[Advanced] One on One Roleplay [Vampire] [& Other Types]


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜


1.) All forum rules apply.

2.) I don't mind violence, I don't mind the mushy stuff, I don't mind cursing, I really don't care.

3.) This is advanced. Which, simply put, is a step above being literate. I don't want one liners at all. If there's nothing going on in the roleplay, hey, make something happen. On the other side of the spectrum, your replies don't have to be five paragraphs long. Just make a decent reply and I'll do the same for you.

4.) We will most likely be doubling, unless you want to just play a male. I like playing my own gender, simply because I'm better at it. But I also like doubling, because it usually makes the RP fair, and more interaction = more things to happen. Ya know?

5.) This is -obviously- a recruitment thread. So once I decide who to let join, I'll make another thread and post the link. This isn't a rule, really, just a statement.

6.) OOC talk must be kept in OOC. Use something that lets me know its YOU talking, not your character.

7.) I reserve the right to deny anyone access or add rules as need be. If you can think of something, let me know.


This is basically a vampirexslave roleplay. It is a one on one, but I would love to do multiple one on ones (they don't all have to be this genre, so feel free to suggest something, too!). I guess this is just the genre I am craving at the moment. Anyway, here's the plot thing I have:

Master (this is not his name, btw, lol) is a vampire who has been around for many, many years. Every so often, he will go to the auction, where one can purchase all types of things from furniture to electronics to people. Yes, people. One can purchase a human to either set them free, or keep them as their slave. Master decides to visit one day, by reasons made up by you. His eyes fall on Sabreena, and for some reason, he cannot get her out of his head. So he decides to purchase her.

She hates him at first, and he wonders why he even bought her. But he can't bring himself to kill her or set her free. He has other servants, but she is the one he treats differently-- better, worse, again, up to you. Why can't he let her go?

Other Info:

Like I said, this isn't the only thing I'll do, so just suggest something. And I know the plot is very basic and has been done before, but I want there to be a reason he can't let Breena go. Whether it be something special about her or she just gets under his skin, doesn't matter. If you have ANY ideas to contribute, please do!

If we end up doubling for this, Master (again, not his name!) can have a friend who pressures him into buying Breena, and of course the second vampire can also purchase someone. Again, please bring other ideas into this because I know this is rather lacking.

@HollyAnne91 Here I am, creepa-creeping again.

This sounds very much awesome :D I'd like to join, and we can totally double, because it would be less.... static, I guess?

Anywho, just let me know.

Also, I cannot find our imaginary friend roleplay ANYWHERE /:

And when/if you reply to this, can you please tag me? I am not quite sure how I found this thread in the first place, so I'm positive that I will not find it again without being tagged in it haha :)
I think this sounds interesting!(Sorry I seem to post in like every one of your threads, I'm not a stalker I promise lol) I think it would be cool if Sabreena looks identical to a servant the master used to have, and since he was quite find of that servant, he thought she might be a reincarnation or something and bought her. But then he realized she wasn't anything like the servant and treated her worse than his others for bad behavior, but still felt somehow linked to her so he couldn't let her go or kill her. Eventually he grew even fonder of her than his other servant(in more than a friendly way that is)... Should I post a skelly of what my interpretation of the master would be?
Oh my god that's AWESOME! Haha, sometimes I can come up with a good plot, sometimes my brain blanks out. But I love that plot idea, hanabusa. And it's fine, you and KaitWink are in most of my RP's xD I take it as a compliment! And sure, that'd be awesome, too! I'd be happy to do two different roleplays with each of y'all. So I can make two new threads and post them here for y'all
It's not a problem, it happens sometimes!! I know one of my more recent RP's had a lot of issues, and by the time they worked out, everyone ended up dropping except like 3 people and they post so rarely that I forget the RP exists lol. And yay! Just let me know when you wanna start, and I'll come up with some character stuffs :3
Yay, I'm glad you like the idea! I guess we're in them because you usually have awesome ideas too :) Which section will the threads be in?
Still looking for roleplays! Anyone else can feel free to reply to this thread or PM me!
Sadly the other one died.. TO much OOC not enough roleplay. I tried to give you open responses that all could work with. Might be interested if it wasn't necessarily vampirexslave how about vampirexnewlychangedvamp
ugh, I know. I want to end it, it didnt turn out anything like I planned haha. how can I do that? and sure, id be interested in a vampire x new vampire!
Ok cool! Like I will be the newly changed vamp who can't control urges or anything. Like barely function in actual society. Oh to end it you need to ask an admin to close it for you :D
I am always looking, @HeartBrokenIceQueen! What would you like to RP?

Okay why isn't my tagging working anymore??
Hmm...Depends...Lets get it a bit more difficult for our characters to interact? For example Vampire x Lycan or Demon x Angel. That kind of thing ;)
Ooh, either one of those work for me. Do you have a plot we can try out?
hi, brand new here but I have some experience role playing. I have a pretty dark female vampire that it might be interesting to dust off and play with. She is conniving and manipulative, sexy when it suits her, definitely not mushy, or sparkly.

I'm new to this site but not new to roleplaying at all (been doing it on another site for probably five years now), and as I don't know who the decent writers are and sometimes have a strange schedule I prefer to do one on one RPs. I'm better at/more comfortable with playing guys - even though I'm a girl. I know, weird - but can play girls too, and this idea sounds fun :) If you're up for it I'd like to give it a go. I can fish up a writing sample from somewhere if you'd like.
Hi I'm new here too but I've roleplayed before with my friends. This seems interesting and I'd like to join if you'll have me. Like you, I like role playing as a girl, my original gender but I guess I can try being a guy but I won't be as successful.

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