Advice/Help Advice for Group Roleplays

deadly king

never fade away
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Hello! I have very limited experience on doing group roleplays as a whole outside of, one major one now, and many short form funny roleplays.

This time, I wanted do a more serious mafia/gang type roleplay and wanted to ask for any advice anyone could grant me ! Wanted my main oc to be the “big man” or the boss, so I’d be the DM/GM.

Hoooowww exactly do I do that? Do I let people’s characters interact amongst themselves or? And how do I juggle different characters being at different locations?

Any advice would be helpful, not specifically those two questions those are example ones. Anyway, thank you in advance!
As the GM, you're the one who sets the tone and pace of the RP! You drop an establishing post that sets the scene, let everyone get a post in and interact with you and each other, then when the time is right, move things forward! Your posts are super important because they are what the other players primarily have to work with to make their own posts, besides each other. Be really descriptive and give them stuff to work with! Say you're having a meeting with the crew, you could have a table with choice Italian cuts of meat or a large bookshelf for players to comment on. Communication is also a big part of being a good GM! Ask the others what they like and if they have any preference as to what comes next. 'You guys want some time to interact before the story progresses again?' Stuff like that. The fun of RPing is collaborating to put together a fun experience, so you don't and shouldn't have to shoulder everything yourself!

As far as juggling different characters in different locations, I think the solution to that is just a little management and post formatting. Read everyone's posts, make yours with their actions in mind. Then, make a clear distinction where one sections ends and another starts.

*character names*​


*the post*

*character names*​


*the post*
Uhhhh have a wire-frame idea of what you want to do going in! Story arcs, NPCs, the like. I say wire frame because you can change things as you get a feel for the RP. Stagnation sucks and it can snowball into something worse if things slow down too much. Also, there's another thread like this with great advice for Group RPs. Here's a quote of the good stuff!
1. I've done the paragraphs upon paragraphs of lore. I've provided full forums of information before. Don't do it. Generally a simple paragraph with surfice and the rest of lore can happen as a group. People feel much more involved that way.

2. Yes, start in the middle of an event. Don't start with the characters getting ready for an event or on their way to one.
BAM start it smack in the middle and get your players involved in action first.

3. For me, minimal detail is key. I give a setting, I give a time period, I give characters and generally just a small paragraph of information. I often see people much more active and post more when told less. Random right?

4. Let your group plot for you. Get a very flexible idea in your head of where you want things to go. Make some firm points but offer your players input on plotting. They will love you and love it! Having players actively involved is the way you have a successful role play.

5. You didn't ask for it but make very strong guidelines. Your players need to know up front what you expect and need. Though, keep the rules to under 10. Because people get tired of being told what to do quick. It's just enough so your players know they are safe.

I hope this helps

Good luck, mayne!
Thanks so much for quoting me TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi :)
Creative writing with others is such a special and memorable experience. I'm excited for you! Although, I'm going to add a bit of advice to my advice.

Don't be afraid of the word NO. If you notice someone in your thread being overtly rude, changing your story line, manipulating players and character.
Give them the boot. It's okay to remove players who are not creating a safe and creative environment for your new friends.

I can't wait to see what kinds of roleplays your start running here deadly king deadly king RPN is pretty solid

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