Acta est Fabula Signups


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Okay heres how it is, theres necromancers in the town of AdenFort, they are stronger then any defender of that city have ever been, the setting is mid spring 2025, You make a character based of these requirements and Aiden, the kinetic swordsman, will fill you in, he will lead you against them, and possibly other greater powers, the combat works that I, kolt veral, will roll a die and if its above 10 it'll hit if below, it misses, if a 20 its fatal if it's 1 then they counter attack you, here is your character sheet, you get one character, and you can PM if you want to be a bad guy, trust me, they get to be pretty cool.

Full Name:



Looks(Pic or description) :

Outer appearance stuff:





Race :

Full Name: Kolt Veral

Age: 19 years old

Powers: Wizardry, Fire manipulation.

Looks(Pic or description) : Attatched

Outer appearance stuff: Wings stained with blood.

Weapon(s): A shortsword embroidered with runes and a belt of shurikens

Backstory: He was abandoned as a baby and taken up by angels and was around them to the point he was turned into one, when he saw something he wasn't supposed to he was kicked out and abandoned.

Wife/girlfriend?: None.

Personality: Hes got a short temper but a hundred percent has your back when you have his trust

Race : Fallen Angel
Sign up sheets go in the Character Sheet section, this section is for role plays only.
Full Name/Nickname: Aiden Greave

Age: 17

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good

Powers: Capable of extreme speeds, lightning manipulation, telekinesis (Only on his swords and he has to be able to see them, whether that be natural eyesight, camera, whatever)

Looks(Pic or description) : View attachment 7685

Wings or such: None, but he can jump decently high due to extreme speeds

Weapon(s) of choice: His 3 swords he keeps within eyesight at all times (His swords can become anything metallic, but if he uses them as explosives, he cannot get the special type of metal the swords are made out of back to make another, also, he prefers them as swords)

Backstory: He lives his life in seclusion, he also cannot remember anything about his past before the age of 14, he likes fighting but he doesn’t like killing. The reason he lives his life in seclusion is because the only two people he’s ever made a relationship with have been murdered in front of his eyes, at different times, and he believes anyone that he builds a relationship with is cursed and will suffer in a painful death.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: Doesn’t want a relationship with anyone, is afraid they’ll be killed.

Personality: Can be hot-headed or understanding, very split personality depending on what’s been happening around him.

Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) : Human

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : engineering (DID NOT COPY FROM EXAMPLE)

Theme Song(Optional) : One (Metallica):

Full Name/Nickname: Nedia (ne-D-uh) / Ned

Age: 17

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Bad (32 if the number is still available)


Looks(Pic or description) : View attachment 7687

Wings or such: His Raven can pick him up.

Weapon(s) of choice: His raven, his dual 9mm

Backstory: Unknown

Crush/Partner/Spouse: Wouldn’t mind a woman.

Personality: Takes everything as a joke, no matter what.

Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) : Human

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Joking

(If no Nedia, no Aiden.)
Blaze Infurno


Powers: turn into warwolf,summoning,fire,

Looks(Pic or description) : red head spickey hair and badass

Outer appearance stuff:

Weapon(s):Big greate sword

Backstory:I was born human learned magic and close combat

mastered summoning and fire magic when i was 15. When i turned 17 i was bit by a

warwolf and i turned into a warwolf myself. There where good and bad things about

being a warwolf. At 18 i had goten stronger and i was trained by warwolfs. Then i got a letter

by aden.



Race :warwolf

Blaze Infurno


Powers: turn into warwolf,summoning,fire,

Looks(Pic or description) : red head spickey hair and badass

Outer appearance stuff:

Weapon(s):Big greate sword

Backstory:I was born human learned magic and close combat

mastered summoning and fire magic when i was 15. When i turned 17 i was bit by a

warwolf and i turned into a warwolf myself. There where good and bad things about

being a warwolf. At 18 i had goten stronger and i was trained by warwolfs. Then i got a letter

by aden.



Race :warwolf

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