Act 2c: The Price of Power [The Hidden Truths]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club

Silver Tusks rolled the following in his 7 dice:

1, 1, 4, 1, 8, 1, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

T0 Lai-Fen

T1 Yeddiv, Undead crawlers

T2 Lupo, Daki, Silver Tusks, Tarsus

T6 Dr. Tran

(The rest of the undead, and all of the Fair Folk will deal with one another. As you join the fray the undead crawlers will concentrate on you, though mainly on the Solars)

as requested:

I iz going to burn 1wp for +1 suxx

3xD10: 9 3 6 : 1 +1 from wp = 2.

Gotta boost that crappy dicepool !

Lai-fen's falling crescent kick slows her descent as it smashes through the centicorpse, and she uses the spin momentum to roll backwards when she hits the ground, landing on her feet no worse for the wear.


Single kick attack with 2 extra successes from the 2nd MA Excellency

10d10 (3, 10, 1, 9, 9, 10, 1, 1, 6, 6) = 6 successes + 2 successes = 8 successes

Add in any stunt dice as you like

Attack damage is 8B + extra suxx

No point rolling the stunt dice. Whatever happened to the undead being vulnerable to crushies?

3d10 (5, 8, 2) = 1 level of bashing damage
Raising his moonsilver grand goremaul, Broken Promise, Silver Tusks issues a bellow from his trunk, and charges the nearest undead crawling monster, his great muscles dropping his weapon on what seems to be the weakest link in the monstrosity's body, channeling his essence to enhance his reflexes, hoping to hit at the wekeast spot, to maximize the damage.

The weapon lands right where two corpses connect to form the "spine". As the weapon lands you can definetely hear a loud crack, but the creature, seriously wounded, still fights on.


Silver Tusks rolled the following in his 18 dice: (5m on 1st Dex Exc)

10, 4, 10, 4, 3, 5, 8, 5, 8, 10, 9, 10, 9, 7, 9, 3, 4, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 16 successes

12 over suxxes + 21 weapon damage, -7 soak, so a total of 26 damage dice.

Silver Tusks rolled the following in his 26 dice:

8, 8, 6, 3, 6, 5, 2, 2, 7, 9, 4, 2, 2, 7, 9, 2, 5, 5, 4, 10, 3, 6, 4, 6, 7, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 10 successes.
Charging forth towards the mixed fray as chaos and death clashed on the field of battle, the solar pulls to a stop some 30 yards off from his quarry, almost as though considering letting nature take it's course as the enemies of Creation fight, many a fellow merchant had been lost to both forces in his years in Whitewall. But no, he raises one arm, pointing with the perfected Khatar, perhaps even sighting down it at the nearest of the undead abominations which had somehow resisted the mighty blow of refugee-group's lunar guardian. He let's out a slow breath with a growing snarl on his lips as his very essence was offended by the presence of such a slap in the face of Creation and he let that offended essence flow through him and down his other arm and into the war boomerang he carried there....It began to glow with the light of the sun, a mini corona around it reminiscent of his own anima when it bloomed.

With a cry of old realm legelese denying the very reality of his target he let all that hateful angry essence flow from him as he pulled back and released the war boomerang, his lucky boomerang, enchanted by his own hand, now a physical incarnation of his rebuke to the insult of the skeletal centipede's existence.

I'm throwing my perfected 'lucky' boomerang at the centipede, I'm paying 2m personal to activate Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment (Making the attack holy and thus dealing agg). Also I have my 2nd Degree ward vs undead, which reduces the Centipede's dice pools by two vs. me.....Which in turn would mean -1 to it's DV.
you get a 2 die stunt.


The undead crawler Silver Tusks hit has bit back on him, causing him 4 lethal HL in damage.

Another attacked Tarsus, and scored 10 suxxes on his attack roll. Tarsus needs to defend against this (and Karrth needs to post his Exalted character sheet).

The other three are moving towards you, fast, and will be there in 5 ticks.
Seeing the monster baring down on him Tarsus prepared a trick he vaguely remembered himself using in a war thousands years ago. He simply blocked the attack with all his might and in the last minute he threw the monster aside, essence flaring as it helped him defeat the otherwise lethal attack.

[using Heavenly guardian defense, costing him 4 motes]
Daki was used to battles, but he had never faced such horrors though he had heard of it.

That... thing moved quickly, but he was ready to face it.


Aiming for the ticks until it reaches me.
[18] 23:54, Sun 09 Aug 2009: Atrius Night rolled (11d10v=1,1,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,7,8=54): Boomerang, don't fail me now....
Drat, 4 successes, even with the centipede's -1 dv from my ward(which would have brought it down to a dv of 5), that's a miss....

Though can it parry agg...?

23:58, Sun 09 Aug 2009: Atrius Night rolled (11d10v=1,1,2,2,4,4,6,9,10,10,10=59): Fine, return to me, Ye Errant Weapon.

Dagnab it, that would have been nice a moment ago, well at least I caught it....
The chosen of the obscured sun winces in annoyance as his shining bolt of a boomerrang misses. He casually holds up one hand as though beckoning as the whirling doom arcs back perfectly, and he easily plucks it from the air as his raised khatar lay readied to meet the onrushing forces of death.
Yeddiv, Lupo, and Tarsus are up now.

T0 Lai-Fen

T1 Silver Tusks, Undead crawlers

T2 Lupo, Daki, Yeddiv, Tarsus

T5 Lai-Fen

T6 Dr. Tran, Silver Tusks, Undead crawlers

T7 Lupo, Daki, Yeddiv, Tarsus
After defending against the monsters attack Tarsus takes the newly found axes for a test run. Using Wrath of the Sunset he tries to cleave the creature in half, but barely manages to nip the creature....



Tarsus the smith rolled the following in his 9 dice:

3, 6, 4, 5, 8, 4, 6, 8, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.


Tarsus the smith rolled the following in his 10 dice:

3, 2, 6, 3, 1, 7, 6, 6, 1, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes. <--- LOL
Yeddiv's eyes sparkled as he watched the fight from above. He watched as the fighters sprang among the undead crawlers and beat them back with fountaining golden essence. It was mesmerizing watching them fight. Blood fountained from one of the men as the worm of crawling flesh ripped into him.

I need to help, one of them might even be the reason I'm here!
, Yeddiv thought as he tightened his wings to his side.

As Yeddiv spiraled down silver light swirled around him. A high keening sound split the air as he backwinged just short of a crash, and flipped back into human form. The keening resolved into a screech as human lips reformed.

Let's see how they like that! he thought as he catstepped toward the furiously fighting undead.


Spent a personal essence to change back to human, and two peripheral to use Terrifying Battle Shriek

9 9 8 8 7 7 6 4

Okay 6 against Dodge MDV of every foe within 10 yards, if the dodge MDV doesn't surpass the roll, -1 penalty on all actions he initiates during the martials artists action, and he adds one tick to the speed of his action.

Dash 3/-2

Which puts my Dodge at 1 and my Parry at 3

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