[Across the States and Back!] Immanuel "Manny" Estrada


Spark up, Rip it, Blast off, and JETS.






Full Name: Immanuel Estrada

Nickname: Manny

Age: 22

Role: The Potty Mouth

Zodiac Sign: Leo



Height: 5'6" 130 pounds

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Outfits: Casual



Semi- Formal

Bringing: My dummy

My boxing gloves

My luggage

My music

My computer



Job(s): Jockey, Boxer, Rancher, Farmer, Bull Rider

Personality: A fast talking, passionate go getter with a bigger than life personality. Cocky and competitive. Motivational and extremely dedicated to whatever he needs to get done. 1st place or no place kind of guy. He sees a girl he likes he goes after her. And if not her, her uglier friend! Not self conscious about his height at all, finds the positive in it as he does with most hings in life. For him cursing is not a negative thing, it is truly a positive release.

Bio: Proud of his families history as Vaqueros and always loving nature and animals, Manny chose to fall into the family business with his father. His father is a famous in the Ranchero world having lands and investments in various businesses including horse training, races, rodeo, farming, wine, etc. His mother, an American was the daughter of another influential cowboy. The two fell in love and thus created "Estrada Enterprises" literally a cowboy empire.

So Manny is actually pretty well off. However he is no rich kid. He likes doing things for himself and began riding, boxing and farming at a young age. His older brother is a famous world champion boxer and also trained Manny to win himself a couple Super Featherweight bouts in Cali, fights that he made good money on the side. He learned the ways of the fist, the land and the Vaquero lifestyle quickly and eventually went on to college where he studied business and various foreign languages.

Suddenly while in college he became a potty mouth. Perhaps because his highly religious parents werent around to slap his mouth. Learning foreign languages also encouraged him to curse randomly. He loves saying words no one understands in different languages though his most favorite is caught between English and Spanish.

Future Goals: To takeover Estrada Enterprises!

Likes Animals, Hard labor, Fighting, Alcohol, Mexican Food

Dislikes: People who dont finish what they start. Not being recognized for success. Weaklings. Party poopers. Slow pokes.



Extras: Brass Knuckle. Now shut up bro.

Sleeping: The Floor! Ill use Charlies air mattress!



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