[Act 2] Gateway [The Resurgent]


One Thousand Club
The Loom, Eastern Miracles, 2nd day of Calibration

The small shop and living quarters known as Eastern Miracles is a two-story stone building open to the sea air, like most other buildings in Gateway. It stands three doors down from a lesser marketplace where one might purchase the day's local catch, local fruits and vegetables, wines, trinkets, and perhaps even a sword or a suit of armor. This puts the shops relatively closer to the docks than most of the city, as that is where all the marketplaces are located. The sign out front is written both in Forest Tongue and Seatongue.

Inside a person will notice an Eastern, tribal motif if he has any familarity with the East. Strange Eastern animal skins, fishing nets that are much too small and poorly made by Western standards and painted tribal masks adorn the walls. These things serve to make the owner feel more at home. A spirit will notice the hum of previous Essence activity of the thaumaturgic variety.

Shelves wrap around three walls of the shop, and are stocked with various sundry goods. Medicines for very minor ailments, anti-venom, bandages soaked in a compound that immediately staunches blood flow, crushed plants, herbs, seeds of various kinds. To the uninitiated in Medicine most of these strange implements are unrecognizable and could be mistaken for occult supplies.

The back wall has a staircase that ascends to the second story. In front of the staircase is the counter behind which Isomaru does his work. A small stove doubles as a forge and heating element for a large black cauldron that is usually making some concoction (either a minor alchemical compound or deer stew, depending on the time of day). The counter is made of a hardened, treated, glossy wood. Behind the counter there are various pouches of components used in thaumaturgical rituals. A bow is strung and mounted on the wall behind the counter, along with a quiver of arrows, indicating that the thaumaturge is in residence, but not immediately visible on the first floor.

Isomaru is on the second floor watching the crowd through his small window. There is much activity this sunrise, from people waking up where they don't remember being from the night before and stumbling home to intrepid merchants making a profit selling more supplies to the citizens of Gateway throwing parties on the second day of Calibration.

The mood in the city is one of muted, happpy expectation. Its far to early to begin celebrating, but all know that is where the day will end.


Isomaru's looking at the crowd from a window on the second floor of his shop. If anyone has buisness with him, please post your approach and entrance here.
Balthazar, the streets of Gateway, cranky

Balthazar had not slept well since the dream (last post) of last night. He unconsciously touches his chest which feels raw and wounded, yet bears no signs of injury. He had woke early this morning with a mind to resolve this nuissance.

First those boys last night, and then that too-real dream.

He is convinced that some plot is afoot and aims to get the advantage by negating whatever witchcraft had been used on him. His surest advantage was to escape the net without alerting the fisherman. The local merchants all recommended a new thaumaturge a few streets away.

This is perfect. He and I have never met, so gossip will be at a minimum. Also, rumors say he's a foreigner. The locals will distrust his odd appearance and ways if it comes to conflict.

Balthazar sees the sign at the end of the block. "Eastern Miracles" it reads in Seatongue. Other meaningless symbols adorn the sign. Strange carvings and totems adorn the exterior.

He quickens his steps.


I'm dressed simlarly to before. New robes, hiding magical collar.

Balthazar would like to get this over with so he can get to arranging his cargo and finding out who is manipulating him.

Isomaru, you see Balthazar coming. You may react from the second story, or simply pass and have him enter your shop's first floor.
Isomaru, Eastern Miracles, busy

Isomaru is working drearily, lost in thought in concentration in the creation of a potentially dangerous and incriminating artifact. Such has it been for the past two days, working continuously from before sun-up to after sun-down.

No customers have come by, and were it not for the sweltering heat of the Calibration season, his door would be closed to customers while he works. Since most folks are off enjoying themselves at parties and the like, none are likely to stop by his shop to ask for goods or services. Which is why he is startled to see a finely dressed gentleman staring curiously at the sign to his shop. What could one such as he possibly be looking for at this hour during this season?

Putting down his tools and interrupting his concentration, he prepares to greet the potential customer. Ordinarily, he would be less concerned about dealing with customers (he was never a talented businessman), but Gytherial's warning hangs over his head like a storm cloud, and he could use a bit of extra cash to take to the seas before the Wyld Hunt settles upon him.

"Welcome, sir. Something troubles you, or you would not have ventured to my humble shop during this auspicious and festive season. How may this Windspeaker serve you?"


Nothing mechanically going on here. Passively trying to figure out what the heck a well-to-do customer is doing at his shop when he should be out partying, but I figure that's either A) going to be revealed soon enough anyway or B) will be hidden well enough that I won't be able to figure it out. :3

Mechanically you both feel an occult pull towards one another and feelings of loyalty for the respective stranger. Isomaru my attempt to identify this via the roll I described in Act 1. Balthazar is already quite sure of what it is.
Isomaru, Eastern Miracles

Something is not right. This stranger has yet to cross the threshold of my dwelling, yet I feel like I would kill a man to save this stranger's life. Could it be that the cut of a man's clothes can compel an individual? What manner of ritual could possibly be at work here?


Some kind of Occult phenomenon rumored to exist in texts Isomaru read as a boy? 5 whole seconds to figure out what's going on? Should be a piece of cake.

Spending 3 personal motes on the 1st Lore Excellency to piece together the bits of fragmented scraps of information I've read from people who have recounted this sort of situation before.

10 dice yields 6 successes.

Isomaru recognizes the effects as those of a spell of the Terrestrial Circle. This spell (DB p122) is normally cast on circles of Dynsatic Dragon-Blooded that have allied to fulfill and epic task of some sort to prevent the omni-present inter-family threats that plague Dynast family relations from undermining that task. You know all the details of this spell in the abstract. With your 1 threshold success you do not know of any instance where this has been cast without the participant's knowledge before. Your 1 threshold success does not immediately betray the strength of this specific casting, but the knowledge of the spell gives you a way to determine such things via experiment.
Balthazar doesn't like to get fucked by anybody but Mrs. Balthazar, Eastern Miracles

Balthazar notices an small, dark-skinned man sitting in the second story window of Eastern Miracles. His gut wrenches. The same pull, the same connection that he felt for Rillard and "Irritating Pepper" tugged at his heart. He loved that man more than he loved his crew, more than he'd loved his own family.

The dark face stares at him as if to examine his insides, then brightens in a toothy white smile. The man turns to the interior of the house.

He's in on this. Balthazar's brows draw together. A scowl darkens his face as the wrath of the Seabitch takes him. I'm getting answers. Here. Now.

He crashes through the door, knocking poorly crafted nets and worthless trinkets from a nearby display.

The thaumanturge appears from a rear staircase behind the counter and smiles.

"Welcome, sir. Something troubles you, or you would not have ventured to my humble shop during this auspicious and festive season. How may this Windspeaker serve you?"

In three long strides, Balthazar steps up to the counter. Quick as the Northern Wind he grabs the Thaumaturge by the front of his robes and pulls him halfway across counter. With their faces inches apart, Balthazar starts speaking softly. His words flow with the power of the tides, dripping with anger and authority.

"Eastman, you've marked more than the opulent merchant you seem to think I am. You've worked your witchcraft on me. You may have fooled those boys at The Four Winds, but I'm wise to your scheming. What game are you playing? Who set you up to this?" As Balthazar speaks, his Essence channels through his words. Each sentence resonates with Creation. His anima rages with the fury of the sun. The four spheres representing each form of Exaltation whirl around the witch-doctor. In an instant they lock into a halor with three spheres above Balthazar's head and one hidden behind his neck. The small gods of the shop tremble at the unrestrained power of a Chosen of the Sun. "TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!"

The thaumaturge's eyes blink away the searing light of Balthazar's caste mark.


Hypnotic Tongue Technique. (10m from peripheral essence and 1wp spent)

Manipulation (4) + Presence (4) + Stunt (2) = 1, 4, 1, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10 = 10 Successes; If > Isomaru's MDV, he has a compulsion to answer my questions and tell me what he knows. Resist with 1WP/day for the duration of the charm. (Which is until I say it ends or 5 days, =P)

I also activate Mastery of Small Manners upon entering (1m), but I'm too angry to pay attention to it right now.

Re: Anima. Balthazar is angry and not in full control. Part of him hopes to gain surprise and advantage, part of him just wants to make a simple thaumaturge crap his pants. The motes I've spent put me at 11. This is serious display. Isomaro probably has a sun burn and his clothes may have faded.


Personal 12/12

Peripheral: 12/26 (10+1+3 [Attuned collar])

WP: 5/6

/edit for stunt dice

Balthazar you get 2 stunt die for your actions. Isomaru, the Charm does reference MDV whether we are in Social Combat or not, so I'm giving you your MDV modifiers: This does not impact your motivation. You can tell the man needs help, but since your Compassion is not 3 there are no Virtue modifiers. This does not impact any written initmacies. The relative Appearace gives you a -1 MDV. Total changes: -1. This charm costs 1 Conviction channel to resist in the place of WP.

Mastery of Small Manners gives you the following motives for the scene of those around you:

Isomaru - Finish his task

The Oath spell roll specifically does not activate here. You still feel loyal to each other.
Isomaru, Eastern Miracles, trying to fuck Balthazar like a bitch

Isomaru had gotten funny looks a few times for his different complexion and strange dress. He was aware every time an ignorant sailor spat in his direction for his connection with the spirit world. He was fairly certain that among certain circles he was whispered to be what some people called a "witch doctor." But this is the first time someone had ever had the gall to walk into his shop and assault him. He was somehow not surprised to see the glowing mark of the Eclipse Caste on the man's forehead; how many Solars walked the world now, he wondered? This was the second one to stop by in a week! Lyla had specifically mentioned the strict rules that citizens of Gateway abided by, though no telling what some spoiled bureaucrat, let alone a reborn hero of the First Age, on a drunken red-out could get away with if money found its way to the right hands. For the first time, he wished he had spent more money hiring a bodyguard and less on his cherished longbow made of Haltan redwood, despite the risk of having an extra pair of eyes around.

The man wanted information, and something about the way he spoke, Isomaru saw no reason to not give him the information he asked for. He would just need to be snapped out of his conspiratorial dream world and back into reality. A reality where terrible things happened to undeserving people.

Roughly breaking Balthazar's grasp on his clothes, Isomaru pushed the merchant back to give himself some breathing room before delivering his information.

"You thrice-damned, forest-dwelling, walrus-teat sucker!!" Isomaru blurted out, mixing the strongest epithets he could come up with in any language. "Blasting your golden phallus all over the place? You must be the reason the Wyld Hunt will soon descend upon this city! The spirits of this place must weep knowing that your wanton actions will forever mar this land!"

Taking a breath to calm himself down, Isomaru continued with his story.

"But you are right. You have been ensorcelled, as have I. Someone, or something, has compelled us to enter into a bond of mutual benefit. But it was not by my hand that this was done, at least not in this lifetime."

Reaching into his deer-hide belt, Isomaru produced his utility knife and stabbed it deep into the wooden counter of his workbench, leaving it stand upright before returning his hand to his side.

"If you doubt my words, then I beg you, please use my knife and spill my heart's blood upon this counter. If you like, I can speak with the spirits of this place and offer the essence of my life as a sacrifice on your behalf. Perhaps it will ease your guilt before the Dragon-Blooded rampage through the city on a zealous mission that causes untold destruction." As he spoke, Isomaru tore open the simple jerkin, exposing a slender chest that bared the scars of a plebian lifestyle spent in an agrarian and fishing society. He hoped the fragmentary records he had read of the spell's effects were accurate, but just in case, he channeled wooden, earthy essence into his skin, hardening it sufficiently to turn the blade of a knife in case his attacker truly had gone mad. As he felt his skin harden, he could feel the burning mark on his forehead ignite, for the first time since that night in his village over a year ago. For a moment, the light of the two marks crackled with essence as they stood opposing one another, the merchant's blazing aura almost completely overwhelming the glittering caste mark of the Twilight caste. He just hoped for his own sake the merchant was as weak as he looked.

After a pregnant pause, Isomaru added, "My blood, or my help in figuring out this mystery and a solution to what ails you. You may choose."


No real reason nor desire to resist the Hypnotic Tongue fueled action.

Spending 3 motes of peripheral essence + 1 wp to activate Durability of Oak Meditation (fuck yeah scene long).

Mechanically, I don't think I really have anything else going on here yet. This is eventually going to become a dramatic-action stunt that will involve me trying to convince Balthazar to pay my way onto a ship, if any convincing has to be done.

Essence pool:

Personal: 12 | 15

Peripheral: 33 | 36

Willpower: 5 | 6

Caste mark glow level: Glittering/Weak glow

Balthazar, Eastern Miracles

Another Solar! I am not alone. His fury scatters like waves across a breakwater. His anima dissipates. Only his castemark remains. The shop feels smaller, dingier. The wood of the counter is faded and sun-bleached. Balthazar is certain it wasn't like that when he entered.

Balthazar grips the hilt and pries it from the counter. His eyes dart around the room looking for hired muscle. Sometimes shopkeepers keep a bodyguard or two in case their customers get rowdy. Extra eyes at this particular moment would be calamitous, and Balthazar didn't particularly feel like ducking sword thrusts today. Either way, this place was no longer safe.

The Twilight's words wash over him. The Eastman was right. Balthazar had exposed both of them. He straightens his posture and adopts a neutral expression to cover the shame of his rashness.

"It appears that I have made a poor assumption. I was under the impression that I had been drugged." Balthazar lays the knife flat on the table. "Cover yourself. I'd sooner cut off my own arm than hurt you."

He steps back and makes small flourish with his robes.

"In an Age long forgotten I was known as Balthazar and a peacemaker. In this Age, I am known as Keiga and a teat-sucker, apparently. I would know your name, sir, and how I might assist you." A wry smile sneaks across Balthazar's face, "And what it is it that you're so fixated on finishing?."


Error realized. Want to calm down Isomaru. Switching to friendly mode.

You're still under compulsion.

Having not read that particular Solar Charm lately and being at work, I'll leave it to you, Isomaru, to interpret where the compulsion starts and ends and color your responses appropriately.

Isomaru, you have no idea how Balthazar even knows you're working on something, so his question should come as a bit of a surprise.
Isomaru gets to go another day without getting stabbed by a party member, Eastern Miracles

With a calm sigh, Isomaru closed his jerkin and placed his utility knife back in his belt.

This man may be a fool, but at least he can be reasoned with. He knows not the context of the situation he has fallen into. Best to get to safety sooner, rather than later, for both our sakes.

"I am Isomaru, a Windspeaker and sole keeper of the traditions of my village. I make war against the Faceless aberrations that plague the boundaries of Creation. At least I did, until I learned that the Wyld Hunt will soon fall upon this city. Now I must finish crafting these talismans that ward against the elemental blood of the child-Dragons before setting sail away from here...only I have no ship or fare for passage. Perhaps you may be able to assist in this regard while I began a deeper study of the effects that have bound us together? The sooner we get to a safer location, the sooner we can begin answering questions."


I've pretty much told everything I know with respect to the question re: "Tell me what you know." That should end the Compulsion effect, unless I'm mis-reading the charm and/or I don't have a clear knowledge OOC of what Balthazar wants to know. :3 Alternatively, he could just ask questions and I'd answer without him turning into a golden bonfire, but where's the fun in that? :D
Gytherial being super-sneaky, Eastern Miracles

"You wouldn't be thinking of skipping town now would you, Isomaru? We still have buisness to complete."

Gytherial is lounging in the corner farthest from the door. Instead of her normal Kimono she's wearing a hooded robe the color of wood with grain-marks painted on. She appears unarmed. There is, as usual, the subtle threat of violence in her voice.

In response to the startled looks she adds "You don't know many Night Caste, do you?"

Hiroko makes himself visible as well. "She hid even from my charms, Balthazar. Her claims are true, she is a Solar."


oh hai
Isomaru is really going to choke a bitch, Eastern Miracles

"I suppose it depends on what your definition of skipping town means, and is in part based upon the generosity of our new compatriot here," Isomaru noted while nodding at Balthazar.

"Despite keeping out of sight, my shop has been intruded upon twice now in a week by unexpected, though perhaps not unwelcome, guests. Somehow I was located, and it has become painfully clear that I must disappear for awhile. Our business deal stands, but my work environment must change if I wish to avoid any further..." Isomaru's eyes darted to the three strangers that stood before him "...interruptions."

"Gytherial, I have a proposition for your lord. The spirits of this place must forget that we existed here if Gateway it to be saved from wanton destruction. The veil between worlds is thin this time of year; before we leave, I would speak with Jolu-lu ask for his beneficence in aiding our escape so that we can best minimize the destruction of his city. In the meantime, I trust there is no qualms regarding our temporary relocation?"

Isomaru's eyes fall on Balthazar.


Fucking rogues.

I suppose I should go back to my character thread and finish the crafting stuff. I am not sure why I am dreading doing that so much. ><
Gytherial, Eastern Miracles

"Yes, I do believe it is time for you all to meet my lord. Meet me at the mayor's manor for dinner tommorow, the 3rd day of Calibration. Take these invitations."

Gytherial holds out two blue and green painted wood-chips with the symbol of the mayor on them. Gytherial inexpertly throws them in each of your directions, missing you both by a wide margin.


Gytherial vanishes right where she stands.


Yay party!

Balthazar, your use of Insightful Buyer Technique tells you that the house is worth Resources 2. It could be rented out fairly for 1 hit of Resources 1 each season. The location is too far from any of the markets to be considered prime commercial space and housing is plentiful in Gateway.
Balthazar, Eastern Miracles, accumulating friends and allies

Two Solars! And all before breakfast. Odd, I feel no special connection to her. Why a Twilight and not a Night?

Balthazar looks to where Gytherial once stood and then to Hiroko. With a raised eye-brow he asks a silent question. Hiroko shrugs. She is gone, apparently. Or perhaps still here to watch our reaction. Either way. she is apparently not an enemy.

"Allow me to introduce Hiroko, my friend and couselor." Balthazar notes Isomaru's stare and returns it measure for measure. "I see you are still angry with me for disrupting your routine and tranquility. I fear we will have scant moments of that until we're safely at sea. Again I ask for your forgiveness. You have my assistance in all that you need."

Balthazar glances around the room, taking in the trinkets and knick-knacks displayed on various shevles and pegs.

"Despite my previous display, I strive to be a man of discretion. Finish your talisman. Hiroko, if he'll agree, can watch over you and warn you of further intrusions. Then search out the offices of the Western Trade Alliance. Book passage to Isla Mundu in the Neck. Offer this property and its contents as payment. Accept nothing less than <insert value determined by Insightful Merchant Method>. I will do the rest."


In upcoming posts, I will travel to the WTA offices and indicate that Isla Mundu, a backwater port in the Neck, is on my trade route. The passage fee wil be split between me and the WTA.

Motes no longer committd. Move along.

Balthazar, see previous post.

Isomaru, your resources come from your (rather expensive) reusable thaumaturgic components. As such you don't own the house, but were granted it's use by your Lunar for being such a good sport and travelling thousands of miles to help her against the Wyld. Good luck ^^

What's Resources 2 in Cowries? Or even silver? The book says I can feed myself on meat every other day and drink hard liquor as well as beer.
Isomaru is going to double the cost of his talismans at this rate; fuck having Resources 3 and unable to buy a goddamn thing, Eastern Miracles

"I am afraid selling this shop will not be possible. It is currently on loan to me by some friends from...out of town. Its loss would be most displeasing. Further, the transfer of property and sudden disappearance of inhabitants may give our enemies more insight into our companions. Perhaps there is some other way to get me aboard a vessel heading to the proper destination? I would not ask you to pay my fare just yet, however..." Isomaru's voice trailed off as he glanced at the medical supplies that were mixed in among the talismans.

"Do you happen to know of any ships heading to Isla Mundu? I am an accomplished physician and can secure the blessings of the spirits, perhaps you might know of a ship in need of such services? Otherwise..." Isomaru looked woefully at a crate, roughly 3/4 his height, that he could hide in before being smuggled onto a ship. It would not be pleasant, and risk of discovery would be high on such a long voyage.


It seems like I'm getting a wee-bit shafted in terms of cash, but I'm fine with that if the intent is to discover a creative workaround/make some quick cash. If that's not the case, then I would argue the micro-management is unnecessarily complicated.

Would like Balthazar to make some roll to figure out if leaving a paper trail is a good idea. Other than that, action's on you to make my life not a living hell here, Ket.


All you need to do is hand a finished talisman to Gytherial and you'll be flush in cash, Isomaru. You have the materials and the time (already spent) and the buyer, all you have to do is roll one up in the other thread. You will probably have to wait until the mayor's dinner to find her again, though.

Balthazar, to find the best way to get Isomaru on the ship without anyone knowing you two are financially entangled roll Intelligence+Bureaucracy.

kaliket said:
What's Resources 2 in Cowries? Or even silver? The book says I can feed myself on meat every other day and drink hard liquor as well as beer.

One hit of Resources 2 is enough to feed and house 10 members of the lower class adequately for a season. This kind of expendeture is thrown around daily by the upper class (i.e. Resources 4 and 5 people).
Balthazar, Eastern Miracles, brainstorming

"You don't own this storefront? You'll have to tell me about your backers some time. No matter. Isla Mundu is not important. What's important is that you board my ship, The Lady in Green before she leaves Gateway."

Balthazar notes the crate and Isomaru's worried glances.

"And I don' predict we'll need to put you in a box to do so."


Dice? My character is better at most things I ever will be, what is this noise? =P It seemed like a great idea in my head.

Int 2 +Bcracy 4 = 5 successes

Your amazing Bureaucracy skills tell you that having Isomaru board the Lady in Green with only 1 pack under the guise of laying a ward on the ship then just never happening to leave would be the way to have Isomaru board with the least notice.
Balthazar, Eastern Miracles, idea!

"In fact, it occurs to me that you could assist me with an annual ritual. Every year, during Calibration, I make an offering to the god of The Lady thanking her for a year of profit and safety and beseeching her to look after me and my crew throughout the next year. It occurs to me that I could use a good thaumaturge. I expect to need all the help I can get in the upcoming year."

Balthazar straightens his robes. He is obviously preparing to leave.

"In that case, I suggest that you seek out The Lady in Green tomorrow morning. She is a sleek, two-masted blockade runner. Anyone on the Trade Alliance docks will be able to show you to her. Inform my first mate, Mr. Stubb that you're making preparations to bless The Lady and that I've agreed to pay you in advance. He knows my tradition and will make arrangements for your fee to be disbursed from my accounts with the Trade Alliance. You will have access to any part of the ship you deem necessary and as much time and privacy as you need. I suggest that you get lost below decks at some point. Does this sound like a reasonable arrangement?"


Ok, so I think this allows Isomaru to "stow-away" on my ship discretely. Mr. Stubb will not have cash immediately ready, but will offer to have it delivered to the ship while Isomaru is working.

My intent is that Isomaru will have full run of the ship, that his presence is obvious, and that he's obviously providing me a service. None of the crew will impede him, but will interact with him if approached. I don't want him to miss the Mayor's party.

Clear as mud?

Minor retcon: adjusting time frame to tomorrow

Clear enough to me, we'll see what Isomaru says and if he remembers he's going to have a windfall from a certain talisman sale shortly.

I would suggest that you make this transaction/sneaking arrangement tommorow if you want him to attend the party tonight.

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