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Multiple Settings Advent of Eternity (Lore Thread)



One Winged Angel
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Table Of Contents
1. Zendria: The Planet and it's People

2. Nexus City: The Heart of Zendria

3. Magic: An Art Revitalized by Technology

4. Wormholes: The Energy of our Lives

5. The Lifestream: The Blood of our Planet

(More to be added)
Zendria: The Planet and it's People
Existing on the fringes of the multiverse, Zendria is an Earth sized planet once ruled by lush and vibrant land masses. Over the course of the last five years disease, natural disasters, and bad actors of unknown origin have devastated it's once beautiful landscape and turned most areas not protected into dark wastelands prowled by monsters and feral wildlife.

There also exist multiple cities aside from Nexus, but most have been overrun by monsters and plague as well, leaving their once great skyscrapers as empty skeletons bearing no resemblance to their former glory.

The entirety of the population remaining on Zendria is human, however there are stories of a race of humans that could communicate with the planet and use magic to its fullest extent. Who these people were, and what their society was like, have been lost to time save for a few records kept safely guarded by the Arcane Science Division.

The highest form of Government on Zendria are a council of men and women called The Eldest. They dictate domestic and foreign policy with each nation and state, and for the most part are non-combatants.

The only known practiced religion on Zendria is Spiritology, the cornerstone of which is the belief that the Planet is a living organism that can be communed with in order to generate life and healing.
Nexus City: The Heart of Zendria
Towards the western coast of the central continent is Nexus City. Roughly the same size as real world Tokyo (BIG), it is the most densely populated city on the planet. It's skyline is dominated by skyscrapers and sky cars, and it's streets are filled with hundreds of thousands of citizens going about their daily lives. The city itself is split into five quadrants.

To the North East is the Industrial Yards, predominantly hosting warehouses, factories, and worker housing. Being a poorer district, there is a distinctly higher amount of crime here than in the rest of the city. Local gangs frequent the Blue Mile, an underground collection of shops and hotels located in the abandoned Azure Dynamics shipping yard. It is also home to the first Argos Innovation Energy Reactor, one of many buildings that harness the energy from the various wormholes scouring space and provide power to the city.

To the North West is the Commercial District, home to the various shopping wards rife with different ways to spend hard earned coin. It's also home to various attractions like the First Temple of Spiritology and the Plum Blossom Casino.

The South East holds many different high rises and office buildings. Dominating the skyline in this section of the city is the Argos Innovation Tower, with its spire reaching high into the clouds.

The South West is mostly residential, with the outer bands hosting the Chancellors Mansion and other notorious mansions.

The City Center is home to various government buildings, and is heavily fortified. Here one can find landmarks such as The Eldest Spire, The Office of The Chancellory, and the Center for Arcane Science.
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Magic: An Art Revitalized by Technology
At the time of its formation, Zendria was a world rich in magical particles and energies that sustained the life of its flora, fauna and, most importantly, it's inhabitants. The precursors to modern day Zendrians, known to scholars as Forebears, were able to use these particles and energies to cast spells of varying degrees of power and classifications. Mostly a peaceful people, they mainly utilized their unique affluence for the magical arts to heal others and revitalize the land. In the rare cases that their abilities were used to do harm, it was said that they were powerful enough to bring about natural disasters and split apart the sky.

As the Forebears population began to dwindle, and the race of humanity began to rise to overtake them, the records of their arts became scarce. Some chose to unite with humans to allow their legacy to last, however most kept their secrets locked away. In time, the use of magic was discarded in favor of science and technology. Remnants of the knowledge of the Forebears remained solely in the hands of the Arcane Science Division, whose founding principles were based upon the idea that magic and science could be combined to further the greater good of humanity for all of Zendria.

Arcane Science is just as it sounds, the marriage of science and magic. Mostly used to power the machinery that sustains the people living in any one of Zendria's urban jungles, surrounding towns and villages, it has also been used for medical science, transportation, weaponry and more. It's applications are endless, but the most fervent form of research has been related to the various Wormholes that inhabit the wild space beyond the planet itself. The Church of Spiritology, firm in its belief that magic should not be used by anyone who does not belong to the lineage of the Forebears, has repeatedly lambasted what they call the bastardization of their planets legacy, and reject it entirely. However the majority of Zendrians are content to enjoy the comfort and convenience that Arcane Science has provided them, regardless of any possible malignancy it might bring.
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The Lifestream: The Blood of Our Planet
Text goes here
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