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Advanced/Casual RPers NEEDED


New Member
I want to get better at roleplaying. I barely get a paragraph per character, I forget plots easily, I am rusty on details, and I am seeking long term roleplay partners who a lot better than me-so I can soak up their skill and get better. Here I will copy n paste one of my roleplay replies, so you can get a taste of my skills where I am at. It is from a Harry Potter universe based roleplay.

ps. I roleplay based of the universes of other books, shows, movies, anime, and so on; but I don't use their characters or specific storylines. Just the universe.


That was not exactly the answer she was expecting, but then again she wasn't sure what reply she was waiting for when she said it. "I guess I just didn't realize that you were different before... and I judged you to be the same. I am sorry for that", she said to him feeling bad for all the time she had spent avoiding him because of his family. She sat down at a table silent in a moment of thought when they got to class.


Once the class introduction had ended each pair of students were assigned their magical creatures to take care of. Krad and his partner were assigned to a pair of menagerie rats. While the furry critters skittered about sniffing them and riding on their shoulders; they opened their books and began to read a little bit about them. For you see, before anything super fun can happen you have to read about your animal, and then gain their trust. The cool part about it this time was that Haggrid was using some common animals, and if you were able to have a healthy and strong bond with your creatures you might get to keep them. Haggrid was an animal lover unlike any other, and one of his favorite things was to adopt pets, and give pets good homes that needed it. Krad like animals, but not as much as his teacher. The menagerie rats have long stretchy tails that can be used for rope, and live longer than the ordinary rat. Krad didn't usually like animals much honestly, but these two girl rats were just the cutest things he had ever seen, and he really wanted to get to know them.
That's not bad actually, I could do an rp with you if you want and we could make a good story that we might enjoy?
Harbinger said:
That's not bad actually, I could do an rp with you if you want and we could make a good story that we might enjoy?
I think I would like. :) I will go ahead and message you after I wake tomorrow. I am sleepy now and it is family time so I won't be roleplaying anything new for the night. 

leefirefox said:
Hey chubbers if you are still looking I would love to rp with you, and you are actually pretty good.
Thank you for your reply. I am still looking. I will message you tomorrow after I wake. It is family time for the night which only means that I am not doing any new roleplays for the night.
leefirefox said:
Ok sounds good just message me when you can.
I certainly will. :) I was going to tell you something off topic, but now I can't remember what that was going to be. Xc lol
I'd love to help you become an even better writer :) .I have lots of ideas and fandoms in mind,but I've been craving a Pirate x Slave one where I can play the slave.Message me and we can discuss!

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