz Lekiel Lekiel <3

I don't mind at all. GM prompts are good for business.

However, I have work tonight and will not have time to post until probably tomorrow evening. If anyone wants to follow this prompt, Arryn is sitting at a stall displaying his wares in a location central to the festivities. He's in such a spot that you can't miss him if you need to get from one end of the plaza to another.

The stall is introduced by a sign which says, "Weapons and armor crafted by the Dwarven Master Smith, Hogan." There is no indication on the sign that Hogan is from Cloudtop; Arryn did it this way so Cainhursts and their loyalists would not be turned off immediately by the fact that Hogan was located in the Hinokah capital. It is not unreasonable that anyone associated with Hinokah would already be acquainted with or just know of Hogan, however, and they might know Arryn himself personally or by reputation.

Within the stall are weapons and armor of all varieties. Notably, the styles of these arms and armors are equally taken from the types and style that Church, Cainhurst, and Hinokah affiliates typically use. He has full plate armor of the sort that a church paladin might typically wear, as well as the sort that Cainhursts and Hinokah might. Similarly, he has katanas and Eastern type weaponry similar to what Hinokah might use as well as the more typical European medieval fare that Cainhurst is known for.

All of these weapons and armor are as good as or better than what smiths from those regions are capable of making themselves. Most of the weapons go for 4-6 gold and the armor for 7-10 gold. This is more than what most smiths make for their stuff, but Hogan is a dwarf, which ups the wares' value, and he is one of the best Dwarven smiths alive, which ups their value even further. Anyone familiar with warcraft or weapons and armor will likely recognize the value of these items just by examining them for themselves.

Arryn himself isn't saying much, as he's looking around and taking in all the people and events at the festival; his sheer size and the location of his stall are enough to get people to come and look at his wares without him saying a word. Again, anyone who knows anything about weapons and armor who looks past Arryn himself to his weapons and armor will be able to see that what is on display is of the highest quality, even among Dwarven smiths, without him saying a word. His wares speak for themselves.

He is really only speaking when he is spoken to for the moment. If he is asked a question, for example, or someone wants to buy something and he haggles or makes a sale. The exception to this is if he believes he is dealing with someone of high rank in either the Church or Cainhurst faction. He wants to convince them to craft a contract with Hogan's Forge to have weapons and armor shipped to them regularly straight from the forge. He is also on the lookout for Cainhurst/Church-trained mages. He is interested in finding a mage who wants to partner with the forge to craft enchanted weaponry. So, if he is dealing with someone like this, or believes he is, then he will play the salesman with them and try to convince them to consider a long-term partnership with the forge.

I think that's all the essential stuff. I'll have a post with more details tomorrow, but that should be enough for anyone who wants to interact with Arryn or his wares before I put something up.
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Avari Avari
Was just wondering if there'd be any melee tourney to accompany the archery competition? If not no prob, just wondering =) Will have Belegor's intro post up either tonight or tomorrow, will likely be pretty similar to the original one :p
i am available whenever to do a collab post. just give me a time and i'll make sure i'm there! i'm in PST though. for example it's about 6pm for me at the time of writing this.
She'd be with the others in the market unless she decided the whole coronation was too much and wanted some space. She'd 100% have a retainer or servant with her however. Or another Hinokah, which I can help with. Or southkovenz southkovenz ?

I was actually asking about the previous night... literally xD like before coronation. I like to start with a little flashback before bringing my character into the present.
Avari Avari
Was just wondering if there'd be any melee tourney to accompany the archery competition? If not no prob, just wondering =) Will have Belegor's intro post up either tonight or tomorrow, will likely be pretty similar to the original one :p

Not this time! Church didn't want any violent activities in case the Cainhurst/Hinokah use it as an excuse.

Maybe there's a competition to see who can last against a Paladin or something
I was actually asking about the previous night... literally xD like before coronation. I like to start with a little flashback before bringing my character into the present.

Oooo, probably would have stayed in the royal palace.
Keidivh Keidivh Do you want to work with the assumption that Belegor and Arryn are old acquaintances as before?

I don't think there was anything super contradictory with the new lore in that super long post we did in the old RP, so maybe we could even work with the assumption that that same scene occurred at some point prior to the wedding and festival in this one as well. We put so much work into that post and it seems a shame to let it go to waste. We wouldn't necessarily have to repost it, but we could just have our characters act as though it, and the flashback within, had happened.

The only things I think we'd need to assume differently about it is that Dhalia and Tessa's bar would have to be in Cloudtop because Alcamoth was closed to the public until recently. If he and Arryn had their catch up chat over drinks as before where Belegor updated Arryn on the seekers' fates, it would mean Belegor must have gone to Cloudtop after the wetlands and then followed the Hinokahs to Alcamoth. The flashback itself would also have had to happen in Cloudtop.

The other change is that we'd have to take out mentions of the dead dwarf in the marketplace since that didn't happen this time. I don't think we mentioned him that often, though.

May also have to take out references to the tourney from the old one and the making of a sword for the victor, though perhaps not if you guys decide to actually have one after all.

If you don't want to, that's cool. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there and maybe all the seeds we planted in the last one wouldn't have been completely wasted after all.

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