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Futuristic Accidentally Saving the Galaxy Lore



Ray of Sunshine
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(Note: feel free to add your own lore about your alien species or planet)

The Intergalactic Federation of Planets

Establishment: 2130
Planetary Ambassadors: 40
Presiding Planetary Council Members: 9
Other staff: Just a little over 6,000

When Earth first made contact with the galaxy in 2101 it was in a disorderly array of chaos and war. Now, Earth was no stranger to disorderly arrays of chaos and war. This is Earth we’re talking about. But Earth couldn’t very well make it’s entrance into galactic prominence with the galaxy in such a state. So it sent messengers to the leaders of the eight most prominent peaceful planets in this disorderly array asking for a meeting. And so a meeting was had. The planets Earth, Aquarius, Bal, Pacifica, Lateroid, Scalmenia, Maeryin, Chūd, and Bob met on the planet mars and hatched a plan to create the Intergalactic Federation of Planets. The nine planet split the galaxy nine ways and went to every other planet they could and in the end got forty planets to join. Each planet got small chunks of territory within the territory of the nine presiding planets. And so the InterFed, as it is now called, was born.



Earth has advanced a lot since it first entered the galactic scene with a bang. It is now one of the most strange planets in the galaxy. Largely because of Australia and Canada, which are the only land left that’s not covered in cities. The government has also unified since then and the planet as a whole more or less has one ruling council. Plus free healthcare is a thing for everyone now. Yay.

Ambassador: Reginald Hunk



Aquarius is not named for the constellation. Instead it is named that because it is covered in water. It’s native species is largely aquatic based and its cities have both above water and below water tiers with the lower down underwater your tier is the higher your status is.

Ambassador: Gerrius Macdalton



Bal is an interesting planet. Almost it’s entire western hemisphere is covered in a huge sea of Lava. It’s eastern hemisphere is lush and forested but continually gets less lush as you get closer to the lava sea. All of this is due to a massive supervolcano under the lava sea. It’s native species can survive both extreme cold and extreme heat.

Ambassador: Mallian Rak



Pacifica is not the planet in the center. No, instead it’s the two moons. The planet in the center is a corrupted mass of darkness and death. The two moons, on the other hand, are full of life that was so glad it made it off the wretched planet it went for the first hunk of rock ot saw. Nobody knows what’s down on the planet and no one who’s gone down there has come back to tell the tale.

Ambassador: Chillian Mcmillian



Lateroid is less a planet and more a huge starport. It is a simple ring contained within an air bubble with a cityscape all along the inner part of the ring. Lateroid is the best known spaceport in the galaxy and also the best spaceport. It is particularly famous for its sky ships. Giant sailing ships that fly around and help you get places quicker. A funny concept since the planet doesn’t have any oceans.

Ambassador: Lok Del



Scalmenia is a planet that is barren on the top but has a rich ecosystem under the ground. Everything on the planet lives in the underground caves and they get all their resources from there. Occasionally, it snows uptop but more often than not it’s just windy.

Ambassador: Unda Groond



Maeryin is a really weird planet. It’s constantly covered in this weird purple substance that seems to revitalize everything. As such, battles fought there are fruitless because the only thing that you can die of is old age. As such, this planet is a popular vacation spot and is also a very prosperous producer of organic goods.

Ambassador: Mak Dilltin



Chūd is a very bad place to live. You live there you die there. Which is why nobody lives on Chūd. Because the population is ghosts. Because you can’t really live somewhere if you’re already dead. Most of the time Chūd is shrouded in darkness. You can only land on Chūd if a ghost gives you permission. Otherwise you die.

Ambassador: Grimwall



Bob is a perfectly reasonable planet name in the native species’ native tongue. Problem is, no one can remember what it means. As such, it’s name is Bob and that’s perfectly reasonable to them, even though they can’t understand why Humans tend to laugh at the planet name. It’s landscape is entirely desert with very few green patches. It’s natives make a living harvesting junk from ships that have crashed here over the years.

Ambassador: Tato Wine


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New Sparta



New Sparta was one of the expansionist colonies of Earth. The society was built around the concept of war and creating the perfect soldiers. They lived outside of the Intergalactic Federation of Planet's sphere of influence for some time. After multiple attempts to bring the colony to heel the Intergalactic Federation went in to pacify New Sparta rebels. New Sparta had genetically modified their army and had focused on war. They fended off the first attempted at bringing them into the Intergalactic Federation through a ground battle on the plains of Olympia.

In the end the combined military might of the Intergalactic Federation was to much for this medium size colony and defeated the Spartans at the Battle of the Hot Gates that took place as a combined naval and ground assult. Half the population was decimated and what was left of the military was disbanded or Incorporated into the Intergalactic Federation's military forces.
Art - Sardis Burning.jpg

Some of the Spartan soldiers disappeared into the Intergalactic Federation and turned to Mercenary work our bounty-hunting as they were bred for it. If you can find them they are worth every credit. Earth appointed a governor and maintains a garrison on the planet. Governor Shields rules with an Iron fist and the planet is under the equivalent of Martial Law to this day. They have a solid export of Soldiers, Mercenaries, and Custom Made Weapons and Armor under tight military supervision of the Intergalactic Federation.

Earth Appointed Governor : Vladimir Shields
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The Sol System

The native star system of the planet Earth, the most recent of the nine planets in the InterFed council to establish first contact. Due several factors such as mana radiation from its star and composition of some of its orbiting bodies, the planets in the system have unique properties that are relatively uncommon elsewhere. During the establishment of the InterFed, Earth gave each of the other council planets one of the planets from its own system because politics reasons.

Mercury (Scalmenia)

The closest planet to the sun. Little is known about it, due to several gravitational and spatial anomalies that make weird crap happen to ships in the area. It also seems to simultaneously exist as one of Saturn's moons, formerly called Titan. Scalmenian scientists are currently studying the planet, with no plans to colonize it yet.

Venus (Bal)

Venus is immenely hostile, chock-full of poisonous gases, extreme weather, and temperatures hot enough to fry an egg in the upper atmosphere. Despite this, the planet's average temperature is within the tolerance of Bal natives, and colonization is under way.


A planet whose surface is 75% water, with the rest of the area covered in sprawling cities. Its satellite is also sparsely inhabited, but the majority of the land is used for either agriculture or wildlife preserves to make more room for civilization on the Blue Planet. Up until recently, Earth was the epicenter of a quantum field that distorted off-planet data in a way that caused its residents to percieve an alternate version of their star system, as well as blocking mana energy.


Mars is still considered Earth's territory, due to the fact that it already has a native species that achieved space travel a few decades before humans did. Mars is chilly, but tolerable, with a red sky due to its iron content.

The Grey are the native race of the planet Mars. They resemble humans, but have green skin, dark hair (Which only grows on the top of their head, think undercut), antennae, and pupil-less, almond-shaped eyes with dots that resemble starscapes. Their name comes from the fact that they shrivel up and turn grey almost immediately after dying.
The Grey are significantly weaker than their Terran counterparts, but make up for it with psychic abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, and empathy.
Their telepathic nature has caused the Grey to have a unified culture, and despite developing intertellar travel before their neighbors, they couldn't understand the other planets' conflict enough to properly intervene.

Ceres Band (Maeriyn)

Known as the Asteroid Belt before humans discovered how common a name it was, the Ceres Band is a ring of asteroids sitting between Mars and Jupiter. The asteroids all have soil that is both rich in minerals and magic, causing most of them to be covered in dense forests. Maeriynian settlers only colonized the uninhabited asteroids to avoid messing with the wildlife, but it turned out there was sapient life inhabiting the asteroids that could use portals to move between them.

The Ceresians are a remarkable case of convergent evolution, as not only are they all genetically similar enough to be considered one race despite having developed separatel, but they also have appearances similar to Terran and Martian wildlife. The males of this race are human-sized or taller, and physically resemble humans but for traits of mammalian fauna from the two nearest planets, such as horns, claws, or hooves. The females, on the other hand, are slightly shorter on average than humans, and have eyes and antennae matching the Grey. Female Ceresians also have plant-like features, and grow wings when they come of age.
Ceresian technology is barely bronze-age, but they are incredibly proficient in magic and were found to be close to space-age with their arcane advancements, and they were assimilated just fine.

Jupiter (Pacifica)

The largest planet in the system, a gas giant with several landmasses suspended in the upper atmosphere. Ruins scattered about these floating islands seem to suggest the existence of a highly advanced civilization that was wiped out several millenia ago, in an event that probably converted the planet from a rocky one to its current form. Pacifica has expressed interest in this planet due to the possibility that this theoretical world-ending event may have been related to whatever the fuck is happening on their home planet.

Saturn (Lateroid)

Another gas giant, Saturn is known for the very beautiful and prominent rings orbiting it. Lateroid took this planet under the condition that no alterations would be made to the planet that would be visible from outside of it. Which basically translates to "don't touch the rings," as the planet's atmosphere is nearly opaque and masks most of the industry going on below. The moons are fair game, however, (Other than Titan, which is simultaneously the planet Mercury and under the jurisdiction of Scalmenia) and have been heavily terraformed and urbanized.

Ouranos (Bob)

Formerly known as Uranus, but renamed due to the name sounding similar to a certain body part in several languages, Ouranos is a much more extreme version of Mars. It's almost entirely covered in mountain ranges several miles tall, providing some breathtaking views, but has nasty gale-force winds and freezing temperatures that are hardly hospitable. Bob has left the planet alone up until recently, due in equal parts to cultural values and laws regarding first contact. Oh yeah, Ouranos has sapient life.

The Dragons are, well, exactly what you'd expect. Big, scaly, breathe fire.
Dragons are technically more avian than reptilian, as they're warm-blooded and have hollow bones. But they look the part of classic dragons, with scales, wings, and horns.
When a dragon reaches a century in age, they hibernate for another century and change from reptilian humanoids to true dragons, huge quadrupeds that are nigh indestructible and can survive the vacuum of space. Only a few survive to this stage as the metamorphosis kills those that undergo it more often than not, but it was enough to cheat the system and make first contact early.

Neptune (Aquarius)

Covered completely in water and unremarkable compared to the other planets in the system. Neptune has living flora and fauna, but no sapient life, so the Aquarian settlers got a head start and have almost completely colonized it.

Pluto (Chūd)

Pluto has an Erebus Factor to Chūd that was previously not known about due to the dwarf planet having never been set foot upon. The effect is much less prominent, though, only resurrecting those that die naturally and not killing them outright. Due to Pluto's small size, Chūd also recieved Eris, a larger dwarf planet with an ancient strain of Necrozum, a virus known for creating zombies. Luckily, this strain is far less transmissible and doesn't alter its host's mental faculties, making outbreaks a non-issue.
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The god of Cleaning

Ancient Earthen Image of Miztur Kleen
The god of cleaning is an Earth god along with the other gods on Mount Olympus.
The humans call him Miztur Kleen

Every generation the god of cleaning chooses a human to be his ambassador to the mortal realm.
He only chooses someone who shows exceptional connection to the cleaning force.

The ambassador of the cleaning god, we'll just call them the paladin of Kleen, gains the ability to tap into the cleaning force which can be used to enhance one's physical abilities.
Previous paladin's of Kleen have been known to accomplish great feats, although it is unknown who the current paladin of kleen is.

The cleaning force is the spiritual embodiment of all things sanitary. It takes an immense amount of janitorial wisdom to be able to connect to the cleaning force.
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