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Multiple Settings Advanced RP Search—PLOT IDEAS!

Hello and thank you for stumbling onto my thread. Since I've got no idea how to do any of those fancy coding things, I'll just dive right into it.

What To Expect From Me

4+ paragraphs a post—I'm a poet first and a role player second. I tend to write choppy, dramatic sentences that sound a lot better spoken than read. However, I'm working on that and I ask for a little patience. I can give you long response but they might be a little too poetic for some's liking. That being said, they'll definitely be literate.

Responses every other day—One the weekdays, I'm a college student with horses, school work, and responsibilities. I can offer a minimum of one post every other day. If they're going to be farther apart, I'll absolutely let you know.

Natural romance—I don't really like romance in writing. It seems horribly fake for me when I'm trying to write out characters that have been predetermined to fall in love. I'm okay with romance that occurs naturally but not a romantically themed plot line. That being said, if romance comes up I am okay with any and all pairings (mxm, fxm, fxf, non binary, etc)

Ideas and Input—I'm brutally honest. If I don't like where our roleplay is going, I'll let you know. I just ask that you extend the same courtesy to me.

What I Expect From My Partner

Detailed Posts—I'm not looking for a book. Just something that I can mirror and offer you a well written response to. Preferably 2+ paragraphs though I completely understand if they have to be a little shorter.

No Disappearing—I've definitely done it in the past and I've definitely had it done to me. If you want to quit, let me know. I won't be upset! I promise I don't bite!

Triggers—Please! Please! Please let me know if you have any. Please!

Input—Please, please don't let me be the only one offering plots and ideas. I love working as a pair!!

Following the Rules—No breaking RPN rules at all. If romance comes up, I absolutely insist on fading to black. It's a deal breaker.

Now for the fun part. I’ve had this plot in my mind for several weeks and would love to actually write it.


Muse A was born into a very conservative, very Muslim family. They lived over seas and only left their family to attend the university. Muse A is not straight. Being gay is suh a taboo in their home country that their parents would disown and possibly attack them if they ever found out. After years of studying and avoiding arranged marriages, their parents are starting to suspect something is off with their child. That’s when Muse A concocts a plan. They need to find a spouse and fast. Muse B has always had a deep interest in Muse A’s home country and language. They’ve study it for years and met Muse A at a cultural event. The two of them became fast friends and even roommates. One day, their friend came to them and asked for their hand in marriage. Muse B, knowing their roommate was gay, was shocked. But quickly Muse A explained their plan. They needed to get married to someone to please their parents. And they’re willing to financially support Muse B if they pretend to have converted, married them, and then go and visit Muse A’s parents back home.

Important Note: Muse A and B don’t end up ever falling in love. They’re doing all this for show. It’s a roleplay going through their struggles and balancing acts of their fake marriage.

This is my most prevalent plot idea. I'll add more as they come to me.

I like to roleplay about:

-foster care/adoptive parents
-dysfunctional families

If you’ve got an idea with any of that, tell me!

Let me know if you have any that you want to use! I only do modern/slice of life!

Thank you you for taking the time to read this :)
I’d love to write a story about recovery, I’m a huge fan of romance. But it doesn’t have to be in a story per day!

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