Act 2 Scene 1a - So about this cheese... [Broken Memories]


One Thousand Club
The sandwiches are surprisingly filling, after everyone has had their fill Doctor Oak takes the platter back through the door he brought them through. As he does the Hospital double door bang open and in burst a tall blonde man, he is partly dressed in a dark brown suit, shirt and tie. The tie is only half tied and his shirt is mostly hanging out, he has only one of his shoes on the other can be seen to be stuffed in one of his suit jacket pockets.

"Who.. what.. where is Brian or the Doc?"
The man looks over the shocked faces before him, and the silence that greets him.

"Hello? Doc Oak or Brian are they about?"

Somewhat dumbfounded Ricky stands to meet the man.

"Uhm.... Yeah. Let me... um... go get him for you."

At first slowly, then very hurried Ricky goes after Doctor Oak.
Ricky moves through the door Doc Oak went through, it opens out on a stairwell that winds up and down a floor. It is lit by strip lighting on the walls that throws a yellowish glow over everything. The stairs themselves are concrete with worn grip strips that run across the edge. The banisters are plastic covered metal. Below him Ricky can hear the _clunk_ _swish_ _swish_ of someone mopping the floor.
"If you are thinking of walking your muddy feet over my nice clean floor, you can think again."

A stern voice replies to Ricky's question. He then hears the mop being put into a bucket and lent against a wall, before a even sterner looking older woman, though strides out into view. She is wearing a flowery dress covered by a flowery pinny, her hair is in rollers and covered by a scarf, her face is generously creased and her thick stockings are wrinkled. She walks to the base of the steps and crosses her arms.

"If you want him, he's washing the dishes. I'll tell him you were asking after him. As you are not going to be walking you dirty boots over my floor young man."

"Uh-um-duh-guh M-m-man at the d-d-door, says- n-need help- Doc Oak-" sputtering in fear, then blurting out, "SORRY!- uh ma'am" and turning to escape the fearsome mien.


Not goin' up just yet in case this should continue, but if it isn't then he is.
"You can stop right there young man. Well I really just don't know about it, strange young men coming tramping round my hospital, I really just don't know what Mr Close would say about it. He a very well together man, always well presented and always has a kind word of a poor invalid like me, I really just don't know what he sees in the cafe owner. I was telling Mavis the other day that her Joan would be a far better match for him than that Sinastra woman, she said Doris you are soo right."

She refixed Ricky with her stare.

"Anyway man at the door is there. I don't know skivvy I am, work my fingers to the bone I does. FRANCIS!!"

Mere moments later a very brow beaten Doctor Oak steps out of a doorway off the stairwell. His hands are covered in suds and he is barefoot.

"Yes Doris?"

Smiling at the familiar face, "There is a man upstairs. He looks a little rough." with a quick apprehensive glance at the woman, "He asked for you or Brian."
"Oh .. oh right. Just a minute I'll get my shoes."

Doris glowers at Doc Oak as he starts to turn back through the door.

"You can stop right there Francis Reginald Oak." Doc Oak visibly winces. "Am I not good enough for you that you won't introduce your own wife to your hoity toity friends."

"But I hardly know.." he starts to mumble back..

"Thats quite enough of your mumbling Francis. Well?" Doris starts to tap her foot.

Doc Oaks eyes widen and he turns to Ricky.

"Erm.. I have the pleasure of introducing to you Mrs Doris Nora Batty-Oak, my wife. Doris may I have the pleasure of introducing you to ......"

his eyes widen again and he quickly looks between Doris and Ricky his mouth opening and closing, before his eyes settle on Ricky pleedingly..

At first the hurried glances from the Doctor go unnoticed, then realizing what is going on Ricky quickly introduces himself, "My little card says 'Eric Glass', but you can call me Ricky!"

He then holds out an exuberant hand.
Doris looks over Eric's hand, before nodding at it, with a less miserable face.

"Well thats fine then. Go get your shoes and see what your visitor wants then Francis."

Doc Oak darts back through the door he came through before reappearing with a pair of shoes, he quickly tip toes across the wet floor before rushing up the stairwell.

"See you soon dear." He pauses a moment to hop into his shoes before continuing up.

"So who's upstairs.?"

"A tossed looking tall blonde man." sheepishly, "I didn't ask him anything I just came straight to get you like he asked"

He then snickers to himself, laughing under his breathe, "Francis."
Doc Oak winces at Ricky's mention of his first name.

"Please don't call me that," His voice drops to a whisper. "Only she calls me that." He shudders as he carries on up the stairs and towards the door at the top.


Meanwhile whilst Ricky is downstair the disheveled man looks sheepishly about at the others in the Hospital reception area. Kitty seems to have fallen asleep after the food.

"Alan Clarke" he step hops forward as he pulls his shoe out of his suit pocket and thrusts a hand out to Simon.
Doc Oak and Ricky open the door at the top of the stairs and come out into the ward/reception area. In this area the partially dressed man can now be seen to be fully dressed. Both shoes are on his feet and his suit and tie have been straightened. The man stands over Simon who seems to be asleep propped up in a comfy chair.

The besuited man turns to you both as you enter, he is holding John's staff in his hand.

"Oak, good good. This chap seems to have fallen asleep so does that large cat, panther of some sort I think. Not a cheqrat so thats ok, anyway where was I. Oak we have a problem, sleepers are about the city again, trashed my base they did while I was kipping, dash uncalled for, what! I need to get to Rhone, he, Brian and John sorted out these blighters last time they surfaced."

"Alan, oh that is not, John as you know is missing, Brian just left, something to do with Sinastra, and Rhone well he's outside somewhere, I don't get involved."

"Right down to me then." Alan turns to leave the sword stick still in his hands.
"I rather hope you aren't planning on taking that with you," Simon says, his eyes closed. "Otherwise the good doctor will have a new patient."

The Night Caste opens one of his eyes to glare at Alan. "I mean, really. Not only do you try to talk to a person who was obviously just taking a rest, but to steal from him?" He slowly pushes himself out of the chair and stands up, both eyes open and sharp. "The last few days have been somewhat trying, but I thought I could relax in this place. I was apparently wrong.

"So hand it over, while I'm still in a mostly good mood," he growled, putting his hand forward, palm up. "The good doctor has recently seen what I'm like when I'm not in a good mood, so you can ask him in case you want specifics."

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Simon is grumpy when people bother him while he's resting. :wink:
"Oh this old thing."

Alan looks at the sword stick in his hands.

"Is it yours? Terribly sorry old chap, wandering hands don't you know, what!"

He looks at the sword stick again before holding it out to Simon.
"Wandering hands. Of course." Simon takes back the stick and discretely examines it as he turns back to the chair. He then sits back down, and looks from Alan to Doctor Oak to Ricky for a moment.

"Are sleepers often a problem like you described, Mr Clarke?" he asks, John's stick currently laying across his lap.
"Sleepers, problem yes, what! Dash uncouth and uncivilised, the blighters are. Got to be stopped, by jove."

Alan punctuates his talking with swift nods.

"Oh you said, often a problem, no this is the, what! second time they have appeared in the city well that I, don't you know, know about. But I'm what you would call, a ship in the night, no man knows the power of the Eagle, type of chap, What!"
"Do you actually listen to yourself when you talk, or do you just let your mouth run on without any requirements from the brain?" Simon asked. "I'm honestly curious."

He makes a small shrug of apology to Doc Oak from where he's sitting. Alan Clarke seemed to be... if not a friend, then at least an acquaintance of the doctor's. Still, Simon wasn't all that sanguine about the recent arrival's behavior what with everything else that had been going on.
Doc Oak's eyes widen slightly at Simon's comment before busying himself with the papers on Brian's desk. Alan's brow furrows for a few seconds as it looks like he tries to understand what Simon said.

"What? You don't understand the King's English, chap? In any way you are being a bit of a cad yourself, making sport, don't you know, of the way a chap speaks. Not the done thing, don't you know. Anyway you have the sword stick of John Safe, who gave the old thing to you chap? Have you met Safe, do you know where he is? What!"
"'King's English?' Is that what you call it?" Simon shrugged.

"In any case, I've never met John Safe, do not currently know where he is, and barely know anything about him otherwise. As for how I received his property... it was entrusted to me by one Dave Metro. If you have a problem with me having it you can talk with him about it."

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

This brings up a point: what language ARE we talking in? It might have been covered before, but I can't seem to recall that. Also, 'King's English' (particularly the first half of the phrase) indicates a monarchy situation either currently or in the recent past.
"Yes by Jove, the good King's English as spoken by King George and all English men, don't you know. But you _city_ folk know nothing of that, what! where ever you came from."

Alan bristles slightly, before shaking his head.

"Well perhaps we can help each other, chap, what! David must have thought you worthy, don't you know, so we can sally forth find the Safe, beat the Hun and bally be home before Christmas!!"


ooc : as for the language you are speaking, its just the one you know...if you only know one means of communication (which you all do), one language do you know what its called unless you are told? so perhaps you are speaking as Alan states the King's English....

ps Alan sound a little like Rowley Birkin QC

though he looks nothing like him...
Simon grinned nastily.

"I'm sorry... what in the world gave you the idea that I was about to help with your search?" he asked. "I have my own affairs to deal with, and as of the moment I see no reason for me to put them aside to help you with yours. Metro gave me Safe's item here to keep safe, presumably until Mr. Safe comes to ask for it back. He never mentioned that I was supposed to, or even encouraged to, look for Mr. Safe myself.

"So unless you have a fairly good idea how you can help me with your 'help each other' plan, I'll have to decline."
"Oh.. ok chap no need to be such a cad, eh what!"

Alan shakes his head slightly. "Ok Doc no joy for me here then, don't you know. I'll just have to sally forth else where, by jingo."

"Erm, yes Alan, safe travels." Doc Oak looks back over to Alan and nods.

"Well tip tip tippo, and bally see you soon." Alan turns, opens the door and he walks out.


btw Gulup, Dave did in fact ask you to find John Safe, that was the reason for him giving you John's sword in the first place..


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