Mollie Jane usually wears her hair down, styled in a nice, tasteful way. Unless she's working, in which case her hair goes straight up into a ponytail and out of the way, whether she's researching or engaging.
athletic - muscular
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
this is a fancy fancy quote. make it as loooong as you want. but it'll be two lines on the thing max i think so don't go TOO crazy. just a cute little, fancy little quote.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
character names
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
important milestone
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
important milestone
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
face claim
rose leslie
title here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
this is a fancy fancy quote. make it as loooong as you want. but it'll be two lines on the thing max i think so don't go TOO crazy. just a cute little, fancy little quote.
Kind :: For all his flaws, it can be said that Enoch is genuinely kind. He cares about the people around him and is always aiming to do the right thing, even when it might seem impossible. Although most people are adverse to him, he is the kind of person that would walk an old woman across the street or smile at a stranger just because.
Loyal :
Compassionate :
negative traits
Awkward ::
Overly Cautious ::
Blunt ::
Unorganized ::
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
character names
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
important milestone
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
twin sister
Wren Brackston
Wren was Enoch's sister and best and only friend. She was always more popular than he was, being more confident and warm and generally likable, but he never resented her for it. She still always made time for him and was one of his few protecters when it came to bullies.
With Wren, Enoch could be himself without the worry about how it might come off to others. Her death sent him spiraling. He started to speak even less than before and basically kept to himself completely unless necessary.
important milestone
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
face claim
alex lawther
title here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu.
forensic specialist for AHPD - professional forger for supernaturals
black hair
brown eyes
hair style
Cath usually wears her hair naturally and cut above her chin to keep it out of the way.
More often than not, Cath will be found in black clothing, sometimes with a sweater if it's colder outside. She owns no less than three diferrent leather jackets and wears heavy combat boots. She almost always has a pair of rubber gloves on her if she needs them.
this is a fancy fancy quote. make it as loooong as you want. but it'll be two lines on the thing max i think so don't go TOO crazy. just a cute little, fancy little quote.
martial arts - winning - forensics - singing - women - sex - learning - languages - reading - coffee - hot tea - video games - dark clothing - protecting people
pushy people - losing - looking stupid - board games - obnoxious people - romance - too much affection - death - nightmares - sleeping - people getting hurt - being unable to protect those she loves
Martial Arts :: Catherine spent nearly five years in a Shaolin temple, perfecting and honing her martial arts abilities. Since returning to the states, she has also engaged in MMA, karate, taekwondo, and several other forms.
Polyglot :: Cath picks up languages with relative ease. She is fluent in Mandarin and Traditional Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Indian, and Korean. In her spare time, she is learning Russian, Arabic, and German.
Forensics ::
Marksman ::
Forgery :: Because she grew up in Adelaide Hills, Cath is more than aware of the supernatural goings-on in the town. It definitely helps with her work and though she doesn't know much about them, she knows enough. And she knows enough to make a living out of making forge legal papers for supernatural creatures so that they can join regular society without setting off any red flags. AHPD is aware of her activities and actively encourage them, sometimes even setting aside parts of her schedule so she can make the forgeries.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
character names
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
important milestone
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
important milestone
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
character name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
face claim
chloe bennett
title here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu.
Cyrus is always a bit unkempt despite attempts to actually look decent. Eyebags or flyaways, something is always a miss. Oh well, you can get away with that when you're the successful sibling.
bye bye harvard
aint no rest for the wicked
I don't smile
Drive safe! Break for squirrels!
Oh no, I seem to be falling to my death after hitting a whole squirrel village
Politeness and family values and what not. These are the base criteria for being liked. Isn't that what everyone wants?
Things are fine and everything will be just fine! Nothing is past saving, even this freaky town.
Cyrus is never void of energy. Carpe Diem and what not.
Wow, that's a great and personal question! Now onto this other thing...
People always say be yourself, but that's bullshit. Cyrus will say anything and everything to make people like him. So that's a bit problematic, but who's going to figure out that everything he says and does is an act? That's crazy! Who would do that? You're insane for even thinking it!
A planner can only help someone so much. Honestly, it's a miracle Cyrus got into Harvard with how much information leaves his brain on a daily basis.
Tarot Cards
Romance Novels
Movie Adaptations
Studying, Photography, MySpace, Reading
Rejection, Ghosts, Being exposed, The inevitable heat death of the universe
Lying, Speed Reader, Note Taking, Following Directions
Cyrus was the youngest, but the brightest of the Korey siblings. He was always ahead of his peers' mental abilities. Full sentences at 1, reading by 3, multiplication by 6, all of these things set him apart from the other kids. And it didn’t take long to realize just how different everyone felt he was. So he hid his strengths, not from his teachers, but from the other kids. He wouldn’t raise his hand in class anymore, but his test scores were still the highest in the class.
This was just the start of his life of performance. The world's a stage so they say. Cyrus continued changing behaviors that got him bullied and mimicking the other kids to fit in. He never understood how others could effortlessly be themselves. His existence could never be so simple.
There wasn’t much Cyrus understood about death when Orion died. The two of them had never been close, being 7 years apart, but the loss of him was felt through the home. He was sad for reasons that weren’t quite clear to himself. His parents took it even worse, and he had no idea how to make it better.
Through middle school and high school, Cyrus got to the point where he was actually popular. It was nice to finally be liked, but something was still missing. He wanted to be more like the guys in his romance novels. The girls were… well they were fine and all. He just never related to them like he thought he should. He’d rather fantasize about women than be one.
Sometimes knowing yourself takes time. Time that is spent having a 4.0 GPA instead of thinking about things like gender and sexuality. Or getting into Ivy League schools. Somehow he ended up at Harvard, 6 hours away. That was a big change, but not as big as the changes he made to himself while there.
Two years away from home and a completely different gender later, and he’s ready to spend a completely normal summer with the family. Hopefully no one gets too nosey in the meantime. He’s just the new local librarian, nothing more.
They want to see you do good but never better than them, remember that
The Crane Wives
-Always drinking caffeine
-"You like that? Wow, I like that too!"
-His eye bags are gucci
-Notes are impossible to navigate
-Sleeps with his eyes open... Don't ask
-Asks for permission before even the slightest touch
-Stressed 24/7
-Is scared someone will call his bluff one day
-Favorite color is yellow
Elera Korey
Older Sister
The great thing about family is you don't have to buy their love. No, you can be the most intolerable person and they'll still care for you. Not that Cyrus at his core is intolorable, well maybe just a bit, but it's nice not to stress about impressions around someone. Elera is stuck with him, and bothering her has been put off for far too long.
Elera tries her best to maintain the innocence of her look. She's put together, sharp, and clean. Squeaky at that. Looking any less than perfect is just a moment of weakness.
vaycay to Palm Springs
b4 soccer practice
On my way home!
Drive safe! Break for squirrels!
Elera is tightly strung at all times. 15 minutes early is on time, and anything less is late. All deadlines are "I wouldn't be caught dead finishing something this late" lines. Being put together is a reliable staple for her.
Loyalty is unwavering and more importantly unchanging. It takes a lot to earn or lose her trust. People who have it will keep her on their side through their best and worst. This also applies to larger concepts such as interests and opinions.
Elera handles things with poise and dignity. Everything can be talked out, there's no need to yell or fight or cry about it. She's an adult, and she is going to act like one.
Some people believe they must always be right. Elera is one of those. Once she's decided on something, it is the only right way. Changing her opinion is almost impossible, and quite frankly, she's already decided you're the one in the wrong.
Maturity only goes so far. When people fail to understand and convert to her side, she gets a bit passive aggressive. She'd never throw the first punch, but Elera can be bitter and is known for her ability to keep a grudge.
There are some people who have never been told "no" in their lives. Elera hasn't, at least not in a way that matters. Without any consequences of importance, she hasn't quite learned to accept it or how to create a plan B.
Not being taken seriously
Physical labor
People without strong opinions
Soccer, Dancing, Poetry
Things never being normal again, The supernatural, Not knowing how to handle a situation
Astral projection, Divination, Running
Dear Diary...
Elera was the second child to the Korey family. Her older brother Orion was three years older, and Cyrus would be born four years after her. Being a middle child, she always felt overshadowed by her brothers. It seemed nothing she did was ever enough to be given the same attention as them. Maybe she just wasn’t as good as them. Despite her academic achievement and amazing performance in soccer, she still wasn’t enough. Elera couldn’t play three instruments or do algebra at age 7. She was just average compared to her brothers.
What she could do, however, was project the image of perfection. If the outside world saw her without flaws, maybe her family could too. So she maintained appearances, grades, and everything else, becoming the perfect daughter. She was never as good as her brothers, but at least she could get some appreciation.
Life goes on, even through perfectionism and hardship. Even in the wake of death. No one saw it coming when Orion succumbed to the pressure. Only being in middle school, Elera didn’t know what heroin was, but she knew what it did to her family, the way it made everything fall apart. Every day, she’d pull herself out of bed and wear the mask, now with the new weight of being the oldest.
Doing her best to be the glue that held the family together, Elera grew up far too fast. There was no time for childhood when your dad is drinking his life away, your mom is swamped in credit card debt, and your younger brother is just trying to be comfortable in his own skin. It took a few years to make things okay again, and she took the impact to her grades, but it worked out.
After high school, her GPA wasn’t good enough to get any scholarships that she’d need to go to college, but her soccer skills got her scouted by a college an hour out of town. Commuting was often a bitch, but it was worth it to stay home and make sure her family was doing okay. Between the sports scholarship and working double shifts at the diner, she’s doing alright. They are all doing alright.
Lately though, things have been getting a bit weird. Elera has been experiencing some new… abilities. Being able to be outside one's own body was not normal last time she checked. This whole mystical side of herself is getting in the way of her perfection and completely unwelcome.
The most reliable way to predict
the future is to create it
The Crane Wives
-Has never been kissed
-Never swears
-Is probably taking everything way too seriously
-Thinks you aren’t taking this seriously enough
-A really good soccer player
-It’s her comfort activity
-Don’t get it twisted, she may look harmless, but she can fight you
-Has a very strong set of morals
-Favorite color is silver
Cyrus Korey
Little Brother
They're siblings so they don't always get along, but if anyone can get Elera to be less stubborn, it's Cyrus. He hasn't visited a lot since going away for college, but with him home now, hopefully that closeness isn't gone.
Maybe enemies is harsh but they really are not friends. The two of them went to highschool together and absolutely hate each other. At least Cath doesn't live in Adelaide anymore...
They work at the diner together. Jo is a lot, but getting along with coworkers is worth it to keep a pleasant work environment. At least, most of the time.
Dirty blonde locks of straight, healthy hair sit on Jo’s head—usually uncombed and greasy from a few days of not washing it. Shown off down at all occasions, there is absolutely no way that one will catch Jo having her hair in a ponytail or actually managed. Absolutely no way. However greasy it might be, she considers it her best feature, plus she thinks her head looks weird when she puts her hair in a ponytail. That said, the only way you’ll see her with her hair up will be if you manage to find her middle school yearbook.
By all means, Jo is a small human. She’s relatively short, shorter than average at least. She also doesn’t have a lot of fat or muscle on her body, so she constantly looks like she could use a homecooked meal. Her affinity towards jogging and running doesn’t help this, and her pickiness when it comes to food doesn’t help either. But she always was a scrawny person, like her mother and grandma were, so it’s definitely genetic.
Extremely casual, colorful yet non-flashy items of clothing is what Jo usually wears. Random boy shirts, crop tops, jeans, hoodies, muddy sneakers…all of those are a go. Dresses, jewelry, accessories…yeah, no. Those are things she’d rather die before wearing in her life. What is she, like 7? Not anymore.
distinguishable features
A couple of small tattoos grace Jo’s body. One on her ankle of the infinity symbol. One on her hip of a badly drawn circle inside of which her birthmark rests. She also has some scars on her body from a rowdy childhood filled with happy memories of falling down and getting back up because she’s a strong and independent woman. Or, well, was.
What if there's a monster out there? What if it's waiting for me to get up? Would that be a bad thing or a good thing? Oh, come on, Jo! Just get out of bed.
Jo is the type of person to have an idea and fully go through with it because she knows it will become a good memory. She is the type of person to come up with an entire road trip on a whim. And if she happens to get lost, or in trouble, she has no issue getting out of a tricky situation because she looks at all the options and doesn’t panic.
Focused, Friendly, Funny;
Jo cares about the people around her, even if lately there haven’t been many people around that she’s gotten attached to. She can be a very fun person to hang out with, and she doesn’t mind making jokes about herself as long as it’s allowed to also make jokes about the other person, or people, with her. If she thinks a relationship is something she needs to work on, she will put her efforts on it entirely, and have no problem doing so.
Independent, Intelligent, Imaginative;
Since being just a little girl, Jo was always just like her mom. She loved to solve puzzles, create mysteries that just needed to be cracked. She did really well in school, even in things where creativity was needed. It always felt like she was a fully fledged person, ready to take on the world by herself if need be. And this intelligence helped a lot with making friends, even if she didn’t need them to be happy.
Sensible, Socially Aware, Spunky;
Jo is aware when people are laughing at her. She understands she might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but she’s not the person to obsess with it until the end of time. She’ll take it like a punch, and let the pain go away on its own. She won’t allow people to make fun of her, though, and will make sure to get back at them if they deserve it.
negative traits
Compulsive, Confrontational, Cynical;
Jo often lets her paranoia and underlying anxiety get on top of her, especially since her brother died. She doesn’t view the world as a good place anymore, and often gets into meaningless fights over meaningless things with meaningless people. She isn’t afraid to take a stand, but lately she seems to be taking stand over truly unnecessary outcomes. She lets her mind do all the work, not letting reason stop it.
Indecisive, Irrational, Irresponsible;
Jo doesn’t know when to stop her thoughts. She doesn’t know when to stop thinking things, and when reality doesn’t match up with what’s going on in her head. She often thinks things that aren’t true because of fear or guilt, and she doesn’t take any responsibility for her thoughts. This can be for simple things like deciding which breakfast to get in the morning, or more important things, like deciding to move to a new town.
Stubborn, Superstitious, Suspicious;
Jo seems to think she knows what she wants, and always thinks she’s right, so when someone implies she isn’t right, she doesn’t have a problem with storming out. She doesn’t know when she’s gone overboard, and that makes others ignore her beliefs, or stops her from sharing them with others, knowing that they wouldn’t agree. She’s the type of person to believe in the grand meaning of things, and also in Bigfoot.
Withdrawn, Workaholic, Worrywart;
There isn’t a moment in Jo’s life anymore where she can take a breath in without having the feeling in the back of her mind that she just inhaled a piece of microplastic. She likes to give herself into her work, whether that is working at the diner or rearranging her investigation board for the fifth time in the week. This also means that while she might seem friendly and nice, she’s probably on autopilot, and won’t share meaningful information with people.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
jackson and cassandra
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
farewell, best friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
charles hewes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
welcome to adelaide hills
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
adelaide hewes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
--> Jo wears some of her brother's shirts because it reminds her of him.
--> Her brother had the same circle tattoo and the same birthmark.
--> Has read exactly one book in her entire life—Crime and Punishment
--> Thinks Bigfoot exists.
--> Works in the town diner.
--> Has a favorite customer—old lady Janet.
--> Has weird dreams of the devil.
--> Is on anxiety medication but forgets to take them.
Much like the wind, Marceline is a free spirit and nothing short of an intense person, with a fiery high-spirited personality—if she is given a task she will accept it and will not relinquish it until it is perfectly done. In this way she is resolute. She is known to be impulsive at times, taking on too many things at once and feeling disheartened when she cannot go through with them all. In general, although she is relatively friendly, Marceline is very argumentative and outspoken, often using her sharp wit to her advantage. Her affection is almost smothering. Marceline is an active, sporty person and competitive at heart. When angry, she has a propensity toward becoming cold and withdrawn
『ᴘ ʀ ᴇ ꜰ ᴇ ʀ ᴇ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ꜱ』 Likes
+Odd Interest in Fire
-The Mundane
『ᴄ ᴀ ᴘ ᴀ ʙ ɪ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ɪ ᴇ ꜱ』
In-Depth Green Witch, Empath Manipulation of Seasons; the magic which conjures up the climate of winter, autumn, summer, and spring. The witch is empowered by, and even deeply connected to the current season and the natural world
Empathy; an ability to absorb and interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others. Marceline can use magic to manipulate emotions in others, understand and communicate with animals--even plants
Psychometry; an extension of being an empath, Marceline can read emotional imprints left in the environment and objects to obtain historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects she observes.
With objects, they gain knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it. With living beings or parts of the body, she can learn their general life history
‣Emotional Overload
‣Running (Track & Field)
『ʜ ɪ ꜱ ᴛ ᴏ ʀ ʏ』 In the Appalachian Adelaide Hills; a small town in Pennsylvania, Marceline was born to Julius Lefevre, a French Creole native to Louisiana, who owns an antique shop located in the town square, and Talise Hill Lefevre; an illustrious horror fiction author, of the Iroquois living in the Appalachia.
The Lefevres were well off, just from the mother's fame. During childhood, Marceline lived a rather boring, mundane life of family gatherings and private schools. Life did not start to get interesting until she turned eighteen and started being able to feel spirits, all around her, among other things. That's when she came in contact with The Coven, after bumping into a woman in the street and seeing that she was a real witch--up until that point, Marceline thought those things were nothing but fairytales. She boldly demanded that she come to the event being held that night, and the woman did not even seem startled in the slightest, she simply said, welcome sister.
It has been almost a year since she joined and her powers have grown, still blossoming. When she graduated from high school, she stayed in Adelaide Hills, taking a year off to continue full study with the coven. This year, she intends to start classes at the closest liberal arts college.
『ᴛ ʀ ɪ ᴠ ɪ ᴀ ʟ ꜱ』 Knowledge
‣ Favorite Color is Maroon
『ᴠ ɪ ꜱ ᴀ ɢ ᴇ』
Color of Hair | Black
Preferred Style | Straight
Color of Eyes | Golden
Height | 5’7
Physique | Athletic
Weight | 140 lbs
Complexion | Pale
Origin | Irish/ American
Distinguishing Marks/Features |
『ᴘ ꜱ ʏ ᴄ ʜ ᴇ』
The Adventurer - ISFP
Seen as brash and problematic. Hullen will be the first to help those he thinks he can trust. The truth is he's more of a lovable oaf with a big heart.
Habits and Quirks
‣ Often does dog-like things without him even realizing it. Will probably chase a ball if thrown. Often mistaken as ADHD by more normal people.
『ᴘ ʀ ᴇ ꜰ ᴇ ʀ ᴇ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ꜱ』
+ Cars
-Terrible smells
『ᴄ ᴀ ᴘ ᴀ ʙ ɪ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ɪ ᴇ ꜱ』
Transformation: Is capable of taking the form of a large bipedal or quadrupedal wolf.
Super Strength: Can lift things several times his own body weight
Super Speed: Much faster than normal animals.
Increased Agility: Can perform things on par with champion gymnist.
♡ Style: Cute and preppy. She loves to wear sweaters and skirts. She rarely goes out without makeup, nails, and a cute hairstyle.
♡ Personality: Vivi is a very excitable, outgoing girl. She loves to meet new people and try new things. She's always had a lucky streak, and it seems like good things are always happening to her. However, she has a tendency to focus on the superficial, and probably focuses a little bit too much on her appearance. She comes across to a lot of people as an airhead, but she can actually apply herself when she wants to. Key word being want.
♡ Bio: Vivi has lived in Adelaide Hills pretty much all her life. The daughter of two Vietnamese immigrants who came to Adelaide Hills for a better life. They wanted her to go to college after she graduated high school, but she wasn't ready to leave quite yet. For now, Vivi remains in Adelaide Hills working at her parents' donut shop. However, she recently got involved with that shady witches coven that she had only heard rumors about before. Will her powers flourish, or will she find herself in way over her head?
♡ Likes: Makeup, bunnies, boba tea
♡ Dislikes: Working, serious people, carrots
♡ Fears: Ghosts, never amounting to anything
♡ Psychic Witch: Joining the witches' coven has allowed Vivi to gain control of her innate psychic abilities. Her powers are currently weak, but with training she'll gain more strength.
♡ Psychic Energy Manipulation: Vivi can manipulate physical psychic energy both to use offensively and defense. This requires heavy use of her brain to create this energy and it is currently very weak.
♡ Luck Affinity: Vivi is naturally in-tune with the forces of luck and chance, and she is able to manipulate her luck and the luck of others.
♡ Telekinesis: Vivi can lift objects with her mind. It currently requires massive amounts of concentration to be able to lift anything heavier than a couple of ounces.
Age : Appears 14, though in fact cannot remember their true age
Sexuality : Pansexual
Gender : Agender
Appearance :
They seem translucent, almost see-through under most circumstances, typically taking the appearance of a ghoulish, child-like figure with ragged and long hair that similarly fluctuates in color - going from midnight black to silvery white in the blink of an eye. They wear pure white clothes, akin to a hospital gown.
Abilities :
Intangibility : They are unimpacted by solid entities in the physical world, existing in a sort of liminal space outside of reality. The only things that can truly make physical contact with them are liquids and gases, as well as certain mystical entities.
Selective Invisibility : Among the Mundane, they can choose those that can and can't see them. Animals and those of mystical character can always perceive them.
Telepathy : They are capable of communicating telepathically with others.
Possession : They are capable of attempting possession of both objects and living things, though an attempt to forcefully possess someone can result in them being thrown out and severely damaged on a spiritual level.
Psyche :
Enma is a calm, measured person who approaches the world in a very pragmatic, matter-of-fact fashion. They often seem to act in erratic, mercurial ways, mainly due to the fact that they lack a past and a clear identity to cling to, and thus they attempt to hoist upon themselves different ways of existing, all in order to determine the right path for themself. Hidden beneath this temperate exterior is a core of crushing, empty grief, both for their own lost identity (which they are still attempting to recover, bit by bit) and the people they know they have lost, though cannot quite recall. Above all, Enma wishes to rediscover the person they used to be - and, failing that, construct a new persona to their liking, one that can hopefully stave off the everpresent feeling of mourning that threatens to overpower them. This search for meaning and purpose has now manifested in Enma's shallow desire to aid in the town's protection, which is less a stance of moral righteousness and more a way for them to ignore the void defined by formless loss and nihilism that continues to bloat in their core.
anything that'll make her go unnoticed. baggy sweatshirts, oversized hoodies, unmarked jeans and sweatpants. ad never
distinguishable features
this is a fancy fancy quote. make it as loooong as you want. but it'll be two lines on the thing max i think so don't go TOO crazy. just a cute little, fancy little quote.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat.
negative traits
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc metus, luctus at tincidunt sit amet, suscipit vel ipsum. Sed ut erat eu neque semper sodales ac et metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam maximus rhoncus nisi sed iaculis. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse venenatis, felis ac maximus sollicitudin, sem sem convallis quam, eu porta dui arcu et mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
Donec ipsum ex, euismod et congue pellentesque, tempor a eros. Aliquam sollicitudin molestie ex non placerat. Integer sit amet aliquet justo, vel dictum neque. Maecenas nisi lorem, auctor a gravida in, placerat in justo. Phasellus pulvinar a velit et tincidunt. Mauris cursus posuere purus, id sollicitudin nisi fringilla a. Sed et ornare purus. Aenean accumsan posuere turpis nec sagittis. Nunc vitae auctor est, id congue sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt risus sit amet libero semper suscipit. Duis ac risus sollicitudin, sollicitudin mauris eget, bibendum urna. Donec at faucibus dolor. Curabitur nisl ligula, pulvinar id erat vehicula, vehicula tincidunt odio. Sed felis tortor, luctus eu volutpat vel, lobortis sit amet mi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis. Nulla ante libero, fermentum eu pellentesque quis, aliquet non arcu. Etiam et diam risus. Sed condimentum, sem quis sodales porttitor, massa eros placerat nunc, et ullamcorper metus lorem non urna. Morbi feugiat neque nisl, at ornare lorem facilisis sodales. Vestibulum a neque sodales, consequat risus et, auctor dolor. Pellentesque tortor ante, sodales ut ante ut, tristique bibendum lacus. Donec vel massa vel erat tempor facilisis.
title here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu. Cras dapibus et eros sit amet vestibulum. Sed bibendum nibh dignissim, commodo ligula ac, hendrerit augue. Nullam rhoncus eros vel ultrices ultrices. Sed a magna et leo semper consequat. Cras euismod lobortis ipsum at sagittis.
title here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vel diam gravida, cursus nulla sed, posuere nibh. Integer consequat sapien quis dolor cursus, ut pellentesque nisi elementum. Morbi viverra nibh odio, ac vestibulum nisi placerat eu.