[Act 3] The mayor's [The Resurgent]


One Thousand Club
The Loom, Mayor's mansion in Gateway, Night of the Third Day of Calibration

By some accident of fate Noisy Cricket, Balthazar, Rillard and Isomaru arrive outside the mayor's mansion at exactly the same time.

After greeting each other you enter a small antechamber where two guards ask to see your invitations and check your weapons. Once you hand them over they unlock and open a door leading into a room brightly lit by perfumed torches. The torches aren’t the only assault on your olfactory senses, though, as almost every member of the party has some outlandish jungle scent attached to them varying from pleasing flowerish scents to disgusting animal musks.

Many corridors lead away from this first, massive ball room but are guarded by solemn guards who only occasionally steal a glance at the food, drink or women.

Petrin Clubfoot sits in a cushioned seat on the floor much like the rest of his guests, but it is clear the man is receiving the brunt of the attention from those surrounding him. As you walk in he is telling a story that makes some of his listeners blush and others laugh tawdrily.

Most are wearing finery suitable for a very hot day. Though it is pleasantly cool outside inside the combination of bodies and torches increase the temperature considerably.

Food and drink occupies tables along the entire wall to your left and a small number of guests are taking their fill freely. You see cooked crab meat, uncooked fish rolled into cylinders with seaweed wrapped around it, various sauces, some kind of punch and the ever popular apple beer.

------------- ---

Anybody who isn’t hiding their eyes please roll Perception+Awareness and Perception+Investigation. Please post your results and reveal everything either 1) you can handle without metagaming 2) you roll and below. Feel free to take actions as well, speaking with whomever you wish.

botch Perception+Awareness:
There is a deathknight in the corner. You should alert whoever you can.

0 successes Perception+Awareness.
The room is decorated for a party.

1 success Perception+Awareness:
Petrin Clubfoot does indeed have a clubbed foot.

2 successes Perception+Awareness:
No one is visibly armed, even the guards guarding the other corridors.

4 successes Perception+Awareness:
You are surprised to see Gytherial, not that you didn’t expect her to be here but that you saw her before she chose to show herself. She’s wearing a rose-colored kimono whose various reds blend all along the garmet – obfuscating what is beneath in sharp contrast to the other women of the party. Where most of the women have open backs (and, frankly, as much skin as they can decently show showing) Gytherial’s back is covered completely. She looks unarmed and uneasy and looking for someone.

5+ successes Perception+Awareness:
There are guards hidden behind secret walls at regular intervals, except for the wall where the food is displayed and the wall with the entrance you just came through. You can hear them breathing.

botch Perception+Investigation.
Everyone is avoiding the punch. Whatever you do, don’t drink the punch. By everyone’s avoidance you conclude it’s obviously poisoned.

0 successes Perception+Investigation.
There are people and some of them are drinking.

1 success Perception+Investigation.
You can see roughly 50 people at the mayor’s party this night. It’s a much more intimate party than you expected of the mayor, you know it’s very likely that the final party on the fifth day of calibration will put this one to shame. You spot the division head of the WTA.

2 successes Perception+Investigation.
You notice that Petrin Clubfoot is glancing discretely at each of his listeners in turn and mentally making note of which laugh and which blush. The party is about half true upper class. The other half appears to be well dreesed and mannered lower class who are all preternaturally attractive. You spot the Navy’s highest admiral. Your estimate of the people present is 55-60.

3 successes Perception+Investigation.
You spot the most famous Pearl Diver of Gateway. Many people covet his autograph, and he is surrounded by a circle of admirers.

4 successes Perception+Investigation.
You learn that every single faction in Gateway is represented here, even the outsiders. Small pins, patches, or sometimes even the clothing itself in the case of the WTA bear innocuous symbols of their faction. There are 58 people at the party. You can tell the punch probably isn’t worth your time and you should try the apple beer. You recognize that the Navy’s highest admiral’s youngest daughter is over in the corner and didn’t get the memo that goth is totally not in. Plus she’s much too dark for all that white makeup.

6+ Perception+Investigation.
The party seems ever so slightly less exuberant than it should be. You suspect someone or something is sapping the energy of the party.

Winter Breeze you are in a backroom at the moment and not with the rest of the party. There is one guard there who will attend to anything you need and a thaumaturgic ward you were told of that does nothing besides alert Jolu-lu if and when you leave the room. This, however, doesn't prevent you from posting. If you wish to think to yourself, interact with the guard or anyone else, please post and I can arrange it.

Perc (3) + Aware (1) = 3 successes

Perc (3) + Inv (1) + 1 auto (Wavecrest) = 4 success

I activate Mastery of Small Manner upon entering the room with the mayor. It counts as an auto-investigate 3. Until you tell me what that means for your list, I'll only look at the areas I rolled for.

Also, 3 motes committee to Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light.


Peripheral 26/29

Personal 12/12

Willpower 8/8

edit: rolls added

edit: +1 mote personal essence

Balthazar, your mastery of small manners reveals the following motivations:

Petrin Clubfoot: Learn about his party's guests

Nameless partygoers 1-20: Sex

Nameless partygoers 21-30: Money

Nameless partygoers 31-40: Power

Pious partygoer: Revere the gods of sex, money and power by expanding their domain.

Pearl Diver: Sleep with at least 3 different women before the next sunrise

Admiral's Daughter: Heap as much embarassment on her father as she can for forcing her to come to this stuffy adult party. Your mind is briefly filled with thoughts of rebellion and teenage angst.

Please post your results on your two rolls so that I can easily reference what your character knows. For instance I can only give you the motivations for people I know that you can percieve. You still need to roll the Perception+Investigate since this has to do more with what social truths about the guests you can piece together (status, relation, ect) than the guest's motivations.

Your Connections: Wavecrest [X] gives you an automatic success on the Perception+Investigation roll.

Further, your Backing: Western Trade Alliance may come into play here mechanically, should you choose to talk to anyone in the WTA.

Fluffwise the two backgrounds add up to you being an accepted if not expected guest. They aren't high enough for you to be showered with attention with or even given much deference, but you are one of them.

Everyone else who's seen the rest of the party so far is wondering who they are and what they're doing here. A scattering know that Isomaru is a thaumaturge and that Rillard is a captain. Noisy Cricket is a complete mystery. Your characters don't know this yet, but they may suspect it.
Noisy Cricket, at the party, not really knowing anyone.

Noisy Cricket enters, nodding politely to those two men he knows. Cricket is wearing his better traveling outfit, which isn't saying much.

He sips some tea and has a light snack while looking about the room.

Noticing the girl in the corner by herself, he feels like it would be polite to bring her into the conversation.

"Greetings, I see you also aren't a socialite either." He gives her a warm, friendly smile.

Cricket keeps his back to the food table as he can, still relaxed, but not really liking that breathing.


5 successes on Perception + Awareness

4 successes on Perception + Investigation

...I'd like to note that I roll exactly that many dice for each of those...>.>

I don't really know who anyone except Balthazar and Rillard is here, so most of that information wasn't helpful. I have Monkey Form up, as usual.

He has no real 'formal' clothes that I know of, so I figured he probably has some traveling clothes that at least look decent.

I have no real ulterior motives here, Noisy Cricket just doesn't really know what to do here, so he's just finding someone else who looks like they don't quite fit in here, and goes ahead and talks to her.
Iza the Admiral's daughter, alone in the corner surrounded by her WOE

The Admiral's daughter fails to notice Noisy Cricket's approach until he speaks to her. When he does, she looks up and immediately adopts a sneer.

Who's this lowlife? I can't believe he's talking to me.

"Yeah, I'm not, but at least I'm not a bum."

She then turns her nose up and walks away in a decidedly high-class manner she is most certainly not aware she's assuming as her attitude epitomizes the very society her clothing is attempting to reject.


Not the friendliest little goth.

The breathing isn't loud or battle-ready. It's very unobtrusive and no one else seems to perceive it or if they do, care. You hear the breathing because at your level of successes you could probably see a butterfly on a crazy new-age splash painting from 10 yards.
Balthazar, Mayor's Mansion, scanning the horizon

Balthazar is suprised at the intimacy of the gathering. It appears that he and everyone else will have a chance to meet the Mayor Clubfoot tonight.

He notes the apparent absence of weapons and makes a quick note of people he knows or recognizes.

Surrounded by a cluster of gawkers and admirers is Rey-rey, laudably the finest Pearl Diver in Gateway. His autograph would make an excellent gift for Ishmael. Balthazar raises an eyebrow as he watches Rey-rey's unsubtle advances on the women around him. With that much celebrity and wealth, he should win at least three of them. His many scars and comapct stature only make him more appealing, it seems.

Ipswan Tuk, the most celebrated Admiral in Wavecrest's Navy, and Master Ciore, Shipmaster of the Western Trade Alliance are engaged in a spirited discussion. Tuk's daughter, Iza, sulks nearby. She is obviously not enjoying herself and wants everyone to know it. Her dress and attitude smack of childish spite.

"Irritating Pepper" moves toward Iza. Good, he should be able to entertain her. If he can get her to have fun, perhaps the Admiral will relax a bit more. Although, I best keep an eye on them. She may use him to strike at her father.

Balthazar turns from Isomaru to Rillard and Laughing Waves.

"The people here pursue power, money, and sex. Try not to get into trouble. The Mayor will definetly be interested in meeting you both. Isomaru, do you see the man ladeling punch to everyone? He glorifies the gods of celebration and debauchery. Perhaps you and he can find something to discuss. Rillard, if you and your date will follow me, I have a couple people to introduce you to Oh, and I recommend avoiding the punch. Sweet Apple Beer is at its finest during Calibration."

Balthazar start moving toward Master Ciore and Admiral Tuk


Not much mechanically, I think. Trying to pass info without spending too many minutes.

I want to mingle a bit before meeting the Mayor. Master Ciore may be that route. Or I'll just barge in. Haven't decided.

Also, Balthazar is aware of his low standing at the party and his companion's utter lack. He's trying to occupy them so they don't get into trouble or otherwise step into a social minefield.

edit: mote recovery added to pervious posting, retconned for the presence of Laughing Waves.

Noisy Cricket, amused

Noisy Cricket smiles slightly at the girl walking away.

"Ah, I see I was mistaken, you appear to fit right in here." He grins at her and sips his tea, eyes full of mirth.

He's not quite baiting her with his comment, but he does want her to realize just what she's doing.


I love Monkey Style >.>
Iza, the oh-so misunderstood

Impudent commoner!

Iza twirls, rather prettily any onlooker would say despite her miffed expression. A more perceptive one might comment on her well-spent youth in dancing lessons only available to the rich. She says in a harsh whisper to Noisy Cricket "You don't know me, or understand me!" which attracts attention even though Iza was trying to avoid it.

Petrin Clubfoot takes notice, and stands up. He gives a well-rehearsed and plausible excuse to his guests, and heads directly for Noisy Cricket.


I am truly a blessed GM.

Balthazar, please regain the mote you spent on your charm, it is the least I can do for that great post.

NC, that's exactly what your Monkey Style character would do. Dead on. She will realize what you mean later, but her head is much too thick with vengeance for it to sink in.

You'll have a few seconds as Clubfoot makes his way to you.
Noisy Cricket, inspired and amused

Noisy Cricket deftly places himself into the position of her dance partner as she twirls, spinning her in place as he steps into the dance. He has clearly put his martial training to good use. His feet slip through the steps as she, in a slight daze, follows his steps, matching him around the floor.

Though his clothes and hers are both out of fashion for the party and mismatched, their dancing is graceful, as befits her station, and his disciplined training.


I'm not sure how important this dancing is, mostly it's just fluff to wow her and to get her into a better mood.

My current essence and Willpower:

Personal: 6/11

Peripheral: 24/28

WP: 5/5

Roll Dexterity+Performance, Noisy Cricket. That's an outlandish enough attempt I need a roll (dancing with girl that's pissed at you). You get 1 stunt die.

Dex (5) + Performance (2) + 1 stunt + 1 willpower = 4 successes total

I would guess I succeed, and hopefully, she isn't too miffed as I'm fairly competent at this dance.
Iza, the prettiest dancer to wear that much eyeshadow

After the initial squawk and struggle, Iza's attempts to flee this strange man so resembled a dance she had memorized that she was taken in and danced the rest of the steps. The man, for his part, is a passable dancer. The true talent on display is him making artful fun of her fleeing attempts.

Oh, but I do love dancing...

After these tense starting seconds Iza half-closes her eyes and allows the man to lead her about for a minute's worth of steps. Perhaps, just maybe, she could forget the endless pain of her bourgeoisie existence through the arts. Her expression could have been mistaken for a smile if one didn't know her better.

The song ends much too soon since they started impromptu in the middle of it. When the instruments die down her eyes snap open and she sees none other than the mayor clapping at the performance.

She blushes and flees in earnest this time.

Petrin Clubfoot addresses the underdressed man "You must be Noisy Cricket. Do you mind taking a walk from me away from some of these interested ears? I'm beginning to think you have a habit of drawing attention to yourself for good or ill."


I hope none of the other forumites are goths, because I'm having alot of fun at goth's expense... ^^

Clubfoot is addressing Noisy Cricket alone.
Noisy Cricket, having a good time

Noisy Cricket watches her leave, a slight frown crosses his face.

That was quite fun, I will have to speak with her some other time, and hopefully for another dance.

He turns to address the mayor. "Of course, though I would ask a favor..." Noisy Cricket follows him and lets the mayor lead them both away before continuing. "Who was that that I just danced with? It seemed she was starting to have fun at the party. I would like to pass on a message to let her know that she is quite a good dancer, and I hope to get to dance with her again."


Eh, she seems fun, might as well build an intimacy, since I'm fairly sure I don't know who she is. :P

Also, I'm not sure how loudly the mayor said that whole 'Noisy Cricket' thing...as that might also cause a scene, just like he seems to want to avoid.

My current essence and Willpower:

Personal: 6/11

Peripheral: 24/28

WP: 4/5
Petrin Clubfoot, in the halls of his own mannor

Petrin leads you past one of the guards into a deserted hallway. The party's din of voices and music fades as you make your way allong the corridor.

"That's an easy favor! She is Iza Tuk, daughter of Wavecrest's highest admiral. She, or rather her father, is actively hunting a suitor for her. I suggest you look elsewhere, though, for the Wavecrest nobility isn't inclined to include outsiders. You may write a message a short time in the future, at present we have buisness."

Petrin shows no outward signs of hostility or even unease. His manner is that of one that escorts Solars daily.


Clubfoot addressed you most discreetly, and after Iza fled. If anyone happened to overhear they probably have already heard the rumor of your presence. It might even do your reputation some good to be seen in a public place not doing what people think you do with your time - eating babies, stealing bodies, undermining society ect.

You feel the pull of another Solar, Winter Breeze. He is leading you to her and she is close. How do you react?

Everyone else, please feel free to enjoy the party and speak to people. I'm especially interested in your initial reactions/actions as well as your Perception+x rolls results. Things will likely happen in differing orders (or not at all) depending.
Noisy Cricket, walking the halls

"Hm, Iza? A cute name..." he trails off as they walk, ambling along, not quite walking a straight line.

Completely ignoring the fact that they have business to discuss, he continues "I do not believe she really enjoys it here. Perhaps she would enjoy a stint doing something else...at best, she would find she enjoys her life here, at worst, she finds she enjoys doing something else...though I suppose best and worst are subjective..."

Hm, another one of these tugs...well, I suppose it will work itself out eventually.

"Regardless, you seem to know who I am, and am leading me to someone...does anyone else know? Iza? Her father? You don't seem to be trying to kill me, or your guards behind the walls in the main room would have shot at me, so I must assume you want me for something."

He pauses for a moment. "Ah, I would like to send her a message..."

He continues walking, seemingly at ease with everything, just pointing out what he's figured out.


Just talking. He's not trying anything social on him, or annoying him in any way, just pointing things out and asking questions. The closest he's come is suggesting Iza perhaps go do something else other than just be a noble's daughter.

My current essence and Willpower:

Personal: 6/11

Peripheral: 24/28

WP: 4/5
Petrin Clubfoot, in the halls of his own manor

Petrin Clubfoot stops limping along the halls and turns to Noisy Cricket. Some of his calm has evaporated.

By the gods I didn't even see him approach the walls!

"If you want to throw Iza into a new environment you'll have to go through her father. I have more use for you when you don't look like a pincushion, so I'm not advising that course of action."

"Iza and her father don't know where we're going. I'm taking you to a meeting with Jolu-lu and others so that we can all figure out a way for both you and the Realm to leave without destroying my city."


Petrin Clubfoot remains unconcerned about Iza.
Noisy Cricket, stopped as well

"Well, I have no plans to destroy the city. I mostly spend my time outside of it, practicing my arts. I do not know who Jolu-lu is, would you mind explaining that? As for Iza's father, I am not terribly concerned about becoming a pincushion. I will speak with him about it though. I hope we can speak like civilized people. As for the Realm, I personally cannot control them, and I am not sure how you could get them out of your city."

He looks at the clubfooted man with a small smile. "You seem fairly reasonable though, and you did invite me to this party, so I'm willing to listen to what you have to say. Since I also do enjoy the calm here, and since I've now met some nice people, I'd rather not have the city destroyed, so you have my support on that."


Ah, but I am concerned with that. I'm not honestly sure why he thinks I'll destroy his city, so it's really not a huge concern. Iza seems to be having issues, and she was amusing, so she is a concern.

Hooray for not caring about his goals.

My current essence and Willpower:

Personal: 6/11

Peripheral: 24/28

WP: 4/5
Petrin Clubfoot, exasperated by a Monkey

Petrin Clubfoot has in his career as mayor seen hundreds of political alliance marriages, and has truly cared about only a few. This has prepared him to feign interest with amazing sincerity. Though this would be the first time he'd done so in front of an outsider, for they rarely care about such things, and a Solar to boot.

Petrin Clubfoot stops in front of a door that looks much like the many they have already passed and addresses Noisy Cricket.

"I can see your thoughts don't drift far from the fair Iza. I will arrange proper materials to record what messages you wish." He gives a complicated knock "Jolu-lu is the patron god of Gateway. He'll be glad to hear you're with me on my anti-destruction stance."

The door opens and reveals Winter Breeze and a guard in a medium-sized room with a large oval table surrounded by chairs. Refreshments similar to those in the main ball room are again available on a seperate table along the north wall.

Petrin Clubfoot takes a seat and tells the guard to fetch paper and quill, which he runs to do immediately. He addresses both Winter Breeze and Noisy Cricket after a brief greeting:

"You likely brought the Realm to my city, so I'm hoping the answer to having them leave lies with you as well. Only the Maidens know why there are so many of you are here at one time."

"I'm expecting more to come, so I can answer further questions you have in the meantime."


Noisy Cricket, roll Intelligence+Occult.

The plural 'you' Petrin is using at first seems to mean Winter Breeze and Noisy Cricket, but later seems to mean 'Solars'.

Your roll:

You understand that god's generally don't talk to people, especially in Realm satrapies. You don't understand how Jolu-lu will find out about your support to not destroy his city, or how he'll be at this meeting in any other way than gods normally are in their domain, abstractly.
Balthazar, House of Clubfoot, covering asses

Balthazar stands a polite distance away from Master Ciore and Admiral Tuk. It would be improper of him to barge into their conversation without invitation. He has caught Master Ciore's eye and made the secret WTA sign for "good bargain?", a contemplative movement of the index finger from the base of the nose to he chin. Although used mostly in markets, it also serves to indicate something interesting.

Request delivered, Balthazar turns toward Rillard, speaking quietly.

"Before you say anything, I must apologize for my odd behavior last night. I incorrectly concluded that you, "Irritating Pepper," and I were given a love potion in an attempt to discredit me."

Rillard starts to speak, but Balthazar holds up a hand.

"We have much to discus, you and I, but here is not the place and now is not the time. The offer to serve aboard my ship still stands. I will let Mr. Stubbs know to expect you. We will...."

"You don't know me, or understand me!" The high pitched retort of one who is not yet an adult draws glances from nearby party-goers. The music contintues undeterred and the guests turn back to more interesting topics than a rebuffed outsider. The shrill denunciation halts the conversation between Master Ciore and Admiral Tuk. And Mayor Clubfoot is now moving toward the commotion. It occurs to Balthazar that "Irritating Pepper" may be adrift in unfamiliar seas.

Balthazar takes this opportunity to glide up to Ciore and Tuk. The Admiral is bristling and about to join the mayor's investigation.

"His name is 'Irritating Pepper.' He's a cook of extremes..." "Irritating Pepper" intercepts the girl as she stalks off and pulls her onto the dance floor. "...and apparently a proficient dancer. I'd wager the greatest threat from him is burning your daughter's porridge."

Balthazar makes a formal bow to both Admiral and Shipmaster.

"My apologies for intruding. I am Keiga, Captain of The Lady In Green, and this is Rillard, formerly captain of the Goat's Horn and my new second mate."


If Join Debate is needed to convince the Admiral of NC's harmlessnes, then

Wits (4) + Aware(1) = 3 success

Social attack, if needed:

Charisma (5) + Presence (4) = 7 success
Noisy Cricket, studying the room

"Would the god of this city be materializing here then? Or somewhere else? I would guess his close contact with you is why you would rather the Realm not be so close to your work."

He moves to take some tea and food, then sits down at the table with Winter Breeze, nodding to her.

He looks up at Clubfoot again. "So who else is coming then? And how long do we need to wait?"


Noisy Cricket, as always, is fairly calm. He is just revealing what he knows, and wants Clubfoot to know he's not a fool, and would like to be treated intelligently.

My current essence and Willpower:

Personal: 6/11

Peripheral: 24/28

WP: 4/5
Ipswan Tuk, wishing he was in charge

He's right, and even if he's not the mayor's security can surely handle it better than I if things get out of hand.

Ipswan Tuk declines to return your greeting and instead spits a question at you with the practice of one who is used to having his questions answered quickly and deferently "And what is a cook doing at the mayor's party as a guest?"

Master Ciore leaves the heat on Keiga, clearly unwilling to have anything to do with the overprotective Admiral and his rebellious daughter.


You win join battle, you clobber his MDV and we're out of social combat because he doesn't spend a Virtue Channel. He would like his question answered, though.

Master Ciore does his best to ignore the spectacle. He clearly wants to re-enter civil converstation.

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