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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Academy of The Talented -Rebooted-


The Cat in The... Cone
So your character should be anywhere between the ages of 14-18. Please don't make a character with NO flaws whatsoever. The code will be posted below

[bORDER=6px double #15155E][bORDER=6px double #15155E][bG=COLOR HEX For BACKGROUND HERE]

[center][font=Architects Daughter][size=4][url='http://fontmeme.com/radiohead-font/'][img=http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=FIRSTNAME LASTNAME&name=bdplakatt.ttf&size=100&style_color=000000][/url]







(People you want to have a relationship with or you can chat with one another to pre-make one)



[img=http://Image URL Here]


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Riley Pierce








Trap Music




Video Games





Most Mainstream Music, if Not All of it

Overly Happy People


Riley was born into a mid-class family with one older sister (five years apart). At first his name was to be Finn after Riley's uncle but his mother, Jenna, and Finn had a falling out so the name was changed shortly before birth. Riley and his sister ,Averi, have always been friends even with the occasional sibling fights. During the Christmas season most of the Pierce family took a trip to Ireland. When Riley was 14, for the first time ever (outside of infancy) he could finally meet his uncle Finn. In Ireland Riley spent most of his time with his uncle and at one point Finn introduced him to a genre of music called trap, and Riley could not get enough of it. Since then the two did not communicate as much but plans have been made that they will someday go to a casino together to play some blackjack. When Averi was 16 she went to the 'Academy of the Talented' for her skill with the guitar. From the day she left home to now Riley always made jokes about going there and being better than she was. Who knows... maybe it's true.


Riley in his young years was extremely gullible and happy all the time. At the age of 12 he made a friend named Luke. Luke taught Riley that life isn't always happy and over time converted a happy boy into a sarcastic realist. Riley is sarcastic and he is (or at least tries to be) a funny person. However that is only when he is around people, when Riley is alone he is depressed but he doesn't mind it. He loves putting on different personalities and in turn acting.




6'0 1/2





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Maya Heart








hip hop music

dancing (of course)


Her sister Carly​

Mixing songs for her to dance to and Carly to sing to


Carly (sometimes)


country music


Maya grew up with her sister Carly with their parents always fighting. They went to live with their grandparents in Italy when they were 6. At first they thought their grandparents would be boring since they never had met but they were wrong. After they arrived at Italy they were surprised at their grandparents mansion because the didn't expect it to be a mansion. They had a lot of fun. Carly would sings songs in the park and Maya would dance to it to get money after they learned Italian.










Carly Heart












Maya (sometimes


Same as Maya's









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?Danielle Nicole Sanders?


  • Name - ? Danielle Nicole Sanders ?

    Age - ? 15 ?

    Gender - ? Female ?

    Talent - ? Dancing ?

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Name: Aster Vega

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Talent: Music (mainly singing)



-Writing Lyrics


-Playing Her Ukulele

-Rock Music (surprisingly)


-People Who Think They're Better Than Everyone

-People Who Thinks She's Weird

-Waking Up Early



Aster Vega was born colorblind, not red-green or blue-yellow colorblind, she was completely colorblind: Diagnosed with achromatopsia. Aster had lived in a family of all boys after her mother passed away when she was little. It consisted of her father, her younger brother, her twin brother, and her older brother. Life with four boys was not easy, but Aster learned to make do. After all, she was definitely not a girly-girl. She got her passion for music at a young age, as it was the one thing that all of her siblings could bond over. It wasn't any music, it was rock music. Heavy metal bands, Alt bands, you name it and Aster would listen to it. Her father managed to get her a vocal coach to hone in on her singing skills, an that was where she found her next talent: the ukulele. She immediately fell in love with it, even if it couldn't play rock music. Her father gave her one for her birthday the next year, and ever since then, Aster has been playing and singing her heart out. Except for one small problem... she had terrible stage fright and was incredibly awkward around other people. The opportunity to go to a school for the talented was Aster's dream come true, as she would be able to get over her fears and become the best she could be!


Aster is sarcastic, awkward and witty once one gets to know her. But when someone is first meeting her, she's shy, awkward, stutters, and is a complete and total clutz.


None, as of right now.




140 lbs.



Name: Dylan Kolt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Talent: Instrumentalist


-Playing Piano



-Being In A Community Of People With Similar Interests As Him.



-Loud Music


-Awkward Situations


Dylan lived your average teenage boys life for a while. He was taught piano at a young age and fell in love with it ever since. His mother was an owner of the local dog kennel, and she often brought them home to live with them for a while. One time, Dylan had ten dogs living in his home. One night, his mother stayed late at the kennel and never came home, leaving him without a mother or a father, since his father passed of cancer a few years back. Dylan was under the care of his older sister, who didn't care whether he existed or not. All Dylan had then was his dogs and his piano. Until his sister claimed that if he wanted to move into her house, he wouldn't be able to bring his dogs or his piano. This upset him, and so, instead of going to his sisters house, Dylan applied for the academy for the talented and got in. Now all he had to do was smuggle in a dog or two.


Dylan is mostly quiet until he warms up to a person. When he does, he's a ball of energy and joy, trying to make everyone happy no matter what. He is loyal to all of his friends, which is one of the reasons why in his old high school, he accumulated the name Dog.






184 lbs



@katiebaby420 I think you misunderstand... This is about a school where it trains kids in one of four talents: dance, instruments, singing, and drama. There are no super power elements involved with this rp.








Instrumental (Guitar)




Whatever you need it to be


Again, whatever you need this to be







(The blonde one....)

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Vasilisa Royel Arnason


The Basics

Vasilisa is freshly sixteen years old. This bisexual, cis-female was born in Iceland to a loving set of parents. She shares the birthday of July 17th with her twin sister,Rosemarie, who passed away when the girls turned fourteen. Her ethnicity is unique, as one parent was born and bred in Icelandic cluture, while the other one hails from South Africa. Her accent is unique because though mainly the freyed Icelandic, a soft twinge of African comes in. Naturally, her hair is a light brown, but since the age of 14 she has bleached it out to dress it in different colors-her most recent being lavender. Her eyes are large, and sit perfectly on her face framing her nose. A dark chocolate tone, complents her fair skin well. Being barley five feet and four inches tall, Vasilisa's weight doesn't show. Scalling in at one hundred and fifteen pounds, Vasilisa has a petite frame in general. On her back, just above her waist, Vasilisa has two dimples, and a scar. The scar runs right below her spine, curving on to the right side of her bottom. If you get to know her well, she will share the story. Otherwise, it is top secret information.

Her Background

Born three months premature, Vasilisa and her sister Rosemarie where not exspected to make it too the age of three. They say twins are inseperable, and in this case it was seriously true. Vasilisa and Rosemarie where conjoined at the hip. Each had their own set of limbs and organs, but it was still to risky to operate at this time. The girls where so small when born; they had to live the first five months of their lives conjoined.

When the girls where seven years of age, their father joined the Icelandic Navy. He was gone for many months at a time, protecting his country and helping in other lands. Eventually, their mother grew lonley and had an afair on their father. Ending in divorce, neither of the girls saw their father for a very long time. Vasilisa and Rosemarie's mother maried a rough, crule man. He drank heavily and beat them even harder. It was then, at fourteen years old when Rosemarie could no longer take the abuse. Vasilisa found Rosemarie's body in the bath tub, bled out and overdosed on pills.

After the passing of her sister, Vasilisa left home; never returning to her family again. She continued on to live in a group home that a lovely social worker found for her. When she turned sixteen, everything changed for her. She had to grow up very quickly when a family in the United States adopted her. Vasilisa is in a state of depression, she offten self harms.

Her Personality

+Outgoing & Flirty+

Vasilisa is a vey outgoing, bubbly girl. She is always talking to stranges, forming bonds and helping others acheive their goals in life. Constantly open to new things, Vasilisa will try anything once. Being naturaly flirty is a blessing and a curse for Lisa. Even in a commited relationship, she cannot help but flirt with anyone she feels the slightest attraction too.

=Loud & Indesisive=

Being the youngest of all their siblings forced Vasilisa and Rosemarie to be loud and rebellious at a young age. Always having to make her presence known, caused for raised voices and the occasional trantrum. Her indesisive nature came from the rare opprotunities to pick activities and food options growing up.

-Stubborn & Sarcastic-

This is the downfall to what seems like a well rounded girl. Vasilisa is very stubborn when she does not get her way or something does not go just right. In addition to her stubbornness, she is sarcastic. Filled with eyerolls and crude quips, Lisa does not let anyone have the last word.

Likes and Dislikes and Talent


+Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

+Make up



+Salted crackers


-Nick Cage

-Iggy Azalea

-Twilight Movies

-Hairless rodents

Vasilisa is talented in photography and makeup artistry.


Message me or tag me in OCC


  • Jamie

    Name: Jamie Foster


    Grade: 9

    Gender: Female

    Talent: Singing

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"People keep asking 'Zac, how are you that awesome?'. I tell them: 'I just am. Nothing more to it.'"~ Zac Treverson


Basic Information


|Full Name|

Zac Treverson


Usually, people do just call him Zac, since that is already very short. He sometimes refers to himself as "Trevster"

|Date of Birth|






More Privat Information



Very Heterosexual

|Relationship Status|

No Girlfriend but keeps flirting around




Acting. Zac is a actor and a very good one. He is that good that people cannot tell if he is acting or not.


Drawing. But only comic style. He is like a caricaturist.

Appearance, Looks and other Superficiallities



Zac cares about his look very much. He is very trained, is 5'7 feet tall and weighs 150 lbs. He has light brown eyes and brown hair which he always wears the same way.

|Fashion Style|

Zacs Style consists of shirts and T-shirts of any kind. All of them are pretty tight, which makes his muscles visible. He usually wears jeans, except he wants to look elegant. Then he wears a suit.

Personality, Habits and Similar Informations



Smiling, smiling, smiling. Zac is nearly always smiling. It is a constant with him.

Zac also keeps flirting with any girl around.

As a last habit, if disappointed, Zac will wetten his lips.


Zac is a sporty guy. He likes working out and doing sports. He also likes taking walks.





Getting his will



Not getting his will

People not seeing him as great

Lazy People




Zac is scared of fights, bees, since he is allergic to those, and clowns.


Cole easily makes enemies, because he feels entitled to do whatever he pleases. He is womanizing. He wants to be the best unless it requires a lot of work.

Zac is spoiled and arrogant, believing he os the greatest being on earth.

Zac is a coward when it comes to physical violence. Even tjough he is very trained and always acts tough, he is scared to get in a fight.



|Place of Origin|

Los Angeles, America


Zac was born into a family of actors. His parents were and are very famous. From his first moment, he got everything. He was treated like a god, making him believe so. He got everything he needed and even more. That got him spoiled as hell. His parents earlily started making him act, discovering his great talent. Since his father visited the school, he made Zac attend it. Zac did not really react much to his acceptance, considering it normal.

"Music is my life. It makes the disgusting silence leave. It is like another world to me. Sometimes, everything fades but the music."~Amelia Maria Peers


Basic Information



Amelia Maria Peers


If any nickname, Amelia would be like to called Ami, since she finds it sounding cute and innocent.

|Birth Date|






More Privat Information



She has not quite found out her sexuality, but is open to anything. Which means after all she is bisexual.

|Relationship Status|

Amelia had never had a boyfriend. Until now, nobody was interested in her in that way.




Music, Amelias music is her determination. As visible in the quote, she only feels comfortable when listening to music, composing it, making up texts and/or singing.


Writing, to be more detailled poetry. She loves it nearly as much as music, but it does not have the same effect on her. When she is alone, she will usually sit and write something. That somehow comes togehter with her making up texts usually.

Apperance, looks and other superficiallities



Amelia is a 5,4 feet tall, light brown haired girl. Her haircolor is natural and she is fine with it. She has light blue eyes and weights 110lbs. Amelia is unconfident about her body, still she usually wears only a little makeup. She has light freckles on her face.

|Clothing Style|

Amelia´s wardrobe consits of light colors. She wears dresses, pullovers and jeans, Amelia has a big repertoire of clothes. "I’d say my fashion sense is a big mash-up of biker, classic, romantic. I think it’s really important to balance out your clothes proportions, as in the right mix of tight and baggy, I definitely prefer baggy!", is what she would say herself about it.

Personality, Habits and similiar informations



Amelia usually hums, as she feels more confident then. Sometimes she looses the reality while doing so, leading her to just walk straight forward until she hits something, is finished with her song or spoken to. That gets her lost more often than you expect. When she is spoken to while humming, she gets embarrassed, leading us to her second habit. Stuttering when embarrased or exited. That usually happens because Amelia has a lot to say in mind and cannot concentrate on what she really is saying currently. She also runs her fingers through her hair often when bored or embarrassed.


Her fourth and last habit is daydreaming. If bored or lonely, Amelia will randomly start to daydream. The subjects of her daydreams are random but oftenly still have something to do with the actual situation she is in.

(A bit like JD´s daydreams in "Scrubs" if that is known around here)


Amelia spends a lot of time with music. Singing, listening to it, making up texts or melodies. Amelia nearly always listens to music. If she is not in her room or eating something, she usually strolls around. This often ends up with her getting lost.





Nature, being outside

Talking to others



People making fun of her parents



Loud and hard music like metal


Amelia is feared of the dark, silence and spiders. So if she finds a spider in a dark room while nobody is around, she will most likely pass out.


Amelia is an extremely quirky girl with a serene disposition and some eccentric beliefs and qualities. She is a complete nonconformist; she lacks self-consciousness and is not afraid to show who she truly is. Amelia is also intelligent and unusually perceptive. Many think Amelia is bizarre.

Her demeanour and voice are often distant and dreamy, and she would drift away from a conversation she did not find interesting; however, whenever someone makes fun of her father, the airy, dreamy quality in her voice will vanish and be replaced by one of steel, and she will immediately becoming very angry. She has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest. She is completely unflappable and rarely seemed anxious or under stress, except she is caught humming. Amelia is very good at comforting others.

Amelia was often the subject of ridicule and had difficulty making friends. Other students gave her the nickname of "Potato" and even stole and hid her things at her old school. She was unfazed by this, though, and instead chose to be nonjudgmental and accepting of the others around her. Amelia was very loyal to the few friends she had.



|Place of Origin|

Amelia is from Newhaven in England.


Amelia was born on 22nd of June 1997 as the only child of Bruno and Amanda Peers. The family was upper middle-class, giving her everything she needed without spoiling her. She was a very social kid from the begining, though she already was a dreamy one. In elementary school, she was often caught looking out of the window dreamingly. She had always loved music and with around 7, she began to often sing whatever came to her mind. That was her first composing. People quickly saw how good the things she made up sounded. Her daydreaming and from time to time loss of reality increased as she grew older, making her look weird to the majority of people. Those who came close enough to her and cope with her particullary strange personality found a good friend in her. Her parents always searched for a way to make her use her talent and dedication to music and one day came accross this school, considering that the best option for her daughter. They showed her and she was immediatly caught. As then the acceptance letter was in her hand, she felt like it was the best dance in her life. She even made a dance of happiness.

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