[Across the States and Back!] Meet and Greet!


da bomb diggity
Introduce Yourself!

This will be a place for the members of this RP to get to meet and know each other.

This will be sort of like an Ice breaker.

I'll give you a list of questions and you have to write a small introduction about yourself answering these questions.

Don't worry they wont be too personal.

*What's your name/nickname?

*Do you have any pets?

*What is a disturbing fact about you?

*What's your guilty pleasure? (Keep it PG-13)

*If you were taking this Road-trip where would you most like to go?

I'll start:


Hello I'm NessieAlways, but you can call me Nessie. My real name is Vanessa, but I prefer to be called Nessie, or Ness. I have 3 pets, two dogs and a cat. They all sadly hate each other and must be kept separated if not they will kill each other. =( A disturbing fact about me would be that I bite off my toe nails. I don't eat them, but when I don't have a nail clipper I just use my teeth. I know it's disgusting and really bad for both your teeth and nails. /)_(\ Don't judge! I don't know how much of guilty pleasure this since every place has different views of things, but if the people that live in my town were to hear me I'd be a laughing stock. My guilty pleasure is that I love One Direction! Although I don't fan girl over the members, just the songs. =P Lastly, if I were taking this Road Trip, the place I would most like to go is Denver Colorado! I've heard so many wonderful things about that place(aside from legalizing weed) and I'd like to see if those things are true. If they are that's the place I want to move to and settle in.

Who's next?
My name is WaXi Candell. (Ha, no. I'm kidding. It's actually just Candle.) I have a few pets, most some of which are deceased. But the turtle's still alive, which is nice. I still haven't come up with a name for it yet, and I've had it for quite a while now. A disturbing fact about me? I have no arms. No seriously. It's pretty natural, I mean most candles don't have arms. But being armless makes me sad, 'cause now my handsies don't have armsies to attach to. In short, I don't have arms or hands. How am I typing this...? My guilty pleasure is fireplaces. I know the heat is bad for my figure, but I just can't help it. Why I was born as a water candle, I just can't imagine why...

If I were taking this road-trip, I'd like to go to Moundsville, in West Virginia, or the Ax Murder House in Villisca, Iowa. The most haunted, paranormal, cursed, and gristly places anybody would absolutely never want to visit. (Flashlights not included.)

Alright, I'm done! *looks around* Whoooooooo's next?
Hi. I'm Mademoiselle, for nicknames you can call me Ana. I have two dogs, one a size 0 Yorkshire and the other, well we think she is Maltes and Shitzu. Though we don't know for sure since we picked her up from the street. Disturbing fact? I like those bloody and killing scenes there are in movies/books/tv shows. The scene in The Mountain and The Red Viper was epic to me. A guilty pleasure would be that sometimes I just like to do nothing. I mean like go outside, put some nice song and do absolutely nothing. I think I may be a little weird... I don't have a specific place id like to go, but I'd definetely like going to New York or some small town in the beach of the West Coast.

<.< Next? >.>
Hey everyone, I'm asduskfalls and people have a variety of nicknames for me, including Asdusk, Duskie, and Dusk. My personal favorite is Asdf. I have two dogs, some fish, and a cat, and would kill for a turtle but alas, I have none. As for disturbing facts, that's a toughie. :/ I'm boring. I guess I really would like to see something get hit by lightning, and that's kind of disturbing. My guilty pleasure is gosh I don't know everything? Pleasure in and of itself makes me feel guilty. So yeah. If I was going on this roadtrip I'd try to hit up all the storied places - Portland, New Orleans, Washington DC, Independence, Savannah - anywhere with tons of history and culture!

Hi all! My name's LuckyMisfortune, but you can call me anything. Although, most just call me Lucky. I have no pets, none at all.... :( I really want something, but my parents say no... (It's their house, so) My dad's allergic to cats my mom just hates to clean up after one. I might get a fish, might.

As for a disturbing fact.... I laugh at people's miseries! O^o Yeah, I'm weird. My family knows this when I say, "Bwahaha! I laugh at your misery!" Hahahaha...hehe...haa

Yup. My guilty pleasure is to eat tons and tons of strawberries. I mean I can finish two whole bowls by myself. I mean like biggggg bowls. I'm weird! Yaaaaay!

If I was on a road trip, I'd probably spend all my time with any historical sights. Mostly to take photographs and learn. I'm very interested in old stuff, okay? Judge meh! Anyways nice to meet you all!
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Hi everyone. Brokenstrings here, duh. Some people just call me Strings, but you could call me Catie if you want. That works too. I have two cats- the first is the family cat and he is a rescue named Cotton. He as a nervous habit of licking all the hair off his back legs, and he is such an attention whore. He'd do anything for a head rub. My other cat is mine. I got him as a kitten a year ago and he's totally my fur baby. His name is Ketlingr Murray, but we usually just call him Murray or murr-murr. Ketlingr is the old Norse masculine word for kitten...

Disturbing fact? I take pictures of dead things. Birds, bugs, anything dead. I used to hate to see them, but I have this really weird thing where I just always find dead things. Everywhere I go. I don't even really look for them. My guilty pleasure is kdrama's. I love korean tv! Seriously love it. I'm also frequently called a I'm uncultured(haha! rpnation edited it... it's supposed to be a synonym for homosexual that starts with a f) hag, but only cause my best friend from childhood is gay.

I've traveled a whole lot. The entire east coast and some of the west, but only because I've lived on both. I love Maine and I would love to go to New Orleans!

So yeah. Hi!
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Hello I'm BrownBear, but you can call me Bear My real name is... well my middle name is Charles, but I prefer to be called Charlie, or well BB. I have no pets although I had a fish named Samurai Jack in elementary school... think my dad killed him on purpose. A disturbing fact about me is that I occasionally indulge in hentai...

... Yeah

My guilty pleasure is that I love Drake... and certain types of drugs... Lastly, if I were taking this Road Trip, the place I would most like to go is Denver Colorado and do a huge hotbox session there. I'd literally only go for the weed, although the nature and sites are interesting as well. I see my future either settling there, Washington, or Florida.
Hello I am 'Bombielonia' and I am alcohol-.. Sorry, not really.

I'm 'Bombielonia' or 'Bombie', a weird nickname yes, and a a not so long of a story how I got it but it is too embarrassing for me to say, sorry. xD Pets, pets. I have two pets, 'Koko' and 'Rambo'. They're parrots!

Koko: An annoying, yet lovely bastard <3 She is an amazon actually, she imitates the following:

"My loooveeee."

"Happy birthday tooo YOUuuuhuuUH."

"Hello!" "Alloooh"

Rambo: A very, very angry bird.. he literally only lets my brother pet him, and if anyone tried to touch him, ouch.. it can bite you so hard that you'd bleed, he's around 3 year sold while Koko is around 10months old. Rambo speaks A LOT of words, but the most interesting would be him dancing when my brother commands him to! Sometimes he imitates the sound boiling water makes, yep! Oh, and he's a Grey.

Disturbing fact about me..- Uh. Er.. I can be selfish sometimes.

Guilty pleasure? Nyuh..- I don't know if it's something to be guilty about, but since I have nothing else to say, it's better than writing nothing! I listen to thunderstorms/heavy rain, er, like, play a video of rain and.. just.. you know, keep it on.

Roadtrip! Probably to Vegas or Orlando!
I haven't technically been fully accepted yet but I hope I will be and will adjust my CS accordingly if need be ^_^ ;

But I'm Heather. Nice to meet ya'll. Nicknames, well I used to be called Mittens in high school due to my love of cats so my friends gave me a cat name and it just stuck. I've also been referred to as Tiger Shark due to my argument style xD . I tend to attack, walk away, then come back with another comment, much like the tiger shark feeds.

Pets? *takes a deep breath* I have 2 dogs (a cairn terrier and a black lab), 7 cats (one with three legs), 2 ferrets, a hedgehog, a ball python, and 2 2month old chicks. Oh and a betta fish. (And they're all fixed, up to date on shots, and to those who apply, microchipped. So I assure you they're quite spoiled xD )

Disturbing fact? Well um... I was born without an ear drum. They took skin from the top of my left leg (I have an awesome square scar *sarcasm*) and made a "man-made" ear drum. Not sure if that counts as disturbing but it's all I have

Guilty pleasure? Nutella.... definitely nutella....

If I were actually taking this road trip myself I would like to go to California. I'm from the eastern shore of Maryland so it'd be nice to see the opposite side of the country. I've only been as far as Florida.
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Um, yeah. Hi. Lions, lambs, Chris.. whatever, they all apply. I have no pets, unless you count @BrokenStrings. We grew up together. Our initials are both CR so we were always next to each other in classes and stuff. She's like a hedgehog. Adorkable, but prickly. S'why I call her my pet.

Since I know she was refering to me when she pointed out the whole being a f-hag, I would like to mention that I'm not gay, strickly speaking. More Bi with a male preference. I dunno why she insists on still being called my f-hag.. Something to do with the asshats in High School I think.

So yeah. If we seem weird, it's cause of the whole "not enough space from each other thing." We're even roommates now- so like, never any break ever. @BrokenStrings shuddup, you know I love you.

Um.. off topic. Pets. I have none, though Murray does live with us. I used to have a two blackmoore goldfish named Hansel and Gretel.. but they parished and paid a visit to the gods of porceline. My poor little loves.

Disturbing facts? Hmm. I dunno. I used to like to cut myself cause I liked the way blood looked. It wasn't cause I was emotionally whatever about anything, honest. I just have a weird fasination with blood. But I don't like gore. Which is weird. As for guilty pleasures, corn beef and cabage. seriously, I think I could cook that stuff every day and be perfectly happy. How's that for random?

I would totally go to the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Montanna. And Alaska. And Canada too. Too many places. So yeah. Scared yet?
Well, since I'm joining the party late (And yet not late because I was one of the original people... >.<) I'm just trying to catch up on everything. ANYWAYS! I'm YoungDreamer, how's it going? Good? Bad? Hopefully it's at least in some way cheerful but I shouldn't get my hopes up. Should I? Life is life. It sucks sometimes and hey! Gotta move on!

Right-o. So, I'm going to be 20 soon and I've been on RPN for nearly... a year? Yes. A year. Woo for me! :D I've been RPing longer than that though. I was in the original RP for this and helped Ness out with the Reboot, kind of...


Okay, not much...

So I disappeared... but I still was around for the reboot and hence why I'm here! I don't know what else I should say on here. Umm... I'm an older sister, have two dogs and a cat and a fish and two rabbits.... and apparently I'm going to be getting seven chickens soon if my dad gets his way. (I'm hoping he doesn't, those things are loud and smelly). I like history, writing, artsy... stuff(?)... but yeah! That's it so it's nice to meet all of you and I hope we have a fun time frolicking throughout the threads of this RP together! :D
YoungDreamer said:
Well, since I'm joining the party late (And yet not late because I was one of the original people... >.<) I'm just trying to catch up on everything. ANYWAYS! I'm YoungDreamer, how's it going? Good? Bad? Hopefully it's at least in some way cheerful but I shouldn't get my hopes up. Should I? Life is life. It sucks sometimes and hey! Gotta move on!
Right-o. So, I'm going to be 20 soon and I've been on RPN for nearly... a year? Yes. A year. Woo for me! :D I've been RPing longer than that though. I was in the original RP for this and helped Ness out with the Reboot, kind of...


Okay, not much...

So I disappeared... but I still was around for the reboot and hence why I'm here! I don't know what else I should say on here. Umm... I'm an older sister, have two dogs and a cat and a fish and two rabbits.... and apparently I'm going to be getting seven chickens soon if my dad gets his way. (I'm hoping he doesn't, those things are loud and smelly). I like history, writing, artsy... stuff(?)... but yeah! That's it so it's nice to meet all of you and I hope we have a fun time frolicking throughout the threads of this RP together! :D
Convince him to get silkies. I have a pair and they're rather quiet and quite friendly! Not to mention adorable
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Eggatha and Chickquita! See! absolutely adorable. lol they've grown since then but they're in their "awkward teen phase" as I like to call it until they grow into their adult feathers
xx0mittens0xx said:

Eggatha and Chickquita! See! absolutely adorable. lol they've grown since then but they're in their "awkward teen phase" as I like to call it until they grow into their adult feathers
Eggatha =P

I see what you did there!
Okay so I posted a little bio-y thing on the OOC (Sorrynotsorry) but I'm going to do this anyway.

I'm Vitez, but you can call me Nikki. My other nicknames are Straightline (I can't walk in a straight line unless I try really hard. It's because my ankles are messed up genetically and so I kind of slowly zig-zag when I walk. Sometimes I walk in front of people and they get kind of mad and I have to be all like "It's not me it's my genetics!" xD I'm weird.) and Sassy (This is my marching band nickname but the personality trait goes way back. Basically in my trombone section I sit next to this guy named Nick who's really funny and a great friend. Well, his nickname is 'Nicky-poo' so they had to think up one for me because our names are so similar. On the first day of high school band my very sarcastic, sassy side is shown and Sassy became my name forever.). I was called Spitfire for the entirety of 6th grade because I love to argue and I'm good at it too. Well, in science class this boy named Riley and I really started arguing over gold and platinum and which is better. It took 2 class periods of arguing before we finally called a truce, but we still argue about it to this day. Platinum is way better- duh.

Pets. I have a Hungarian Vizsla (dog) named Vitez (our family is very Hungarian. Deal with it xD ) and 3 birds. One is a parakeet, Nuuki, one is a very sweet sun conure named Simba, and the third is my darling Blue Crowned Conure named Turk. We're like best friends and sometimes he sits on my leg while I RP. He'd let me do anything to him (scratch his head, move his wings), but he won't let anyone get near me. He also talks. He is just a baby at 1 year old, and we have about 40 more years of friendship- yay!

Disturbing? Well, I'm a disturbing person in general, but if you're looking for something specific it would probably be I'd eat almost anything and keep vomit down. Food dares are my forte, I will eat or drink any combination of anything (so long as it's not dangerous to my health) and be able to keep it down. I've eaten a lot of foods and will try anything. I think the reason I can hold anything down without vomiting is when I was 2 I got severely dehydrated and threw up about a million times. After that vomiting was sort of traumatic for me for a long time, but once I got over it I realized I can pretty much never vomit.

Guilty pleasure- oh but I have so many. Probably ReadingWritingMusic. I can sit down with my headphones and just read or write for hours. And it's such a release for everything.

If I were to take a road trip I'd have to traverse the whole country. There are so many diamonds in the rough here in America I couldn't pick just one. But I'd probably visit North Carolina because I want to live in that state someday. Once when I was there I had the most amazing jalapeno cheddar grits and they were just EPIC. East coast for life.

EDIT: I'm going to add something; 'What bothers me most.'

What bothers me most? The fact that no one can accept that I'm not the most feminine. If I'm going out or something that's different- I'll put on jean shorts xD . I've never been into doing makeup or hair- honestly I just braid it when it's wet and when it's dry it'll be curly and I won't have to do a thing. I walk around in my Hot Topic band merch, athletic shorts and my favorite Converse and if you have a problem with that then bite me. I'm sassy without the sweet and I laugh as loud as I want in public. Judge me. I know you do. And yes, I play the trombone. Big whoop. I was getting a pedicure for a wedding once and band came up in conversation. When I told the lady I played trombone she looked at me funny and was like "Why trombone?" Why anything else lady?! I'm a female trombone...and I love it. Best instrument ever. I love me, just like Oliver does, and I'm going to be myself. My nerdy, geeky, sassy, not-too-feminine self.
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