Your Host Tonight
Behold! Yours truly sees an opportunity. What opportunity is that, you may ask? Why, no less than the opportunity to grow as a person. To mature and develop himself by making himself responsible for something. Something like, oh, I dunno, making light of war crimes and terrorism in superhero media... or something. So, thus, in my efforts, I think I've come up with something that may tickle the interests of us folks here on RPN, especially those wanting to push the bounds of creativity, or with a craving for something [to me, at least] just isn't done a whole lot, or with a simple wish for a respite from the seemingly endless number of roleplays here that try to maintain a serious and mature nature. Although I have no plans on forgoing professionalism [or at least, as professional as a bunch of internet forum roleplayers can get], I believe what I've cooked up covers enough area to provide a refreshingly blank enough canvas to spit out those weird characters you've had in the back of your mind you've been itching to play. With particularly major inspiration of the Adult Swim series The Venture Bros, and covering aliens, time travelers, cyborgs, James Bond ripoffs, Batman ripoffs, Superman ripoffs, Doctor Strange ripoffs, and pretty much any generic 80s action star a la David Hasselhoff to create a world of diverse characters and organizations, with various factions within the L O R E [which I'm currently slamming through in Google Docs, but if you've seen Venture Bros., you'll have a pretty clear understanding where I'm steering the van to] to choose from, and plenty of opportunities to even add to the lore, especially as I'll be making a Discord to help organize things, because, honestly, I don't want to keep track of a bunch of my own threads on here, plus I'm usually on my phone, so it helps with communication. All in all, I welcome thee good people to Actionville, a world where shit blows up.
1. This is first and foremost a lighthearted action RP with some Slice of Life aspects. If you're going to go edgy, it better be satire. Seriously, Venture Bros. offers a really good idea to the feel of this RP, both of the mood and the kind of world it is. Seriously. Go check it out.
2. I have plenty of stuff I'm working on, and plenty of stuff already decided for this, but believe me, I'm well open to collaborating. In fact I love it. Couch co-op is my favourite thing. Got ideas you feel would fit? Don't be afraid to yeet it. But don't worry, we'll have our Beach Episode.
3. Probably my biggest peev on this site are the posts that are like three sentences, or just one runoff sentence. I'll make sure there's methods of preventing this and no reason for this kind of stuff to happen, so I won't be very lenient with this.
4. Not everyone's particularly well versed with English. Spelling errors I can be lenient with to a degree, but PLEASE ask for help. If it ends up detracting from the experience, you'll get some warnings, but if things keep being detrimental, you'll probably get cut. But very much don't be afraid to ask for help with writing. In fact, please don't be afraid to ask for help in general. Like I said, I love collaborating, which in turn means suggestions, outright help, all that good stuff, is just a few words away. I'm also suggesting for anyone involved to be able to work with your fellow RPers and help eachother when you can.
5. General RPN rules, blah blah blah, don't be an ass, keep your LEWD behviours in check, etc. etc.
6. Six people to get this thing going. Although I can't immediately think of a roof to cap at, I doubt I'll be needing one. Timed postings will be lenient, but please keep within reason, especially when there are various scenes I need to keep track of.
Come on in, the action's fine.