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Multiple Settings Addie’s Rainy Day (1x1 Partner Search)


What? Mayonnaise is good!

hello! I’m Adelaide (yes, the irony is not lost on me) but you can call me Addie, if you’d like. Welcome to my (not so very) official partner/ RP search!

I’m 20 years and counting, and have been role playing for about nine, since I was eleven. I was born in Adelaide, Australia, hence my name. (My mother thought it was cool). Since then, I have grown as a writer and as a person. To be frank, my life isn’t that busy. I have college classes Monday-Friday, and work Fridays and Saturdays, but I am constantly online, just less so during the weekends. I don’t expect you to reply instantly, as you shouldn’t expect me to, but I would appreciate at least one or two responses a day, if not more. We’re all busy, I get that, so just let me know if you’re not able to respond, and all will be well! I love ooc talk, but if you don’t that’s all good! I prefer my 1 x 1 partners to be over 18, but I can group RP with any age, as long as the story flows.

I tend to write 1-3 paragraphs per post, depending on what’s going on. I can write more, if I’m really into what I’m writing, but I wouldn’t expect you to. At least one, well written paragraph is fine! I don’t like ghosting, so if you’re not interested in an RP anymore, or you can’t keep up with them, just let me know and all will be fine! No judgement here.

I have a few plots I’ve been craving, but if you aren’t feeling any of them, just suggest some and I should be more than happy to do them with you! I tend to stay away from fandoms, so I like using OCs, not canons. I prefer to play female characters, but can play any gender. I’m open to any pairings as well (MxM FxF MxF)

1x1 search.

Note: the above post has scrolls : )


  • Idea One: Twist on Little Red Riding Hood:
    This is an idea I’ve seen done a few times, and it really interests me. Basically, the ‘wolf’ (could be a shifter type or just human) is an assassin, hired to kill ‘Red’ (Red could be human or other, or maybe someone important) but Wolf falls in love with Red, and eventually Red does too. This could be drama filled, angsty, slow burn or whatever.

    Idea Two: Cinderella twist
    If you couldn’t tell already, I love twists on fairytales. This one is set in mid-revolution France. So ‘Cinderella’ (could be any gender) in this tale is an actor (females weren’t allowed to act so this could be a plot point) they live with an abusive aunt and uncle, and has to work, giving all the money they earn to them. ‘Cinderella’ dreams of moving to Paris, where the grand Theatre is, and wishes to perform for the King and Queen. They run away and make it there, where they meet ‘the Prince’ (could be anyone, just wealthy) and they fall in love with the ‘prince’. The ‘prince’ is made to believe that ‘Cinderella’ is a fellow noble, and ‘Cinderella’ must not tell them otherwise, as they are ‘Cinderella’s’ key into the castle.

    Idea Three: Any slice of life romance:
    This could be anything modern or realistic, college romance, best friends, ex’s rekindling, etc. Just let me know what you’re feeling.

Feel free to shoot ma a pm, or respond below if you’re interested! I look forward to hearing from you!

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