Advanced Mechanics


Seven Thousand Club
Alright guys, in this thread we're gonna talk about specific details about how the game works. If you haven't read Basic Mechanics yet, this shit will only confuse you. I'm gonna give you more insight into how the Number Cruncher works regarding Attributes and Weapon Triangles. We're also gonna talk fun stuff like Crafting and Capturing enemy units. *claps hands* Lets do this. After this, head on down to the Number Cruncher App.

  • Weapon Types
    There are 12 different Weapon Types, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Each class has access to one or more Weapon Type. Thinking about what kind of weapon you want your character to use is one of the easiest ways to decide what class your character shall be.

    You'll get the freedom to decide what your character's weapon looks like. Say your character wields Swords and they're equipped with an Iron Sword. Unlike in the game, where that item looks the same for everyone who uses it, your Iron Sword can be any sword model you can think of: a katana, a broadsword, etc. etc.


    ACC +10%, EVA +5%, +1 Attack

    Swords are well balanced weapons that lend to an accuracy boost, a minor evasion boost, and a minor damage boost.


    +10% CRIT, +2 Attack

    Lances are heavier than swords, and those that wield them are trained to aim for their enemy’s weak spots. They boast a critical boost and a damage boost.


    -10% ACC, +4 Attack

    Axes are the heaviest melee weapons and they receive a major damage bonus. However, they trade damage output for accuracy.

    Hidden Weapons

    +20% EVA

    Small daggers, knives, and shuriken that grant their wielders a major evasion bonus, but are weak in their damage output. Hidden Weapons can be used from an adjacent cell or from one cell away.


    +10% CRIT, +10% EVA

    Fighters that wield gauntlets get up close and personal to punch dudes in the face. Their close quarters grant them a critical bonus and their lightweight nature weapons grant them an evasion bonus, but no damage bonus.


    +20% ACC

    Bows typically must be used from a distance. All bows innately have the AIR attribute, making them highly effective against flying units. They also get a major accuracy bonus, but they’re weak when it comes down to cold hard damage. Anyone who can wield a bow can also wield a Ballista, so long as they aren't a Mounted Unit.


    + 10% ACC, +2 Magic

    Anima magic is elemental magic and overall pretty balanced. It has an accuracy boost and a damage boost, but the best thing about it is that each spell type tends to have Attributes and perks that increase as the wielder becomes more skilled.


    +10% EVA, +5% ACC, +1 Magic

    Light magic has the Holy attribute, so it’s mega effective against Undead enemies. But other than that, wielders of Light receive an evasion bonus, a minor accuracy bonus, and a minor damage bonus.


    -10% ACC, +4 Magic

    Dark magic is the strongest of magic, but it also takes a while to cast. In other words it’s not that accurate, but you’re gonna have a real bad day if you get hit by it.


    +10% LUCK, +10% ACC

    While they may not do damage directly, Staves have a variety of purposes. They can cure status effects, inflict status effects, heal allies, and affect the environment. Staves that heal or effect the environment don't have to be put into the Number Cruncher, you can just do your thing. But whenever you're targeting an enemy, you must crunch them numbers you would with any other weapon.


    Magical stones that can only be used by Manaketes and Laguz to take their Primal Form. They have no inherent bonuses because Laguz and Manaketes have inherent racial capabilities. Stones have no inherent bonuses, however, Transforming Classes make up the loss by getting some pretty cool rolling bonuses. Also, whenever you're fighting a monster from the Bestiary that doesn't use a weapon, you'll enter a Stone in the number cruncher. Stones do physical damage. You can read about Laguz and Manakete Stones lore-wise in their respective sections in Races in General Lore.

    For Manaketes, they be usin' them physical attacks and their breath attacks. But obviously they be using them stones for both. So for Dragonstones, you just have to specify in the app if you're using a physical attack or a magic breath attack. Simply do so by listing that shit as Dragon Breath in Weapon Name in the app when you're attacking with breath. So that you guys remember the difference, I'm listing Dragonstone weapons as Dragonstone/Breath.


    ACC +10%, +2 Attack, Movement Reduced to 2 Cells

    Ballista are big fucking siege vehicles that shoot big ol' missle type arrows and such. Ballista can only be used by infantry units who have access to the Bow weapon type. They are heavily modifiable by Engineers. Explosives can be attached to them, and a Ballista can also be mounted on top of the War Carriage. However, an unmounted Ballista will heavily decrease movement to 2 cells when being operated. You can learn more about modifying a Ballista in the Crafting section in this thread.

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