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Fantasy Adventures in Eneia -- Lore



Five Thousand Club

Natural Orders and Magic
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Twin Sisters
Brief History
: The Twin Sisters is the name of a nation made of two islands. These islands used to be together, until an event in a long-past and forgotten war cleaved them apart. In the aftermath, the two islands soon became culturally distinct, and even came close to war at times. However, in slightly more recent history they reconciled and have formed a pact of protection and mutual respect.

Leadership: “Sisters” Veris & Zotha

Cultural Notes: Two leaders, one from each island. Believe the tower is the passage to the gods’ home, and will open when the people are ready. Matriarchal structure, heavy focus on fishing (younger/south) and farming (older/north).The Older sister has larger farming communities, where the younger has smaller villages focused on fishing. Very powerful art scene, with dances to celebrate various festivals, including the days of rending and reconciliation.

Brief History:
Thought to be the shared homeland of the Lizardfolk and the Beastfolk, Rotunga is now a thriving nation and continues to have a large amount of the folk. Originally an island-wide battleground between the folk, the island came to peace only with the direct intervention of their respective deities. Since then, the clans banded together and had melded their cultures before any other races joined their island.

Leadership: Clan Fang (Clan Leader Fa’shath)

Cultural Notes: Heavy focus on hunting-gathering. Leadership by single clan, determined by ritual tournament every five years. Not much of the woodlands have been disturbed, only enough to build and live. Outsiders found to have violated the natural order will be subjected to harsh punishment.

Brief History
: The youngest nation on the mainland, Volath is a kingdom founded by a man who shared the same name. Disillusioned by the Papacy, he and a group of followers trekked through the wildlands to find a piece of unsoiled land. Once founded, the Papacy sent troops to bring this new ruler to heel, but Volath refused to bend. By this point, the Papacy holds an uneasy respect for the kingdom.

Leadership: King and Queen Noucta

Cultural Notes: Arable farmland and natural resources make for a generally prosperous place. Large emphasis on the tenants of chivalry, and knighthood is the epitome of warrior training.

Brief History
: Technically a single nation, Mon/Dura is split by virtue of the two tenants of Mondura, the hunter deity. Mon, or the silent stalker, says that the hunter is patient, quiet, and strikes when the time is right. Dura, the strident striker, speaks of the hunter who is loud and garish, striking fear into their prey before the kill. Despite the difference, Mon/Dura is relatively peaceful.

Leadership: Mon Davesh & Dura Luril

Cultural Notes: Many of their warriors and those trained in Mon are archers and assassins, as well as skirmishers. Dura is said to have originated the Order of the Gunner, though that is as yet unproven. Mon and Dura are led separately and are different nations in all respects.

Marath Papacy
Brief History
: The oldest nation on the mainland, the Marath Papacy is led by The Holy, a singular figure who is believed to be chosen by Marath himself, the god of Civilization. When the current Holy comes of old age, the search for the next begins. And once found, they begin the training and learning to become the next Holy.

Leadership: The Holy Xacrai

Cultural Notes: Currently embattled within itself due to The Holy’s actions not following Marath’s dogma. He holds powerful sway over government and a majority of people, and uses this to consolidate his power and continue his war of subjugation against Zarai.

Brief History
: Zarai has always been a proud and independent nation, however in the past few years the Papacy has begun a war of subjugation. There was no provocation, though the Holy cited their preference to live in harmony with nature, rather than conquer it. Zarai, as a whole, has resisted - however, they can only resist the Papacy’s troops for so long.

Leadership: The Holy Xacrai (Forced)

Cultural Notes: Food comes from a mix of hunting, gathering, and natural farming. A large amount of striders and druids come from Zarai, and nature is truly respected. Currently, Zarai as a nation is under siege, and their leadership has been de-seated by the warmongering Holy Xacrai

Brief History:
Despite the island’s names of “The Eternal Conflict”, the people of Ward and Sath do not harbor resentment towards one another. In fact, there are fewer and fewer people living here every year. The island of Ward has become heavily inundated with Aether, and every animal and plant imbued with Aetheric essence. The same can be said for Sath, but with Chaos - the two islands are areas of conflict as the two energies fight for total control. Wildlife and creatures clash, and unprepared peoples find themselves in the middle. Despite the large amount of people fleeing, there is a large amount of untapped Aetheric and Chaotic resources for well-prepared expeditions.

Leadership: Lord Lorthan (Ward) / Lady Savra (Sath)

Cultural Notes: Originally, Ward and Sath were islands under the control of the Papacy and the Imperium. Through combining forces they were able to gain their independence as one. However, due to the difference in their cultures from their original leadership, they soon decided to amicably split and keep as allies.

Jolkat Imperium
Brief History
: The Imperium is considered to be the oldest nation on Eneia, consisting of a long-isolated peoples who only relatively recently (approx 300 years ago) opened their borders for immigration and emigration. They are very skilled in the creation of weapons and armor, and many of their techniques have been taught to smiths who spread them around the world.

Leadership: Emperor Falkain XIII

Cultural Notes: A very metal-rich land, the Imperial citizens have had many years of isolation to create many arts of crafting, some general and many specialized. Strong metals and alloys have become their primary export, though many continue to be used for Imperial Interests.

Brief History
: What used to be a single, unified empire broke into four warring kingdom-states upon the assassination of an emperor long-since removed from the throne. The borders are constantly embattled, and yet when something threatens their island as a whole they seem able to band together and repel it. Unfortunately, these treaties never last.

Leadership: Ilt-Tho/Sa-Yalt/Yol-Zhun/Van-Lihkil

Cultural Notes: So different, and yet so similar, the four Kingdoms tend to do the same thing, in different ways. Their weapons and armor are of similar make, and yet aesthetically different. Interestingly, as long as someone isn’t actively harming their efforts, all four kingdoms are amicable to strangers moving through borders.​
Other Places of Interest

Labyrinth and The Labyrinth Below

Labyrinth is the name of the city built upon the single island where the entrance to the Labyrinth Below is found. Given the curiosity that is the grand stone portal to the Labyrinth Below, some of everything can be found in the city. From merchants to crafters to ne'er do wells, you can find anything you need in Labyrinth, for a price. Around the city are three floating towers of magical learning: The Aetheric, Chaotic, and Arcanic colleges. Though the practitioners themselves do not harbor any issues, the towers are kept separate due to the energies not playing nice in large amounts. As well, the colleges are technically able to roam, but with the focus around Labyrinth, suich is where the towers are anchored for now.

The Labyrinth Below is, at the surface, simply a large stone arch with a portal of flowing Aether and Chaos within. Walking through this portal - which resists any and all attempts to be moved, manipulated or destroyed - brings the group to a room. This room is always different for each group and each trip, as the Labyrinth is eternal and ever-unchanging. Inside are monsters, flora, fauna, and materials unique to inside the Labyrinth.

Labyrinth was founded a century ago, which was the year the Labyrinth Portal appeared and the Aether and Chaos began to run rampant. Many scholars study the Labyrinth, but the city has also become a haven for adventurers and thrill-seekers, of which the Labyrinth Below is a never ending fountain of their lifeblood. Despite all this, and how many new items are discovered every day, Labyrinth seems to be near-immune to Aetheric and Chaotic taint, as the island has never been touched by either.

The Tower
The Tower is a structure older than anyone can remember, taller than can be seen from airships, and has been situated on the island since before the rending of the Twin Sisters. It is said that this tower has existed since the beginning of time, and the inhabitants of the Sisters believe that it is the home of the gods. The true purpose is unknown, as it has never been breached - there is nary a door - so as far as anyone knows, this is true.

Mondura Unified Temple
The Mondura Unified Temple is a manmade structure inhabited by those who have seen the truth of Mondura, and wish to learn how best to utilize both aspects. In truth, the Order of the Gunner originated from this Temple, but has long ago split off and is now located in secret.

The Expedition
The Expedition is an expedition onto an island that appeared fifty years after the appearance of the Labyrinth Below. Not much has been explored, and there is only a single camp, but a few things are for sure: The island is filled with ores unknown to Eneia, and these ores are guarded by creatures that are stronger than anything known to Eneia. The barren island simply appeared one day, and seems to hold nothing but ore, and the aggressive monsters.

Orcish Tundra
The birthland of the Orcs, the Tundra is full of many resources for those brave and strong enough to survive. The Orcs themselves grew as a race by hunting and slaying the massive beasts that also called the land home. They used the meat and materials for food and equipment, and still do. Even though Orcs have wandered, a large amount of them still live on the Tundra and make their living this way.

The wildlands is the name of the center of the mainland. Within are many creatures both benign and aggressive, as well as other materials that are harder to find other places. The Wildlands is where a large amount of Aetheric and Chaotic tainted areas can be found - not that they are unheard of in other places, but in smaller areas.​
Natural Orders and Magic

Essence, Spirit, and Souls

Essense is a substance that inhabits all things, and is released when living things die. It is formless, and yet it is necessary for life. When a child is conceived in the womb, the fetus takes essence from both parents, and the environment. The essence then grows to fill the vessel through their life, and upon death the essence is released back into the world. Environmental essence, however, is not necessary for conception - it only makes it easier.

Spirit is the name of the part of the soul that makes a human, or other sentient creature, who they are. Personality, temperament, everything is attributed to the spirit. Where the spirit comes from or how it forms, no one knows. Once the being dies and the essence is released, the spirit departs this realm to the afterlife.

The soul is the combination of both essence and spirit. Both halves are needed for the soul to survive. Souls are powerful sources of energy, but are hard to gather and the usage of such irreparably damages the spirit, so all uses of souls are frowned upon at best, and punishable by death at worst.

Aether and Aetheric Magic
Aether is one of the two energies released by the breaching, a light-blue mist that permeates the air where it is found. Aetheric taint makes colors more vivid, sounds brighter, and all in all makes things seem more alive. When the Aether imbues flora and fauna, it grows larger, more fearsome, and more aggressive. Aether is also found in small amounts in all people’s bodies.

Aetheric Magic utilizes the larger amount of Aether found in those born as Aetherborn. Aetherborn often have more vivid hair and eyes, and are able to use their own Aether to create projectiles, shields, and similar effects. Those who practice Aetheric Magic must be careful to regulate the use of their magic, elsewise the lack of internal Aether will rapidly age them.

Chaos and Chaotic Magic
Chaos is the second of two energies released by the breasting, a deep green fog that covers the land where it is found. Chaotic tait makes things seem duller, and as it imbues flora and fauna, they grow larger, and twist into more fearsome-seeming bodies. As Aether, Chaos is found in small amounts in all people’s bodies.

Chaotic Magic is found in those known as Chaos-Touched. Those people are most often found at birth, but at times chaos can imbue a person later after birth. Chaos Magic is often used for attacks on a larger area that Aetheric magic, or to temporarily transform parts of the body for greater effect. Chaos mages must be careful, as using too much Chaos will create a void, and in this void will grow too much chaos - mutating the user’s body beyond recognition.

Mana and Arcane Magic
Arcane Magic is borne of a ‘neutral’ energy called mana. It pervades everything and everywhere, but does not cause any manipulation nor taint. Unlike Aether and Chaos, mana can be used by everyone with the desire and training. However, should an Arcane magic user channel too much mana through their bodies, it will refuse to channel any more until recharged, at which point the mage is next to defenseless. Arcane magic is used to create any number of effects with a ghostly sliver energy.

Nature Magic
Nature magic is the purview of the druids, and allows for the manifestation and control of natural phenomena, as well as limited control of plants and animals. The ability to use and the amount of nature magic that one can use depends on their standing with the spirits. The greater your standing, the more powerful you are, for longer. Should the spirits forsake you, you lose all ability to use nature magic.

White Magic
White Magic, despite the name, has little (if anything) to do with divinity, and everything to do with willpower. Those trained in white magic learn to focus on a concept, a belief, something that they can put their will into. As long as they do, they are able to perform such miracles as healing and creating lights in the darkness, as well as sending bolts of physical will to pierce their enemies.

Dark Magic
Dark Magic is the catchall name for magics that, while not inherently evil, are often frowned upon at best in society. The two most common examples of this is Necromancy and Blood Magic.

Necromancers who are accepted in society are those that do not disturb the resting dead at all. They utilize pure essence in order to create and animate bones for projectiles, walls, or guardians such as skeletons.

Accepted blood magicians use only their own blood (and occasionally that of enemies) to create weapons, projectiles, and other solid objects. They learn how to manipulate a few drops of blood for full effects, rather than phials full of the stuff.

Saint’s Blood
Saint’s Blood is the name of a certain bloodline that has been spread about the world through breeding. Any being race can be born with Saint’s Blood, from noble to street urchin. While Saint’s Blood by itself doesn’t give one any special powers, there are many items, especially those found in the Labyrinth Below or crafted from those materials, that only seem to give their full power to those of Saint’s Blood.​

: The most varied of the races, humans skin is anywhere from light to dark, with various skins of tan and browns appearing. Their hair can be blonde, black, brown, or a dirty orange, and their eyes can have blue, green, brown, or a mix of those colors. When Aetherborn or Chaos-touched, humans look barely any different.

Cultural Notes: As varied as their appearances, they tend to assimilate into their home nation.

: Generally a touch taller than humans, and with pointed ears, elves are a lithe race with fairer skin and coloring. They seem to be more attuned to Aether, with Aetherborn having light blue markings from birth, while Chaos-touched seem to not be visibly affected.

Cultural Notes: With a homeland built upon a plateau in the wildlands, Elves are creatures of the air. One of their most favored hobbies is to take a creation known as a wingstick, and soar on the wind.

: Shorter than most humans and powerfully built, Dwarves have skin tones the color of the stones they live nearby. Often this means that a clan of dwarves that lives in the same fortress will share the same skin tone. Their hair is most often of earth tones, and their eyes are likened to gemstones. They seem to be more affected by Chaos, with those that are Chaos-Touche having dark black skin, with ‘cracks’ that glow the chaos green.

Cultural Notes: When not living in the cities of other peoples, or their large mountain fortress homeland, Dwarves construct and live in large, stone fortresses. These fortresses are large and mostly self-sustaining, with jobs and tools being passed down from generation to the next.

: Sharing a height with the humans, and having skin of green to grey, are the orcs. They often wear their hair in a single braid down the back of their head, and this hair shares the coloration of humans. Orcs almost always have brown eyes, and seem to share affinity for both Aether and Chaos - when Aetherborn or Chaos-touched they have the marks and color of Elves and Dwarves.

Cultural Notes: Orcs, especially the ones in the Tundra, are a proud warrior people. They prove they are ready for adulthood by hunting and slaying a beast, and with that they formally join the clan. Outside of the tundra, Orcs tend to have similar (albeit less deadly) rituals.

: Lizardfolk are born in two types: Leatherheads and Scalebacks. This matters to nothing except if they have leather-like skin, or scales. Either way, they can have colors and patterns similar to lizards, and their eyes are similarly slitted. When Aetherborn, a Lizardfolk tends to be larger, and more slim while Chaos-Touched Lizardfolk grow spikes, especially on the tail area.

Cultural Notes: Liazrdfolk are great hunters, and have their own unique aesthetic. Many of them forsake heavier weapons and armor for a faster, more agile attack style.

: Beastfolk have slight muzzles, and a variable amount of fur that surrounds their face and covers their bodies. Their legs bend back, like many animals, and their feet and hands end in claws. Their fur colors and styles are varied, and their eyes are bright and predatory. When Aetherborn, they tend to look more animalistic - Chaos-touched seem more humanoid.

Cultural Notes: Like their neighbors, the Beastfolk are powerful hunters. Unlike the quick Lizardfolk, they are more apt to accept the use of powerful armor and weapons. They also have their own Aesthetic.

: Angelkin have the same bodies as humans, but their skin is always fair, at times even pure white. Their hair is always white as well. The only hint to if an Angelkin is Aetherborn, Chaos-Touched, or neither, is their eyes - be they blue, green, or yellow.

Cultural Notes: Angelkin are born from Aether-infused wombs. At this point, this usually means an Angelkin mother, but at times the womb of another race can be infused, at which point the Angelkin has a body similar to their mother.

: Demonkin generally share body sizes with humans, and tend to have darker hair and red eyes. They also have short, swooping horns and spaded tails. Their eyes, if they have a slight green or blue glow, indicates if they are chaos-touched or Aetherborn.

Cultural Notes: Similar to Angelkin, Demonkin are born from chaos-touched wombs to any race, but most often from the now-natural Demonkin. Their appearance makes others more wary of them, but most do not hate unless given a reason.

Warforged and Woodborne
: Metal and wooden constructs of various shapes and sizes, Warforged and Woodborne may have once been simple warmachines, but are now sentient creatures. The ability to animate and thus ‘birth’ new ones are lost to the other races, and the constructs do not teach it under fear of enslavement.

Cultural Notes: Warforged and Woodborne tend to have their own communities in each nation, where they create their own culture to assimilate with the other races, and yet keep their own identity.

: Undead are, by and large, skeletons. The only difference of their bodies - beyond clothes and armor they use - is the color of the energy that animated them. Green for Chaos, Blue for Aether.

Cultural Notes: Despite their appearance, Undead are not evil. They can be as good, or neutral as any other being. What matters is the Spirit that the Aether/Chaos made. As well, Undead only have lives from 10-years to much, much longer. It is impossible to know, but one who can sense Essence can estimate how long until an Undead no longer has enough essence to sustain themselves.​


Archers are the masters of ranged combat and stealthy killing from afar. They abhor the clumsy guns that are made outside the order, as they are wildly inaccurate and slow to use. Instead, they utilize their bows and arrows to create masterful death from afar. They do not shun the usage of magical bows, as the better the instrument, the better the art.

Arcane Archer
Arcane Archers are artists among artists, who utilize both bows and their own arcane abilities to empower arrows with powerful arcane effects. They cannot, however, use magic bows as this interferes with their own skills.

Assassin is the term for any and all sneaky-types who like to get up close. Thieves and true assassins are examples of this. They do not have to kill, but most know how to do so when necessary.

Barbarians are warriors born with the blood of Arlbast, the first barbarian king, within them. This blood has spread through all races; these barbarians are given a primal power to lock away most of their consciousness for a time, becoming a nigh-unstoppable force of nature with great power and endurance above their norm.

Brawlers are bare-fisted or gauntleted fighters that shun the weapons and heavier armors. They instead use their inner aether and chaos to create a targeted field around their body, that makes them able to punch through steel, or take a blade like it was nothing.

Bulwarks are the tough, the strong. They wear the heaviest armor and tend to utilize shields to protect themselves and their allies, while trudging towards the enemy where they will land a savage blow.

Clerics can be agents, or paladins. Agents are more focused on the power of white magic, where Paladins have less of that power, and more martial ability.Either way, these clerics have strong will and belief in a deity, cause, or other idea.

Dark Mage
Dark Mage is the Catch-all term for Necromancers, Blood Mages, and other users of Dark Magic - be they accepted users or not.

Druids are users of nature magic and the wardens of nature. Many see the Aether and Chaos as threats to the natural order, and will combat it (though not the users of it) in order to stem the tide and protect Eneia.

Gunners are members of the Order of the Gunner, a secretive organization that bonds with spirits that house inside their non-mechanical guns (thus allowing them to work). These guns are often single-shot breech or break loaders, and are made custom by each member to house their spirit. This means that should someone find themselves in possession of a pistol or rifle, it is nigh useless to them.

Mercenary is the catch-all term for warriors who do not fit into another category.

Sages are the learners of Aether magic. They most often learn at the Aetheric College, as those who do not will often die in the process of learning.

Spellswords are those who learn the ways of a magic and a weapon in equal measure. They may not gain the expertise in either, but they are more versatile - though not immune to the weaknesses of magic.

Sorcerers are a strange breed of magic user. They are born with a spark that allows them to cast all kinds of destructive magic. The more powerful and more often they use their magic, the more their spark grows. Should they use too much without rest, they will burn out and explode in a firework of magical essences.

Striders are those who walk in the wilds, using bow and melee to contain threats. What they do is never the same, but one thing between them is: an urge to explore. Many striders also come into companionship with a wild animal, who becomes as loyal as the most trusted ally, and will fight with them until the end.

Skirmishers are the fast warriors, the fleet. Using light armor and quick weapons, they harry their opponents with strikes until they are off-balance and prime targets for a finishing blow.

Wizards are the standard practitioner of Arcane magic. They learn how to use their power at the Arcanic College to create barriers, missiles, and many other effects, to the detriment of everything martial.

Warlocks are the users of Chaotic magic. During their time at the Chaotic College, they learn how to harness their power to destroy and transform only what they want.​
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Father God, Gardener of Spirits​
Mother Goddess, Cultivator of Essense​
God of Storms and Travel - Creator of Elves​
God of Beasts and Hunters​
God of Hearth and Home - Creator of Dwarves​
God of Truth and Sun - Creator of Beastfolk​
Goddess of Life and Moon - Creator of Lizardfolk​
Goddess of Honor and Love - Creator of Orcs​
God of Civilization - Creator of Humans​

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