Aeron Porcello: Shadow of the Resistance [Uncivilized Providence]


New Member

“Obviously you don’t remember me.†a voice came from behind the soldier causing his skin to pale. Someone had got the drop on him, but how, he was sure he had checked every corner of the room he was supposed to clear. “Drop the rifle and sit down, I just want to talk…for now.†The voice said as the man turned around. As he set the rifle down and turned he was confronted with a revolver pointed at his head, and so the soldier sat down. “This meeting is a long time coming Major, and it all started with your occupation on this world, do you remember that day five years ago? You were what, a Platoon Commander then? But this story goes back beyond that.â€

The story begins 15 years before that, with a happy family that was blessed with twin boys, and blessed they were. Both boys grew up healthy, in fact healthier than most, and both were their parents’ pride and joy. They grew up and looked to be headed for promising lives, and then the Realm decided this small place needed to be brought under their protection. The father saw the coming threat, and spoke of a peaceful solution. The brothers on the other hand, believed violence was going to be the only recourse. Over the next few months the boys went behind their family’s back to attend anti-realm meetings. When the realm’s fleet arrived the father met them as an ambassador, but the first platoon on the ground killed him where he stood when their commander got nervous. That commander was you, and the ensuing massacre against a supposedly hostile force got you a promotion.

Over the next three years the brothers took their revenge where they could, a military convoy here, a patrol there, anything related to the realm was a fair target. You know this part of the story, I mean you were put in charge of the city most these attacks were taking place, mainly because it was the site of your great victory. This next part you could probably tell better than I can, you used blackmail, extortion, torture, bribery and fear to get a few of the locals to turn against the resistance. You let leak an operation meant to kill civilians, knowing the resistance couldn’t allow it, preying on their one weakness, compassion.

So you went forward with your plan, which cost your forces dearly, but the elimination of the resistance was worth those losses, at least your initial estimates. How were you to know that these backwoods country bumpkins would burn their world down before they would ever surrender. You had to bombard your own troops, and leveled an entire city to stop them, but it was worth it. I mean you did kill or capture every resistance member right? You captured one brother, and transferred him off this rock on a prison transport, the other was killed in the bombardments.

So here is the plot-twist in our fairytale. That brother didn’t die, in fact he is now a favored of the gods. They seem to think his ruthless and sneaky nature deserved a gift. He spent the next year getting used to his new gifts, and plotting his revenge. Imagine his surprise when he found the hero that murdered his father, was the same man that slaughtered his friends and captured his brother.

“Now that same dead brother sits across from you, I know a bit theatrical but you play the card you are dealt.†The man says pulling his mask to reveal blue hair and green eyes, the same eyes the commander had seen five years ago and gave a fire order on. Panic gripped the soldier, he tried to make a sudden move for his gun, but found his body unwilling to follow orders. “Don’t bother, you’ve been dead for 10 minutes now. That coffee you had before the lights went out, didn’t it taste just a little off?†The man with blue hair gave a smirk and brought the revolver to its holster.

“Killing me doesn’t solve anything, your resistance is crushed, and there’s nowhere you will be able to hide on this planet, or a way off it, you won’t get away with this.†The soldier chokes out before erupting into a coughing fit wracking his body with pain as his insides feel on fire.

“I already have gotten away with it, and I’m getting off this planet by taking your personal ship, or did you forget your leave starts right…†The man hesitates looking down at his watch. “now. I really just wanted you to know the name of the family you killed and the man that will kill you. My father was Gunther Porcello, my brother is Dierks, and my name is Aeron. Enjoy your death, the pain will subside in a second.†Aeron says walking towards the door, as he reaches the door the alarms inside the building all sound deafening the soldier. He feels the pain subside as he looks to where the man stood moments before, and he sees a smoking revolver pointed at his head and feels blood streak down his face as he slumps over into his death.


Ten Days Later:

The rumors are that Talap is getting fed up with the realm, and so I find myself here. The ship I took from that world had to be scrapped so I could get a ticket here, the damn pig that I sold it to gave me a tenth what I thought I’d get, but such is the life selling Realm property to scallywags and rascals. Should be the prime place to start a little trouble for the regime, and who knows, maybe bring them down a peg. Long live the resistance.



Strength: 3

Dexterity 4

Stamina: 4


Charisma: 2


Appearance: 2

Mental: 6

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 3

Wits 3




Archery(f) 4

Martial Arts

Melee (F) 3

Thrown: (f) 3

War: 1


Integrity: 1



Resistance(f) 1

Survival: 1


Craft(f) 3

(water, Fire, Air )

Investigation 2

Lore 1



Night: (Caste)

Athletics 3

Awareness 3

Dodge 4

Larceny 3

Stealth 4


Bureaucracy 1




Socialize 1


Craft: poisons, explosives

Melee: Swords

Archery: revolver

Stealth: Moving quietly

Thrown: grenades


Enemy 3 son of captain he killed

Dark Secrets 3 (hidden identities)




Danger sense


Contacts: 3

Spies: 3 (Realm military

Artifact: 1 Orichalcum breastplate

(8L/8B Soak) (3L/3B Hardness)


1st archery

(1m =1d)

Essence arrow attack (righteous judgment arrow)

(2m =+3d 3m =+7 damage)

2d athletics


2d larceny


Flawless pick-pocketing technique

(3m instant success or +3 sux to contested)

Flawlessly impenetrable disguise

7m (roll wits+larceny=6) for disguise

2d stealth


Body Mending Meditation

10m sta+resist=5 sux = 10x healing or adds to doctors rolls

Shadow over water

1m=no dodge penalties

Seven Shadow Evasion

3m = perfect dodge


Compassion: XX

Conviction XXX

(flaw: Heart of flint)

Temperance XXX

Valor X


Resistance against the Realm, His revolver

Willpower: 6

Essence 3 (7 BP)

Personal: 15/15



-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]


Resistance Revolver +9 attack +6L dmg spd 5


2xWhite Jade(Piercing) Resources 2

1xFiredust(8/3 yds) -2 dice per yard after (resources 2)

Bayonet Spd 5 accuracy +5Ldmg Def+0?

Sword of Porcello Clan Spd 4 Accuracy +9 +6L Def +1


2xFragmentation: Damage: 6L, Range: 10. Resources 2

3x Flashbang: -3 for 6 ticks

1xGoo: special ;)

Hardness: 3L/3B Soak 10L/12B



PDV Sword: 4


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