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CarolineLee submitted a new role play. @CarolineLee, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Age: (21-26)



Clothing: (What he/she normally wears)

Backpack: (What he/she brought with him/her on the trip)


History: (Must of grown up in New Jersey)


Name: Lily Asmara

Nickname: Lil'

Age: (21-26) 21

Gender: Female



Clothing: (What he/she normally wears) Sweaters and jeans with Converse. She wears a thin amount of makeup and hardly any jewelry

Backpack: (What he/she brought with him/her on the trip) Her Polaroid and different other cameras. Necessities (of course), photo albums, cat, and her tablet.

Personality: Lily likes to express herself through her photography and other forms of art. She likes to joke around with her friends and is very outgoing when she's around them. If people disrespect her opinion, then she is very defensive. Lily is respectful of others, though, but only if they respect her.

History: Lily grew up with her older brother and parents in Williamstown, NJ. She lived a pretty normal life and noticed her love for photograph at an early age. She was never the greatest student, but still graduated high school with a 3.2 GPA. Lily was accepted into a college and started her photography degree and is one of the top students in her class. (I may add more details later when more people have signed up)

Other: Her cat looks like this




Name: Apollo Reece Landers

Nickname: He only answers to Apollo.

Age: (21-26) 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/large.png.55d9e1c79bf851fd6149d4f36596b15a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12944" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/large.png.55d9e1c79bf851fd6149d4f36596b15a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing: (What he/she normally wears) Apollo typically wears skinny jeans, hoodies, and beanie hats. These can come in a variety of colors and odd designs.

Backpack: (What he/she brought with him/her on the trip) He brought clothing, his phone, his headphones, his sketchbook and pencils, a few books, and a large box of Cheez-its

Personality: Apollo is a laid-back, kind-hearted young man. He is quite childish, but he does not speak often unless spoken to. He is the type of person who thinks and analyses life constantly, so he is usually spotted daydreaming. He is amused by watching others, and he studies strangers among his everyday travels. He is very content with his life, and it takes a lot to make him upset or angry. He has a love for children and animals because of their innocent natures. People going about their lives, just simply living how they do, interests Apollo incredibly, and he yearns to know their every thought and reasoning. He is decently artistic, drawing life mostly. Apollo cannot even begin to understand hatred and inequality, and he will not let it happen if he can help it.

History: (Must of grown up in New Jersey) Apollo was born into an abusive home, luckily, he was taken into foster care at age four and adopted at age seven. He then grew up in a wealthy home with his father and two younger siblings, identical twin girls. His adoptive parents divorced when he was barely twelve, so he spent his summers away from his father to see his mother. At about thirteen, Apollo realized he was homosexual, and he opened up to his family and friends at fifteen. No one took it negatively, a pleasant surprise for the young boy. Apollo grew up in his parents’ households in New Jersey. He is still close to his sisters, who are now fifteen, and he is attending a college close to his home to major in developmental psychology. Apollo is hoping to become a child psychologist in the future, and he also has a big dream to adopt his own children from foster care, knowing the love they need.

Other: Read history to know extra facts… Also, Apollo is a vegetarian, and he takes daily medication for his anxiety disorder.



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Alexander Monfort










Usually wears v-necks and jeans.


, laptop, cellphone, favorite video camera, & loads of memory cards for his video camera.


Alexander is playful and childish most of the time and he can sometimes be a bit immature. At most times, he can be found grinning and joking around. Not one to get easily angered or annoyed, Kendall finds it extremely easy to get along with others. However, the few things that
can tick him off are people who are rude with no reason to be. He's a real sweet-heart who cares too much though most people would say he's over-protective of his friends. Alex is the one to stand up for his friends but also the one to try and prevent fights from happening; usually he tries to get people to walk away or just talk it out but it hardly ever works.

He's a hugger not a fighter.


Alexander was raised in New Jersey living in a well-managed family with two older brothers, a lawyer for a mother, and a politician for a father. He never had to worry about money or grades because of his family and knew his mother would kill someone just to get him into college. A lot was expected of Alex though his parents were too busy pressuring his older brothers for him to notice. Not many problems arose in his life for his parents took care of every little problem that came his way though there was one 'problem' they couldn't pay off or make leave. That 'problem' was Ryland. Alexander didn't even know he liked guys too until he met Ryland so his parents always disliked Ryland for preventing what they call 'a happy normal life' for their youngest son. Alexander still loved his parents and always thought they would eventually come around and be happy with who he dated. His father mostly didn't like the idea of him dating a guy and his mother disliked the idea of him dating a guy with no future or at least she says.


Is Bi-Sexual and currently dating Ryland Backster.


Ryland Backster










Beaters, flannel shirts, & jeans/torn jeans.


, cellphone, & books to practice reading words correctly.


Ryland is generally independent and outspoken. He isn't ashamed of much except for the fact that he is diagnosed with dyslexia which he doesn't bring up at all much. Though he is very much proud of being homosexual; he has no problem claiming he is gay in front of complete strangers if they ask. Ryland isn't one to take the easy way out and actually is used to taking the hard way. Ryland can be a little bit flirty with out knowing it though when he is around his friends he is a lot more flirty with the guys, even if there heterosexual, just to be funny though everyone knows he's just goofing off.


Ryland was born and raised in the same old boring town with the same old boring people in New Jersey. He never knew his real mother or father but it never really bothered him. Ryland grew up in foster homes all his life and none of them were kind to him. He started working around the age seven when he was forced to do all sorts of task's around whatever foster home he was in for the time-being. Because of his living situations, Ryland thought at a young age that work was more important than school; his dyslexia started kicking in around the age of nine but none of his foster parents ever cared enough to even mind his learning disability. Ryland just learned to cope with it.

By the age of eighteen Ryland was going to college because of his good grades and lived on campus where he met Alexander; at first they were good friends but eventually that changed. He has been happily dating Alexander for almost three years though they have had there ups-and-downs.


Is homosexual and currently dating Alexander Monfort.


Name: Cole Brabec

Nickname: Only his little sisters call him CoCo

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Clothing: Cole dresses well and wears skinny jeans with a button-down shirt with sneakers. He always is wearing a bow-tie that is quirky and has a cool design.

Backpack: Clothing, Skateboard, Camera, and Jolly Ranchers.

Personality: Cole first appears to be a quiet ignorant laid-back guy with no real depth, yet when given the opportunity to express his colorfully painted personality some may just be surprised.

Cole finds ignorance the best way to get a well set advantage on someone. He wants people to underestimate him because when the time comes for him to stand up and prove himself, they will not be prepared. Lowering the standards is something he has become skilled at and uses this often, sometimes he forgets that he can be strong and smart and it’s times like those he feels pretty low about herself.Under his layer of ignorance is a cultured, strong and smart guy. With all the time he has to live she used it to gain knowledge. He traveled the world and admired the people, the food, the art. Oh the art. Music, films, sculpture, drawing, paintings, he loves them all. He finds it an awfully good distraction and will usually vent towards it when feeling down.Upon the bringing of a problem or divided issue he is most likely the middle man. He is rather passive and will usually refuse the offer to make alliances or chose teams. You have to be on extremely good terms with him or have caught his attention for him to side with you completely, and that is very rare. The reason for his standoffish mind set on problems is because he believes in peace, and choosing sides will just give people more reason to kill each other.His passiveness is also a way of shutting others out. He feels this decision is smart, even though he feels utterly alone. Thinking too hard about this causes spiraling on his part and when she spirals he doesn't feel like himself, or better yet, he doesn't feel like the person she wants to be. Things weren’t as exciting so he just stopped and became the softer person she is today, but every once in awhile there are the flares of her past self. He has many quirks and flaws and hate himself for it, but he learns to forget about all of it when he's with someone who can make him feel that way.

History: Cole was born and grew up in a modern mansion on the outskirts of New Jersey. He was raised in an humongous 5 story house with her mother, father, and three younger sisters. Things were perfect for the first thirteen years of his existence until his father became ill when he entered ninth grade. The doctors discovered he indeed had cancer, quickly springing on them, as he had already developed Stage Three of the illness. As he tried to cope with the thoughts of her father's failing heart, Cole threw himself into sports and activism, joining the swimming and cross country teams while in high school. Along with this, he wrote for his high school newspaper and made various friends, which was anything to keep his mind off her father for a while. He also found out at an early age that he had an attraction to boys.

Other: He is bisexual but leans more to boys and you can see him riding his skateboard most of the time.

Other: He is bisexual and leans toward boys more and he likes to spend his free time skateboarding.



Camilla Rayne Quin


Cam or Cami - I do not suggest calling her Camilla.








Camilla usually wears skinny jeans, various kinds of tops including long sleeve blouses to plain, tighter tees and even looser ones, and she usually wears converses or vans with the occasional boots when the weather permits.


Clothing, headphones, toiletries, and her cell phone along with it's charger.


Camilla is a genuinely sweet, compassionate, and caring girl. She is almost never mean to anyone unless she finds it is absolutely necessary to be. Camilla stands up for things she believes are right whether she is standing alone or not. She doesn't get angry easily but when she does she usually just isolates herself entirely and cries rather than do anything aggressive about it. Camilla is very bubbly and friendly but will become a recluse if people let her go off by herself. She is quite soft spoken and tends to be left in the dark in most situations. Despite her struggles and lack of friends, she still tries her best to remain positive at all times but does occasionally break down. Camilla is also very intelligent and sometimes flirtatious but only if she's really interested in someone.


Camilla doesn't necessarily have a bad history. The worst thing that has ever happened to her was losing her mother to cancer. Before that, she had a pretty normal childhood. Camilla had lots of friends in elementary school but when it came to highschool she lost a lot of those friends because they liked partying and she didn't like it as much. She spent most of her time from the age 13 to 17 taking care of her mother when her father was working in his firm. Camilla's mother lost her battle to cancer when Camilla was just 18. The loss of her mother crushed her but she eventually gained her strength back knowing that her mother would want her to thrive in life and continue working towards her dreams.


Camilla is bisexual and she has occasional panic attacks.



Alicia Veries









-Ali is a rather small girl, standing at about 5'3 in full height.

-Her complexion holds a noticeable, yet light tan to it and is free of blemishes.

-Her eyes are a warm hazel, and her hair is a brunette that is dark enough to be occasionally mistaken for black.


~Wide-necked, comfortable sweaters or loose, large cotton T-shirts.

~Soft black tights or baggy sweatpants {always with pockets}.

~Black flats.

~Occasionally some very light eye-shadow, but no other makeup.


-Whatever money she could find, including a credit card.

-Various toiletries {shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, hair bands, hair clips, hair brushes, a hair dryer, toothbrush and toothpaste, mouth wash, and tampons ["You can never be too prepared for something like that, I always say."]. }

-Clothing, of course {see above}.

-Her iPod and earphones.

-Lots and lots of sour candies, including Sour Patch, Sour Punch Straws, and Airheads X-treme's, her personal favorites.


Though one of the laziest people you'll ever find, Ali is a person who enjoys the cozy things in life and who is actually pretty likable with her 'I don't care' attitude. Physical activity is a bore for her, a hardship more than anything; she'd rather laze around, cuddle up with friends, watch movies and eat and enjoy the small comforts of life. She isn't a partier, not by a long shot, but isn't at all anti-social. She'd do well at a party - if she ever had any desire to hang around pounding music and smelly, drunk people. Nah, Ali would far rather just snuggle into a blanket and switch on some Netflix for the night, with pizza on the side. Her hair, you'll notice, is almost always in a messy, disorganized bun. It's odd how well she can pull the style off; it's rare to see her hair all prettied up with hair products and all. Nope, Ali just throws it into that bun every day and leaves it that way. She is very close to all of her friends, and isn't afraid to give them hugs, poke them every which way, and tease them in various manners - all things you'll frequently see her do to her friends, male or female, in a relationship or not. She's outgoing with strangers, showing a distinct notion of 'I really do not give a shit' to everybody. Though honestly, it seems more appealing than off-putting to most people - she doesn't show the attitude with arrogance, just with friendliness, as if beckoning for other people to join into the lazily fun vibe she releases. She's a funny girl to a lot of people, but to her friends, she's a person worth having around.


Her past was, for the most part, normal, beside the fact that she never knew her mother. She grew up as an only child under her single father, and the two had a strong relationship with each other, and still do to this day. Their family was fairly well-off, modestly so; definitely not filthy rich, but with a modest financial income, enough to pay for necessities and the nice treats on the side. Ali grew to love the small things in life at a young age rather than the bigger, grander things, with a cozy home and a lenient parent to take care of her. She earned friends that came and went along the way, but only a few stayed, and here she is now - going on a wonderful trip with these awesome buds she kept during her growing years.


She is heterosexual. Thought I should add that, since everyone seems to be listing their sexualities in this section.

- - -

I can add a male, if you'd like me to.
Name: Zachary Michael Owens

Nickname: Zero

Age: (21-26) 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall and thin, with freckles and bright blue streaks in his brownhair

Clothing: Skinny jeans, band shirts and sneakers, and a beanie.

Backpack: (What he/she brought with him/her on the trip) A black backpack covered in sewn on patches containing some clothes, toiletries, his medication,his phone, charger and headphones. He also has a sketch pad and a variety of pencils.

Personality: Zero is a daydreamer, often seen to be staring into space or subconsciously singing under his breath. He finds it hard to concentrate on anything other than his drawings for longer than a few hours, and it's unsurprising why. It's undeniable that he has incredible talent but he knows it's no excuse not to work hard. Zero is also a hopeless romantic, and strongly believes that a girl should be treated with respect and care, plus a few gifts of course. If you can distract him from his imagination for long enough to get noticed, Zero is great to hang out with, one of those people who creates an easy atmosphere and is a good listener.

History: (Must of grown up in New Jersey) Zero grew up in a typical suburban middle class home with his parents and little sister, Ellie. Ellie is 7 years younger than him and he has always tried to be the best brother he can be for her, playing dress up and helping her with her homework. He was always bullied in school for his taste in music and fashion sense but still encouraged Ellie to be her own person. He knew she'd get upset if she saw what they did so he tried his best to keep it from his family. His mother is unorganised and careless, often forgetting to pick her kids up from school on time or not grocery shopping for weeks. His dad is just the same, yet somehow never missing a football game on television. Zero is close to Ellie, having basically raised her and they've never really been apart for long, but with news that his sister is pregnant, the atmosphere at home is pretty hostile, and he can't bear to stick around to watch his family fall apart.

Other: He got an art undergraduate degree and is taking a gap year to travel.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.ff3c89c1f10fe71de8f2b7be6221dc6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12959" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.ff3c89c1f10fe71de8f2b7be6221dc6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Grace Parker

Nickname: Gracie (Only by her siblings and people she trusts)

Age: (21-26): 21

Gender: Female


Clothing: (What he/she normally wears): Oversized sweaters, any type of coat, moccasins, Converse, a lot of bracelets.

Backpack: (What he/she brought with him/her on the trip): Clothing, toliteries, her iPod and headphones, various books, her writing notebook, her ukuelele anad a copy of the Sound of Music (her favorite movie).

Personality: In school Grace was always that girl that nobody knew. She loved to sit in the back of classroom and just observe. She was never a "talker", just a listerner. Which meant that she didn't have very many friends, just one named Charlie. She has severe panic disorder causing her to stress over every little detail and will often sit in bed for hours at night just thinking of every mistake she made that day. She is also a very big perfectionist, making sure every line she cut was striaght, every piece of hair was in place and everything was colored in. No one really took the time to learn about Grace. If you did, you would learn that she has a very kind heart but it's very hard to get there. She does not trust people easily.

History: (Must of grown up in New Jersey): Despite being born in Maine, Grace was raised in New Jersey. When she was 11, her father left her mom, her and her five other slibings for a lady half his age. Everytime her mother would try to get a job, she would work for a week and then get fired, landing her a job at Taco Time. After that, Grace never really trusted anyone. She would start to spend more and more time in the library or her room. She started to love books and started to collect them. When she was 15, her two brother Maxim and Joseph got her a ukulele for everything she's done for them. She cherished that ukulele. A little while after that she started writing small songs. She now has notebooks and notebooks filled with stories/poems/songs. She dabbles a little bit in singing, but no one has ever really heard her.

Other: Will often either bite her nails, play with her bracelets or bite her bottom lip when she is being spoken too. She will often be seen scribling in her notebook or reading a book.
Name: Ashley Yang

Nickname: Ash

Age: 22

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_ltnf8pmtv81qzk5tao1_250.png.625948e321dfffe31535f8cdce0305f1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_ltnf8pmtv81qzk5tao1_250.png.625948e321dfffe31535f8cdce0305f1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing: White Dress Shirt, Boot-Cut Jeans, Converse Shoes, Gold Bracelet, Silver Watch, Wolf Fang Pendant, Black Jacket, Class Ring

Backpack: Clothes, her Laptop, iPhone, Make-Up, Toiletries, Make Up, Sunglasses, Swim Suit

Personality: Gentle, Nice, Caring, Easygoing, Timid, Shy

History: In her High School years, she was pretty much just the average American schoolgirl. During her Junior Year, her parents divorced. Although she stayed with her mother, she would spend the rest of the year trying to coup with the fact her parents separated. Since she didn't really have very many friends, Junior year practically became a nightmare for Ashley, as she was dragged into Drama after Drama, her grades took a severe blow and much more. She doesn't really like talking about her past or herself until you get to know her.

Other: In her free time, she practices Karate.



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