Academy of Legends: M12 Universe Continues

Tearlach the Fade

Tearlach the Obliterator...yes?...No?...okay.

Name: (Full name)

Alias: (What you would like to call yourself while on duty-Optional)

Appearance: (Any kind of picture or description is fine)

Age: (15-20)




Power/Abilities: (No mind reading or seeing the future)

Bio: Optional

Costume: (Optional)

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Name: (Full name)

Subject: (What subject do you teach)

Appearance: (Any kind of picture or description is fine)

Age: (25-55)




Power/Abilities: (No mind reading or seeing the future)

Bio: Optional




Name: (Full name)

Alias: (What is your villain name)

Appearance: (Any kind of picture or description is fine)

Age: (17 minimum)




Power/Abilities: (No mind reading or seeing the future)

Bio: Optional

Costume: (Optional)






Age: (15-20)










Name: Alissa Murine

Alias: The Bloodhound.




Age: 36

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: When out of Combat Alissa has demonstrated a rather level headed , almost childish personality who is known to frequently tease others in a manner of ways. However this is known to be a mere ruse disguising her Sociopathic tendencies revealing an incredibly Ruthless and brutal manner , Willing to kill bystanders and even her own men if they annoy or fail her. She could be described as a Rabid dog who is merciless in their pursuit of others , having no hesitation when it comes to doing the most horrific of things to get what she wants.

Powers : Enhanced Condition , Weapon Proficiency.

Abilities :
She is skilled in all forms of Melee Combat ranging from Kickboxing to Muay Thai. She has also been known to be a very Competent Strategist.

Bio: Much of Alissa's past is a mystery to most, However what is known is that she previously served in the Green Berets for Ten years and carried out a large number of missions in different countries, ranging from Nepal all the way to Armenia. She was Dishonorabley discharged when she used White Phosphorous in Colombia without Authorization from higher ups , Resulting in the death of 350 Civilians and in the ensuing chaos allowed 50 F.A.R.C Members to escape.

She now Currently serves as the Commander of an Illegal Paramilitary Group known as Hound Dog.



Faction : Hound Dog.

Hound Dog Soldier Uniform





"Name...Alec Dream, hello."


"Quaker. You'll understand later..."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_mujcy9tzUT1su612oo1_500.jpg.4883113d1b57d080e8c3dcc02bc86ec2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_mujcy9tzUT1su612oo1_500.jpg.4883113d1b57d080e8c3dcc02bc86ec2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"17. Pretty young, is this going well?"


"Male.. Do I sound any bit feminine, gosh, this always happens."


"I'm interested in Girls, please don't think opposite."


"I'm pretty timid, I like to doubt and lie. I do seem to have a little bit of sense in me but I am not a good thinker. I kinda stay with what I got, a stick, carve into a key and pick some locks. I carry burdens and it hurts me every time I think about it, I'm willing to kill someone but it's a little hard and I do seem to regret it a bit."


"I make earthquakes. No seriously, I 'Destroy or Reform minerals in the area around him.' says my Police and other files. And depending on how mad I am I can increase the Magnitude to each earthquake, so, yay. But many other files say that I 'Send out an energy blast that destroys minerals around him.' It's still being investigated. And I found this out a few months ago, I can teleport, I'm just going to use that as something else for later. Oh right, Human Abilities, I am amazing at Breaking and Entering, fast and quick, and Lockpicking, and many other things. Don't have time."


"Past.. I'm not liking this interview. I'd like to talk about this later.."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/4c74ddd73c97799cb9459cab34f658ca.jpg.807c61f785fc7c1a1c74a0c766895081.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/4c74ddd73c97799cb9459cab34f658ca.jpg.807c61f785fc7c1a1c74a0c766895081.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/462122_1343849175_large.jpg.e3b2d365c099f11580aa01934679d821.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51985" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/462122_1343849175_large.jpg.e3b2d365c099f11580aa01934679d821.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Naomi Ward

Alias: Changeling


Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Naomi is typically calm and friendly, but with a playful streak which often results in her teasing or flirting with her peers, but rarely with any real intent. Naomi sometimes struggles to get along with others; especially if they're loud or arrogant, treating them with an icy indifference. Under the surface she has a few issues: she struggles with her own feelings and how to express them, preferring to keep them to herself rather than talking about how she feels.


Shapeshifting: Naomi can change her body into other forms, real or imagined, at will. However the process is taxing for her, and after a full-body transformation Naomi must wait a few hours before attempting to change back, or into another form. Minor changes to her own body however she can manage with relative ease multiple times in quick succession.

Bio: To be revealed in the RP.



Dorian Rain

Subject: Weapons



Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Dorian's a nonchalant, devil-may-care individual who respects independence and initiative above all else. As a teacher he is known to be rather lax, exerting little effort into controlling a classroom or involving the more reluctant pupils. However, for those who seek his tutelage of their own accord or display an aptitude for his subject, Dorian can prove to be a loyal and dedicated teacher, although he can become impatient when students progress slowly, or struggle to understand a lesson. Outside of the classroom Dorian can appear relaxed to the point of arrogance, a trait which prevails when he finds himself in combat. Dorian enjoys a challenge, and will often seek out a tough opponent or fight weaker ones with self-imposed handicaps in order to hone his skills. Above all, Dorian hates to lose, and after defeat can swing from melancholy to sulking with little rhyme nor reason, only emerging from his wallowing once he's satisfied that he won't lose a second time. Equally, Dorian's loathing of defeat means that he struggles to back down from a fight, even when the odds are heavily stacked against him, both a boon and a curse.

Power/Abilities: Proficient with a variety of weapons, especially skilled with a katana. Agile, but not acrobatic.

Bio: The first surviving record of Dorian comes as he joined the Academy at 15. A quiet and measured boy, Dorian kept himself to himself for much of his first year, managing to deter or deflect any questions about his earlier childhood until his peers gave up asking. Even when he joined the academy, Dorian owned a sword and proved himself to be more than adept in its use. Over his school career, Dorian honed his swordsmanship to a razor-edge, and although he lacked the gifts of his peers proved himself more than capable of fighting alongside them. What he is most grateful for, however, are the friends he made while at the Academy. While it took him a while to warm up, Dorian eventually fell in with a like-minded group who didn't mind his evasiveness about his childhood, or his arrogance in his weapon skills. Over his time at the Academy these people became the closest friends Dorian has, and have influenced the growth of his character enormously. Dorian still keeps in touch with these people, those that survive. After leaving school, Dorian fell off the radar for a year, and upon his return he claimed to have just been 'traveling'. Few believe that this is the whole truth, not least because of the scars Dorian acquired during that time. At the age of 25, Dorian returned to the Academy and took up a a teaching position, one which he has now held for two years and enjoys immensely.
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@Noyeh and @Hellkite great Character Sheets, both are accepted.



Name: Inati Mkhonto

Alias: The Arsenal



Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: He is kind, caring and cheerful. He becomes annoyed very easily, but won't do anything to cause harm or discomfort to others. He hates people who think they are better than others and won't hesitate to protect those in need. He can become too violent towards his enemies, but he hates killing more than he hates anything in the world.


Sword of Khonto- The sword has the ability to absorb 'things' that are not solid and turn them into attacks. It can only absorb one thing per turn though.

Guns of Khonto- These guns have unlimited blue energy bullets, but have been modified to stun but not kill.

Heal- If the sword has absorbed some else's energy, Inati can transfer it to himself to heal his wounds.

Flight- As long as he is holding onto his sword, Inati will be able to fly.

Unfortunately, he has no power if he is not using his guns or sword. If he uses normal weapons, they will remain completely normal, he needs the sword and guns to be able to unlock his powers. If someone else tries to wield them, their hands will get burnt.

Bio: Everything will be revealed in the rp. It is commonly known though that his parents both had powers, which they used to torment and kill people. Inati eventually grew up to resent that, and used his sword to kill them both. Upon doing this, the sword permanently absorbed their powers and now he has his father's flight and his mother's unlimited guns. Killing them has always haunted him and made him hate killing even more.



Other: In the picture above, don't mind the person, only the clothes and the weapons are his costume.

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