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Fandom Aegon’s Conquest Magic Enhanced CS


Neuro Vampire

Senior Member
View attachment 1174959

Name: Aegon Targaryen

Alias: Aegon the Dragonlord, Aegon of Dragonstone

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Valyrian

Affiliation: Dragonstone, House Targaryen, House Velaryon,

Personality: Aegon treats others how he deems they deserve to be. He is loyal to those who are loyal to him. He does not tolerate true disrespect. He does not engage in things he seems unnecessary. Much like his decision to conquer Westeros, as weird as that may sound. Most of his thoughts if really articulated would be the weirdest explanation for his actions that oddly makes sense.

History: He was born in Dragonstone the heir to Aerion Targaryen and his Velaryon wife. His dragon egg did not hatch in his cradle. Therefor, his younger years where spent learning swordsmanship, magic energy manipulation, and the other magics of Hosue Targaryen such as dragon fire manipulation.

His father groomed him to assume lordship of Dragonstone. He knew he would have to marry his older sister. It just felt like much of his early life was not his choice. That’s what drove him to use his bond with Balerion the Dread. Doing that made him emboldened that when he got married to his older sister he could marry his younger one who he loved truly.

It was after that did his new dragon rider feelings allowed him to be drawn into conflicts in Essos. He assisted two Essos civilizations in their battles against Volantis. That was his first time truly experiencing war and battle. He did not burn from above but also engage in battle on the ground against enemy officers.

Having tasted battle and war he returned to Westeros an enlightened man. The Targaryen siblings toured various places over Westeros. As he did he noticed the scars of conflict and war amongst the various kingdoms. Aegon concluded if they were only one kingdom they would probably fight less often. That’s when he had the wooden table of Westeros created.

Aegon originally believed this vision could be achieved through peace. That went out the window House Durrandon’s marriage proposal and attempt to draw him into conflict with a third party on their behalf. The insult, prompted Aegon to make a counter offer expecting Durrandon to understand the threat House Targaryen and their vassals pose. Instead, Durrandon murdered his envoy. Aegon sent out ravens to all of the lords of Westeros that he is the rightful king and that they shall bend the knee or die.

Abilities: Aegon’s possess the Crest of House Targaryen. As he was born into the House Targaryen he can utilize all of their dragon magic. He can generate dragon limbs such as arms, legs, wings, claws, and tails. He can turn his skin into dragon scales but also created dragon armor around him. He can manipulate dragon fire.

Most notably is the Targaryen ability to tame and communicate with dragons. It allows him to even call for his dragon from afar telepathically.

As he has the Crest of Targaryen. He can sublet these powers to vassals with a vassal crest granting them dragon fire, dragon scales, dragon armor, or dragon limbs but never dragon lordship. Dragon Lordship is reserved for the bloodline of Targaryens.
  • Swordsmanship
  • Horsemanship
  • Spearmanship
  • Lance Proficiency
  • Magic Energy Manipulation
Equipment: Blackfyre, an ancestral magic weapon belonging to House Targaryen. As it’s a valyrian steel blade it very conductive of magic energy and very formidable that not even dragonfire outside of a forging capacity can melt it. Blackfyre, has the unique ability to generating black flames which will overpower even dragonfire.

  • He cannot instantaneously summon Balerion. If battling, on the ground away from his dragon he is effectively without support.
  • Anti Magic
  • Magic Archers
View attachment 1174960

Name: Emeryn Arryn

Alias: Princess Arryn (pre-conquest), Lady Arryn (post-conquest), The Secret Weapon

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Andal

Affiliation: House Arryn, The Vale, The Eyrie

Personality: Emeryn Arryn appears to be shy and nervous to most people. However, that’s just her exterior. Emeryn Arryn always has a plan. Citizens of the vale, and her own house, have said that she has a mind well beyond her years. She’s fiercely loyal to her citizens and anyone who earns it. In everything she does, she believes in her house motto of “As high as honor”, making sure to uphold a sense of honor in everything she does.

History: Despite being the first-born child of Queen Sharra Arryn, everyone around Emeryn made it clear that she wouldn’t be the next heir. Her younger brother, Ronnel, would be the next King of the Vale. Most would think that Emeryn would form some resentment towards either her brother or mother because of the line of succession, but that didn’t happen. She was tasked with something that suited her abilities much better.

At a young age, Emeryn displayed immense intelligence. Intelligence that was recognized by her father. He determined that her intelligence would prove useful in matters of both battles and diplomacy. From then on, Emeryn would be part of the council of the House Arryn.

Unfortunately, a time of mourning had come. Her beloved father had passed due to an unknown illness. She was quite close with her father and took his death hard. However, in those dark periods, she remembered what he told her a few nights before he died. “Take care of your boy brother when he’s king. Perform your duty and keep your honor.”

So when Ronnel was crowned king and her mother was acting as Queen Regent, Emeryn was their right-hand man, their consultant in almost all matters. They both knew that the citizens of the Vale held Emeryn in such high regard, that it would be idiotic to exile her from performing her duties solely because she was a woman.

Abilities: As a part of House Arryn, Emeryne has access to the powers offered to House Arryn and their Vassals. In fact, it’s said that she could be considered one of the strongest users of psychokinesis.

Equipment: None

  • Combat Itself
  • Anti Magic

Name: Clovis Tyrell

Alias: Viper of Highgarden

Age: 24yrs old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Andal

Lineage: Harlan Tyrell(Father), Theo Tyrell(Brother)

Affiliation: House Tyrell, Highgarden, The Reach

Personality: Far from a genius and lacking in courage, Clovis’ “redeeming” trait is his detached nature, which allows him to always see things from an objective point of view. Because there are few things he sees as valuable or important, Clovis is able to act in ways that other people would shy away from and do things that would give weaker hearts pause. While he can sometimes develop tunnel vision and act solely in the interest of completing a single, fixed goal, Clovis is reliable and a trustworthy ally to the few people who have the privilege to call him such. His competitiveness is eclipsed only by his hunger for knowledge and desire to continue perfecting his craft.

It’s always the way of the second son to be given less responsibility than the first and Clovis and Theo were no different. Though Harlan of course loved both of his sons equally, it was clear he was putting all his eggs in one basket. Clovis was repeatedly overlooked by their father and that lit a fire in his heart that made him seek ways to prove himself.
As a child Clovis focused primarily on honing his magic and improving his understanding of House Tyrell’s specific magic type. The maesters advised him on medical practices which helped to further the potential for his magic. Then when his brother started to receive praise for his improved swordsmanship, Harlan enlisted a skilled and fairly well known hired blade to teach Clovis. The man was an assassin known to the more shady lords of Westeros and rather than teach Clovis how to fight he instructed him in how to maneuver in the great game without being noticed. Through years of apprenticeship Clovis would eventually show potential as a potential spymaster for House Tyrell.
As a teenager Clovis unknowingly started to distance himself from the rest of his family. As his path in life became more and more clear to him he seemed to become more fixed on it and that meant less time for even simple things like meals with his loved ones. Lurking in the shadows he was able to witness the treachery of man and the darkness that surrounded the honorable House Tyrell. His established network of spies was small, made up of villagers his own age, noble children who shared his goal of protecting The Reach from enemies within and out. Despite its small size, the network granted a young Clovis insight into poorly guarded plots and helped him stretch his legs as a fledgling spymaster. Once he could present his father with evidence of his hard work and labor, Harlan welcomed Clovis to the war table and gave him a seat beside Theo. Sadly Clovis gaining responsibilities didn’t sit well with Theo who had until then been the apple of their father’s eye. For many years the two would be at odds with one another and public disputes often turned into heated battles of might and magic.
Now in his mid-twenties Clovis has grown in wisdom, influence, and darkness. Luckily his relationship with Theo has improved and his brother, who is a living embodiment of chivalry, serves as an anchor to the light for Clovis. Now with Aegon Targaryen declaring himself the true ruler of Westeros, Clovis fears the chaos soon to engulf the continent.

Poison Magic - As a descendent of House Tyrell Clovis is capable of utilizing poison based magics. While spewing toxic clouds as if he were a dragon is what he’s known for, Clovis true talents lie in the brewing of deadly poisons that are made all the more deadly by their magical nature.
  • Medicine
  • Anatomy
Equipment: N/A

  • Anti-Magic
  • Melee Combat

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