[Act 6] - Imminent Action [The Resurgent]


One Thousand Club
The Loom, Mayor's backroom, Afternoon of the Fourth Day of Calibration, between RY 767 and RY 768

The table has 12 chairs around it, 5 on each long side and 1 at each end. The chairs are of the type of hardwood found just outside the city, as is the table. Both are exceptionally carved, but clearly the work of mortal hands. Petrin Clubfoot paces the room, obviously fretting. Noisy Cricket, Rillard and Keiga are present. A side table with snacks is conspicuously absent. Several mortal guards are in the room, and two more guard the door as Waterblade and Thanatos enter the room.


Please stunt or roll Join Debate.

For the purposes of Anima Banner, 2 scenes have passed since the mob scene.
Balthazar, Retyping

Balthazar smiles at Waterblade and the dangerous looking man following him.

Petrin motions for the group to be seated. Balthazar pulls a chair out for the shackled Noisy Cricket before seating himself.

I'm sure he could manage just fine, but at least this saves him from using his feet.

Balthazar runs a hand lovingly over the table. The woodgrain is not unlike the deck of the Lady in Green. A small, wistful smile tugs at his face. For not the first time, he wonders what his life would have been like when it was simple, when keeping the Lady away from Coral pirates was the worst of his burdens. He squares his shoulders as if adjusting the to added weight of Creation. He looks squarely at the Mayor, fully aware that his current face may be unsettling.

"Good to see you, Mayor. Is that a new table?"


Join Debate: Wits (4) + Awareness (1) + Stunt (2) = 3 successes
Thanatos, Satisfied

The barest hints of a smirk can be seen on his features as Thanatos strides into the room. Moving smoothly behind Waterblade his steady strides making the watchmen seem more of an honor guard, however backwards glances by Waterblade somewhat dispel the effect. With a glance around the room Thanatos moves to a chair that places him near the back corner of the room. His feet appear on the table as his eyes drift to the window, taking in the view while he speaks almost absentmindedly.

"Afternoon all, time for a chat?"


When in doubt, pretend like you belong.

Join Debate: Wits(5)+awareness(5)+stunt(2)

Thanatos rolled the following in his 12 dice:

4, 8, 9, 4, 6, 5, 10, 3, 1, 10, 8, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 8 successes.

2 die stunts both of you.

Its the same table. NC broke a side-table last time.
Noisy Cricket, back out of his element

Noisy Cricket smiles politely at Balthazar for the proffered seat, "Thank you, I would hate to have to use my feet."

Sitting down, he calms his mind and body.

Whatever was happening outside is now over with

He rolls his shoulders slightly, letting his arms relax as best he can with his manacles on.

and this is a new sort of conflict...well, I think anyway

He takes a deep breath, letting the Air flow through and back out.

And time to find out more of what is going on, and what I should do about it...

He settles into his carefree grin, and listens.


Flurrying Celestial Monkey form and Join Debate. (GM denied)

Perception (3) + Awareness (2) + Stunt(?) = 7 : 5 successes

Essence/Willpower (assuming we have regained nothing from the last scene):

Personal: 4/14

Peripheral: 31/35

Willpower: 3/5 (+1 from stunt=4)

No penalty, I won't allow a flurry of Join Debate and your Form Charm this time (you aren't sparking the debate with the Charm, like you sparked Join Battle last scene with the Charm). 2 die stunt.

Rillard, 0 die stunt.

[Now] - Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 4 -- Waterblade

- Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 --

- Tick 10 --
Thanatos, Syncopated

Drumming his fingers against the arm of his chair quietly, Thanatos lets his gaze wander over the gathered parties.

With any luck they'll be eager to see the problematic dragon-blooded removed from the list of threats, and in that I can be a wonderfully helpful ally. They will learn the benefits of having a skilled member of the night caste pursuing their elevation to their rightful place as rulers as obstacles fall before them.


Guard action, just seeing what people are going to do.
Noisy Cricket, confused

Noisy Cricket looks around at the group, noting the both shady and shadowed figure in the corner.

He scratches his chin...with one carefully maneuvered foot. He looks around the room at everyone, "So, what's going on?"


Silly Monkey.

Performance attack (as I am addressing the room and being dramatic and all).

Charisma (3) + Performance (3) + Stunt (2) = 8 dice for 6 successes.

Essence/Willpower (assuming we have regained nothing from the last scene):

Personal: 4/14

Peripheral: 31/35

Willpower: 4/5 (+1 from stunt=5)

Rillard, thinking of where he'd rather be than a room full of men

"Well my flexible friend," Rillard says as he takes the seat next to Cricket, "I'd like to get you out of those chains for starters, so we can have a civil conversation..."

Rillard shrugs, "...otherwise, it seems what's going on is another town is being crushed under the Realm's heel."


No defense to the attack
Balthazar, easy questions answered'

Balthazar nods his agreement to Rillard.

"Indeed, the Realm has demonstrated its contempt for the citizens of Gateway."


No defense.
Thanatos, Informative

Dropping his feet off the table and leaning forward, Thanatos addresses the strange manacled man's question.

"The realm attempts to punish this innocent town in pursuit of their mad perversion of the natural order. I will not allow my brothers to be cowed when they should instead face down this unworthy opposition."


No defense
Petrin, laying out the situation as he sees it

Petrin, speaking quickly "Yes, Waterblade, remove the manacles," Waterblade moves to do so as Petrin continues "We're here because I'm no slave to the Immaculate Philosophy. Jolu-lu has a rather different view of history before the Realm and I'm inclined to believe an eye witness who has my interests at heart over the dogma of the Dragons." Petrin's bold words don't match his harried demenor, but he continues "I cannot stand idly by while the Realm destroys my home that I'm sworn to protect." Petrin punctuates this with a slammed hand on the table "But I know you, Sun-children, perhaps better than your hunters. To turn you over would very likely gain me more powerful enemies than those already at my doorstep. So I've invited you here to see if the legends are true. My own meager force is inadequate to the challenge of two Immaculate-trained monks, Waterblade included" Waterblade frowns at this, but to himself. "And we have 4 confirmed, likely 5."

Waterblade nods his agreement with the mortal he protects for all but the last of his speech. Waterblade unlocks the manacles then casually tosses them to the nearest house guard.


Noisy Cricket, 2 die stunt.

Petrin, Waterblade mechanically declare no defense. The mortals declare MDDV on step 2, and spend a WP because you crush their defenses, you sweet talker, you.

- Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

[Now] - Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 4 -- Waterblade

- Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 10 --

Go ahead, Rillard.
Rillard, picking up what you're putting down

As he listens to the mayor, Rillard frowns when Petrin confirms his suspicions of immaculate monks already in the area.

Rillard leans forward in the same chair he was in from the previous meeting, interjecting as the mayor finishes, "...and how do we know that?"

"I think it's time we put our cards on the table here, let's stop dancing around the point like drunken flirts. What's clearly being suggested here is open opposition to the realm, that's a dangerous proposition. If I'm navigating narrows, I like to know who's made the map."


Mechanically, asking Petrin for specifics about his information
Petrin, dealing the hand

Petrin snappily replies "We know because I have a Dagger of Heaven by my side, young though she may be." Petrin takes a calmer tone "She spotted the encampment of Realm-born outside the city a few days ago, which by itself is no strange occurence. A Realm camp with no cargo is another matter. When none of my guards could find who they were doing business with, the suspicions were enough to risk Gytherial learning more."

"We've seen a Fire, Water, Earth and Wood Aspect. We believe the Fire is in charge, but we haven't got close enough to confirm that information. None of them registered in the port, only their leutenants." Petrin gets riled up when he remembers "You met the Earth Aspect yourself!"

Waterblade interrupts politely "Petrin, please." To the Solar who last spoke Waterblade levels a hard question point blank "Your "map" is laid, Sun-Child. Will you help me defend this city or won't you?"


I'm calling your question and Investigation attack, Rillard. Speed 5. Petrin declares no defense.

Waterblade is leveling a Charisma+Presence no Charm attack at Rillard, point blank. Declare your Step 2.

- Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

[Now] - Tick 4 -- Waterblade

- Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 -- Rillard

- Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 10 --
Thanatos, wikipedia of dragonblooded

Interjecting softly on the end of the mayor's words Thanatos speaks up. "I can attest to the truth of the dragon blooded camp outside of town, although the wood aspect is no longer an issue." A quick glimmer of a smile tugs at his mouth as he leans back to observe.


Just providing some info, back to guard after this.
The Loom

Petrin eyes Thanatos with a newfound respect, but doesn't interrupt Waterblade and Rillard's exchange.


Thanks, Thanatos. I'd hoped you'd bring that up. I have no problem considering that a guard action.
Rillard, drawing a card

Replying to Waterblade just as snappily, "Of course I will, If I wasn't going to help, would I be here?" Rillard says, poking a finger into the table.

Taking a deep breath, Rillard goes on, "...however, my talents are not towards the martial."

Turning to Petrin, "My apologies for doubting you friend, I have felt cast about these last couple of days. I knew none of you before 2 days ago, " Rillard frowns towards the newest source of information, "and some of you not at all.

Looking back to the guard captain, Rillard says with conviction "I *am* here to help. You asked me moments ago how to gain more independence for your country. If we decide it is defence, then I will stand beside you, but I fear bloodshed will see more sails on the woodward horizon all too soon. And a second time around, with open defiance, you will be crushed and have no more independence than if you were chained to the oars of a sinking ship."

Shaking his head Rillard goes on, " It is with no great comfort that I agree to fight if necessary," recalling an impish smile and twinkling eyes, "but I'm more suited to a pint and a pretty lady than a polearm."


No defense to the question

used woodward instead of eastern for ships coming from the realm


Attack resolved

- Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 4 -- Waterblade

[Now] - Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 -- Rillard

- Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 10 --
Balthazar, Still Extra Crispy

Balthazar notes Thanatos' casual reference to killing a Dragon-blood.

"I assume it was the Fire Aspect who gave me this." Balthazar guestures to his face. The burn still pulses angrily, and he can feel his skin cracking with every change in his expression. "And he showed no hestitation in using a deadly technique on a citizen of Gateway. I fear our options are vanishing over the horizon."

"We," Balthazar indicates the Solars, "cannot run. Not without dooming Gateway. And entering into discussion with the Realm has proven unproductive."

Balthazar resists shifting to accomodate the soreness in his backside.

"I'm willing to consider a martial option. One where we can demonstrate that the united people of Gateway can reject the tyranny of the Realm."


Mechanically, this feels like a guard action. But I'm feeling tricksy, so I'm declaring a coordinated attack action assisting Thanatos. On Thanatos' next social action targeting Petrin, I will aid him.

Charisma (5) + Socialize (4) = 2 successes

Coordinate attack actions need their target and any who are going to particpate in it (which could or could not include you) declared ahead of time (this determines the difficulty). See page 144 of Core for more details. Just list that, then roll Charisma+Socialize.
Petrin, looking out for the herd

Petrin takes a deep breath and lays out his best plan, flawed and mortal as it is. "I propose that I call a squall warning. The populace will leave the city and the guard will stay behind to prevent looters; nothing out of the ordinary. I have a favor to cash with the local storm maidens, so the warning will even be true. But even with my people safe I have no desire to have them come home to wreckage. We have but a few hours before sunset, the proposed time of surrender." Petrin tries to keep the fear out of his voice: "What will you do then?"


Petrin targets Noisy Cricket with a Charisma+Investigation attack.

- Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 4 -- Waterblade

[Now] - Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 -- Rillard

- Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 10 -- Balthazar's coordinated attack action with Thanatos
Noisy Cricket, being honest

"Well, I plan on informing them that I have no intention of leaving with them, and that if they want, we may have a relaxing game of Go, or some tea..."

He pauses for a second.

"I doubt they'll accept that, so my guess is that I'm going to have to fight them off...I would prefer not to kill anyone who can be taught a better point of view, but I will be defending myself, and the city."


That's my plan, ask nicely, then beat them down if I need to.

Quick Edit:

Perfect Defense of my Form Charm, but I'm waving it for this attack, as I want to be helpful.

Attack resolved

- Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 4 -- Waterblade

- Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

[Now] - Tick 8 -- Rillard

- Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 10 -- Balthazar's coordinated attack action with Thanatos, Petrin
Rillard, is not supposed to be so temperate

Well, it looks like everyone's in for a fight...

...see where the winds take us.



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