Advent Online


The Druid
Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs!

Read more about this role play... 
The question of when this role-play will start has been asked. I am waiting for a few more things to be set up. Once those are finished, we will start soon after. The first post will most likely be made tomorrow. However, if by some strange reason I cannot post, I will have it started by Sunday.
sorry for posting in the other thread 
yeah im just getting used to it. So when can we start role playing?
"Culture of this nation"

*Sips amontillado wine, while listening to Requiem composed by Mozart*

Oh yes, a fine culture these days, oui, ou non?
Yes!!! I did it~ <333

I posted and it's not detailed much because I got lazy after I did Yui ._.
I was thinking about Deiji's amazingriffic idea to post stats with each post, and I'm just wondering, should we make like, a global thing that everyone should include in their posts? I think it would be a good idea to help keep track of what level we are, and how much health we have and stuff. We could include it in a spoiler at the end of each post or something.
I was thinking about that, let's hear what others have to say though. 
Okay, hey Deiji, could you show us how to do that so I can make an update? I sort of get how to do it, but not really.
If we're gonna do it, I figure it would look something like this:


Level: xx

Hp: xxxx/yyyy

Gold: xxxxxx

Exp: x/100

Hunger: x/100

Fatigue: x/100

Special 1: Inactive or active / Cooldown Remaining: x

Special 2: Inactive or active / Cooldown Remaining: x


But you can take out or put in anything you feel is necessary, of course.
Half of the time I read this I just get confused and cry in the corner.


I was dealing with my friend who was cursing at the fact that he had to drive in the rain and I didn't.

Oh, I won't be responding till tomorrow then.
Actually, I lied. I won't be posting tonight. It's getting later where I'm at. I'll still be on for a while if you have questions or something. I just no longer have the mental capacity to write something interesting and cohesive.
I finally posted. I feel like the second half is kind of awkward though, because I ended up cutting it down... It was waaaay too long before xD
Have we decided on a level cap at all? Just curious. If we did and I missed it, I'm sorry. >_< 
Deiji! I found a temporary fix! We can use percentages! xD

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