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Fandom ✨across the stars and back in time for tea✨ (a doctor who adventure/romance - seeking literate partners not afraid to play side characters/NPCs)


bird brain
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
who am I?
female, 24 year old British student, full time teaching job so pls recognise i'm a busy bee, 11 years of roleplay experience, bit of a nerd - will still be busy but can make time, typing in all lowercase for the aesthetic xox

there's not many requirements here but they are important - i'll know if you've read 'em or not.
  • would rather you be 18+ to avoid any weirdness around mature/darker themes - not say under 18s can't handle these well, it's just as a teacher it would feel uncomfortable for me
  • replies should be about 300-500 words or more, depending on amount of characters (obviously this might not always be possible, but as a general rule!) with good spelling/grammar - i will generally mirror my partner and have been known to write 1000-1500 word posts
  • be comfortable playing side characters and npcs of different genders
  • i can and will double, i expect you to do the same, i'll play them completely equally
  • be active in plotting, it's a shame if i have to do all the work
  • a couple of posts a week will suffice
  • tell me your favourite companion that has appeared in the series in your request pm
  • ditch friendly, but would prefer some kind of heads up, especially if things appeared to be going well
  • equally, recognise that there might be times where work is too busy for me to write - i'll give you a heads up though
  • can take place over the boards, pm, or discord maybe
  • chat with me ooc, its one of the best parts about this
what am i looking for?

i love the world of doctor who and how much potential it has. my interests mainly lay in the russell t. davies era but don't worry, i'm not a rtd purist, just haven't watched much of 11 and 12 and only a bit of 13, open to any ideas/plot points they raise though!

i would kill for someone to play the 10th doctor, or an oc doctor.

however, i know those people are far and few between. i am willing to play 10 or 9 if we either:

do a roleplay where you play two companion characters and i play my own, leading to two pairs


have a split roleplay where i play 10/9/OC doctor for me and you play 10/9/OC doctor for me

this doctor presents as male and in his late 20s/early 30s and is very very welsh, and he can be paired with female, male, trans or nb characters - open to any pairing!

here is a visual of my oc doctor made on the old faithful artbreeder:

i am also working on a google doc with my episode ideas - its pretty much a shrine to 10 to be honest and written with 10 and my oc in mind, but they're all working ideas that need fleshing out!
dw ep ideas ☄️🪐🌠

pm if interested, please include a writing sample.
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