Acceptable way to get through a perfect defense? (PEACH)


New Member
Okay, this is my first attempt at a custom Charm, so please don't be too brutal.

Zealous Assault Prana

Cost: 4m Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4 Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-Basic

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: One Weapon, Two Blows

The righteous fury of the Lawgivers is capable of breaking any defense. However, in these troubled times their foes are not without recourse. Any attack enhanced by Zealous Assault Prana cannot be dodged, blocked or soaked by any perfect defense--that is, any defensive Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability, custom or otherwise. Any attempt to use such a Charm against an attack enhanced by Zealous Assault Prana instantly fails. This effect is Obvious to the defender. Defensive Charms without a Flaw of Invulnerability are explicitly permitted to function as in their descriptions, and DVs and soak are explicitly stated to function as normal against an attack enhanced by Zealous Assault Prana. Zealous Assault Prana is explicitly incompatible with and cannot be used in the same tick or placed in the same Combo as any effect that makes attacks unblockable or undodgeable or unsoakable or any combination thereof.

Probably not going to fly, but I thought it was an interesting idea.

For those of you that don't know, PEACH stands for Please Evaluate And Critique Responsibly.
Interesting concept, but it runs into the flaw that nothing can break a perfect defense. I think one of the freelancers said it best: perfect defense rules have a perfect defense against any attempt to break through a perfect defense.
Aasharu said:
Interesting concept, but it runs into the flaw that nothing can break a perfect defense. I think one of the freelancers said it best: perfect defense rules have a perfect defense against any attempt to break through a perfect defense.
Well, naturally. My fault for being vague, I suppose. What I was trying to ask was "Would the 'PARANOIA COMBAT IS THE ONE TRUE WAY!!!' types be satisfied with the conditions I've imposed on trying to disrupt their precious paradigm?".
Actually well this might work I wouldst allow it in my game.

The reason this wording could work is it doesn't say perfect defenses are inapplicable without any shield (and referencing a word that does not actually have any meaning.) There is no direct contradiction. Between the text of most perfect defenses and this charm.
Not a good charm. It doesn't actually stop inapplicability trumping perfect defenses and the wording makes it open to even ones without that strength can parry/dodge/perfect soak it. Zeal type charms are not really a good place for the game to go.
MrMephistopheles said:
Zeal type charms are not really a good place for the game to go.
I agree, it kinda turns the game into a whole war of oneupsmanship. We'd be back to the old schoolyard days of infinity-plus-one. This would give rise to super-perfect defenses and then double-zeals, then dogs and cats would be sleeping together and the streets would run red with blood. Please think of the children.

Also, I think the H in PEACH is honestly, not responsibly. Sorry for the small nitpick.
I think one of the best attempts on getting through a perfect deffense was a charm that added a 1hl surcharge to the charms with four flaws of invulnerability. Basicly even though you can defend perfectly you were still getting kinna 1hl dmg when you try to use such a charm.

You might wanna think in that kinna concept when trying to create an attack that can go through a perfect defence.
I wrote that Charm in my Isidoros Charm set and even then it only applied to perfect soaks and parries. 1 lhl is all the bypassing I'd ever like to see get by a perfect defense. Those things are called "perfect" for a reason.
Charms that negate perfect defences are too powerful. By mixing one of those with charms like Touch of the Pattern Spider and a perfect attack, you can instantly defeat any creature susceptible to shaping effects (including Primordials). I like the suggestions made by Kyeudo and Ncolic.

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