Academy for the unknown


New Member
Academy for the unknown is for the supernatural beings of the world: Set in Greece


All species are welcome to the Academy though that doesn't mean they all get along. The academy is set you into different wings to help stop fights breaking out.

The ground floor is set for class rooms, dinning area, living spaces and special room for each species. The second floor and converted loft are bedrooms for students and the few teachers who stay at the academy.

Students are at the school for six years studying subjects specialised to their species. They have a mixed class three times a week and they are to discuss the 'Real world' and how to act with in it.

Species can join at any age below 25.

Species that attend:


Vampires (By birth and turned)


Other students with special talents.

And new beings (Please keep to along the lines of humans, so living/un-dead creatures. Not robots etc.)


No serious fighting between species

No skipping lessons with out valid reason

No deaths (Unless discussed between characters and I made aware)

No leaving campus during the week

Leaving campus on weekends between the times of nine AM and Midnight

Be and respectful to students and staff alike

Student form:




Species (If you are a 'New being' please explain what in detail):




There are few teacher positions open, please fill out application above but list you would like teacher position.

My Character:

Name: Morgan Williams

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire (Changed at 16)

Looks: Picture below



She’s a very sporty, active person. Learnt Kick-boxing while growing up.

Likes to party and have a good time. Has learnt the art of sneaking out. Very bright, good with computers, can hack, program and code computers. Very literal person, argumentative, strong will and stubborn.

Can work her way round orders, so still following the order, just finds another way of doing it. Yet, still blatantly ignore orders. Her parents were not around a lot, sent her to the academy when she turned 17.

‘Rebel child’ does her own thing. Annoys people on purpose, sarcastic humour. Secluded of from people, not overly chatty with people she is unsure of.


Morgan was born into a very rich family of Vampires, she turned at 16 though she is the youngest to turn. Everyone else in her family over the years didn't turn till they were older than 18. Her parents were not around a lot and sent her off to Unknown when she was 17 because she apparently wasn't handling the change well. Morgan has three older brothers all now Vampires, none of them had to got to the academy, Morgan is the first in thirty years to be sent there. Morgan is originally from Britain, from a small town near Oxford where her family have lived for generations.

Now it's your turn, have fun creating and then the RP can begin :)

Your character will appear here once confirmed:

Morgan Williams - Vampire

Ashley Lark Greene- Witch

Daeneth Mordes - New Being

Riley Kitsuo - Kitsune

Caricon - Elf

Akihito Ishiran - Undead

Molly Allister - Witch

Noah Timekeeper - Warlock

ThatFatsoHatchi - Wizard

Ashley Nonan - Witch

VampiricPotato - Witch

technodragon - Ocean dragon
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will make a guy charrie if need be

Name: Ashley Lark Greene

Nickname: Lark

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species (If you are a 'New being' please explain what in detail): Witch


Personality: Lark is drawn back from society, and doesn't really like people or herself, for that matter. She is inexperienced with magic but is a fast learner. Often, when she is experiencing a flash of intense emotion, magic will escape and she will do something she didn't mean to do. For this reason, Lark prefers to keep to herself and suppress her emotions so as not to hurt others.

Bio: Lark didn't know she was a witch until she was nine and her parents were killed by a posse of anti-magic people. Lark escaped because she was a child and they didn't see her as a threat if she didn't have parents to teach her to use magic. After seeing her parents brutally taken away from her, Lark swore to herself she would 1) learn how to protect herself and the people she love and 2) never love people, as this removes the need to protect them and you will never get hurt.

After her parents' death, Lark lived with her nonmagical grandmother, in a normal house on a normal street in a normal neighborhood. Magic was looked down upon in her grandma's house, and at the age of fifteen Lark applied to the Academy for the Unknown in hopes of learning to protect herself.
Name: Daeneth Mordes

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: New Being - Half Ellerwoman [An Ellerwoman is a beautiful, human sized Faerie from Scandinavia. Inside, they are completely hollow, making them devoid of human compassion. On the outside, they are sweet and kind, often being devilishly playful as best. However, they can become cold blooded killers in an instant. They are agile creatures with a keen fighting ability, making them fierce opponents. Not to worry, though. To make an Ellerwoman mad at you, you have to destroy someone or something that they have an emotional attachment to.]

Looks: 5'11", 98lbs. She has small, pointed ears protruding from the side of her head and pale skin. Her eyes are icy blue, and her lips are a paler colour of her eyes.

Personality: Daeneth is a smart girl who isn't afraid to show it. She often excels in classes, calling out correct answers off the bat. Being only half-ellerwoman and half Human, she is capable of compassion and does have a small conscience. She makes strong emotional attachments to those who care about her, and often is protective of gifts given to her by those she cares for. She falls easily in love but it wrathful when jealous. As a result, Daeneth often tries not to make emotional attachments to other creatures in case she hurts without meaning to.

Bio: Daeneth is a halfbreed. She is half Ellerwoman and half Human. When she was a child, she was outcasted by both species. Upon visiting her native home, the Ellerwomen spat on her, calling her unworthy to tread on their sacred soil. When entering school as a young child, she was seen as weird, her skin looking ill being its pale colour. No one would touch her.

When she was 6, she made a friend. A Human boy named Michael. He was curious about the supernatural and so was attracted to Daeneth's strang name and demeanor. As they grew, Daeneth experienced her easy attachment for the first time. It was around the time she was 10 when Michael was taken from her as they were headed to different schools soon.

In a rage, Daeneth rampaged around her school, hurting the children around her, breaking windows, screaming at teachers until she was restrained and expelled from her school forever.

Her parents sent her to the Academy of the Unknown in hopes of curbing her malicious nature and teaching her to live peacefully with the Humans that hate her.

Name: Riley Kitsuo

Age: 15

Gender: Female/Male

Species (If you are a 'New being' please explain what in detail): Kitsune - They are Japanese fox spirits that do not have a specific gender and freely switch from either one. Thousands of years ago they were known to seduce humans and cause mischief. When they reach full maturity they will have all 9 of their tails and the tails also represent their power level, they can become a deity. They also have the ability to turn into their fox form and have control over a special blue fire that can burn anything. When in human form they have their fox ears and should be able to hide all of their tails.

Looks: Male 6'1 Female 5'8


Fox form: Blonde with black tipped ears, tails, and paws with a white chest and underbelly.

Personality: Riley is a sporty, competitive person and is laid back. Even though he may look like he's lazy his IQ is very high but he just refuses to answer any questions in class.

Bio: Riley was found as a baby in the woods by a priest and priestess that had just given birth to a baby girl. They immediately knew that Riley was a child of Inari(fox god) and they took him in to raise him in the shrine. Everything was going well until they discovered that Riley didn't have any control over his gender so they had to take him out of regular school and teach him at the temple with their daughter Lucy. When he almost burned downed the temple they decided to enroll him at the school of the Unknown so that he/she can gain complete control over Riley's power. (He hasn't learned how to hide his tails and he only has two for now.)
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Hi, I'm sorry to bug you, but is it okay if I join? My only real experience with roleplaying is Dungeons and Dragons, so I'm a little confused as to what to do.
Student form: Here

Name: Caricon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species (If you are a 'New being' please explain what in detail): A Elf. They are the descendants of Druids. Although they have lost their powers over Nature they are excellent sword and bowman. They hide their ears because mostly they don't want to be seen by a human their ways so ancient.



Personality: Caricon is ruthless her will cut your head off before you can say hi. If you insult his culture it is off with your head. If you get to know him he has a soft side. Spilled all over the floor. He prefers to cut his problems in peices rather then to deal with them.

Bio: He grew up in ancient rome learning their ways however prideful they may be. When Rome was falling the Elven ran into deep forests. Only to have them turned into deserts by enemy mages. Most of the Elves went to one forest and when it turned into a desert them died. But Caricon and a few others went to another forest to have it frozen in ice. The rest died. Caricon is expected to be the last Elf known to Earth. Once he got out of the ice he immediately went to Rome or so he thought. He had really gone to Greece. Once there he found the school and walked in. (If you want him to be already informed about what happened while he was in ice. Please say so.)
Name: Akihito Ishiran

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: New Being -> Undead - The Undead are similar to zombies, who they are easily mistaken for, but keep their human appearance. Undead are ancient beings brought back to life by Necromancers. Undead were originally made to become weapons of war, but eventually gained the ability to return to the world of the living by themselves. The Undead can withstand any attack, including being decapitated or chopped in half. They will just slowly regenerate their body until it's completely healed and normal. Although they have this ability, they are very vulnerable and incredibly weak. Undead would usually stay by a Necromancer for empowerment but now they walk the earth alone. They disguise themselves as humans and live peacefully. It is said that they are immortal but no one has the courage to ask the Undead, for the subject of life and death is apparently a very touchy subject for them.


Personality: Completely aloof. He is very friendly and clumsy. Akihito constantly gets himself hurt, which he doesn't mind since he can't die, although he isn't shielded from the pain. Although he is quite clumsy, he is very kind and a good friend. He never seems to get angry and is great at being able to talk to people. He is also forgetful at times.

Bio: Akihito doesn't remember when he came back to life, nor does he remember his past life. He is not one to care about such things. He doesn't have any sibling or family, if he did, he doesn't remember. His life is one big mystery that he can't even explain. Akihito loves any kind of food except for brocoli which he hates with a passion. He isn't smartest out there, but not completely dumb.
Akihito and Hunnyhelp

Welcome To The Academy  

VampiricPotato said:
Hi, I'm sorry to bug you, but is it okay if I join? My only real experience with roleplaying is Dungeons and Dragons, so I'm a little confused as to what to do.
Hey! You very welcome to join, just fill out a character profile similar to the others on here. You can wither be one of the species listed or create your own ;) Need any help just ask.

The RP link will be appearing soon guys so keep and ear to the ground!
Name: Kaiya Technitron

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Cybernetic Military Robot Hybrid - She is basically a giant robot that has weapons, hacking hardware and other goodies that any Drone can think of. But turning into this thing is rather dangerous to the people next to her, and other surroundings.

The weapons included-

-Dual Plasma Cannons (Heavy). Location on body: Back.

-Giant Plasma Rifles (Medium). Location on body: Arms.

-Plasma Blades (3,000 Degrees). Location on body: Underneath Hands.

Hardware Included-

-Hack System. (Advanced).

-Power Core.

-Thermal Scan.

-Identity Scan.

-Body Chip

And that is it. If you think that is too much goodies, let me know. And yet again, this isn't the perfect character.


She is jusssst a bit smaller than that.
Personality: Kaiya is very fun. She loves to be outside, travel, and most importantly, avoid the police. Only because most PD's know who she is, since Governmental agents have warned and advised about Kaiya. Other than that, she tries hard to not use her power too much, and that gives her some time to study, hang out with friends and possibly go shopping..

Bio: At the age of 15, the U.S. Government wanted to test and create a new weapon that was attached to a soldier at all times, and the person would be able to use this weapon at any time, anywhere. So, just for safety, they took in a few teens to try it out, at either the age of 15 or 16. And Kaiya was picked to participate.

After a long drive to Washington D.C., they immediately put her into surgery. Kaiya's parents were awfully scared, because the surgeons were performing their task near the brain, and they hoped she wouldn't have brain damage. The Surgeons were inputting a Chip, as if you were talking about a Computer chip and such. although this one, was way different. It had blueprints inside of it, and when the human brain reacts to the chip or uses it, it will switch on and start 'rebuilding' the given blueprints to the body, transforming the soldier/human/user to a 80ft. all mechanical battle robot.

The Surgery was successful, while the other teens weren't. But unfortunately, since it worked, they wanted to use Kaiya for a service. Her family denied, but the President had no choice but to either force Kaiya, or sign a contract. The contract was chosen, and Kaiya isn't allowed o use this ability in public, Criminal actions, or destruction. She agreed, and was sent to A special Academy in Greece...
Hunnyhelp said:
Does my char know about modern times or is he still at the doorway wondering what this is.
Hi, That it completely up to you, it's a supernatural school so odds things do happen :)
Name: Molly Allister

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species (If you are a 'New being' please explain what in detail): Witch

Looks: (I'm sorry, I don't have a picture for her. :() Molly is tall and gangly built, coming in at 5'7". She isn't very muscular, because she doesn't work out much. Her arms, shoulders, nose, and cheeks are all dusted with freckles. Her hair is a deep burgundy red which she wears in a short pixie cut with bangs swept to the left side of her face. Her face has a round shape to it; and her eyes, which are large and round, are a bright pear green. Her nose is curved bridged and rounded at the tip; and her mouth is average sized with full lips. At the beginning she will be wearing a grey cotton tank top, dark slightly baggy blue jeans, and black sneakers.

Personality: Molly is all about practicality. She is very focused at studying magic, and doesn't let fancy hair or makeup get in the way of her study time, causing her to appear plain or boring. Her studious nature pours over into her school life, and her grades are pretty good as a result; but she tends to struggle quite a bit in math. Despite her intense focus on studies, Molly still does find time to be friendly with others, even if she occasionally will opt out of social gatherings for practicing magic.

Bio: Molly didn't know she was a Witch until she was thirteen. She's a half-breed witch, making her naturally less powerful with magic. Ever since she found out, she started training with her mother, (Her mother being the source of magical blood.) non stop. This upset her father, however, who didn't know either of them where Witches until Molly had turned 13. He hated their magic and how he was steadily pushed out of their dynamic. His anger grew to rage, and the slightest mention of magic around him would send him screaming about how terrible and awful they both where. Some time after Molly turned 16, during one of their fights Molly's father lost it and killed her mother. After he was arrested, Molly came to this school, having nowhere else to go.
Student form:

Name: Noah Timekeeper (not creative in last names)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Species: Chronobeing. A wizard who controls time magic.

Looks: Has white, shaggy hair and a long even shaggier beard. His eyes are entirely a light blue. Commonly found with dark blue robes with a black trim. Noah always has a big backpack on him with his satchel. Noah is 6ft tall and is kind of chubby. His face is slightly wrinkled and always looks bored and hardly shows emotion.

Personality: Noah is a shy person who often tinkers with potions and making magical objects. He levitates most of the time and isn't a very engaging person. Sometimes Noah spazzes out and comes back after a minute. He likes quiet calm music and is very paranoid. Constantly and relentlessly practices his time magic.

Bio: When Noah was 12, he stumbled across as magical, time keeping device. When he touched it, he absorbed magical powers from the clock and he was able to change time around him making him faster or slower. Noah began practicing his new powers. He became obsessed with them, slowly distancing himself from others and becoming reclusive. One day someone broke into his private quarters seeking to steal his magic. The thief would have killed Noah had he not released a powerful burst of time magic aging the criminal to dust. Unfortunately, after 2 years of intense time magic, his body was aged. Noah now suffers paranoia from the experience and appears old even though his 14. Learning of this new school, he decides that he could become more powerful and reverse the effects of the aging spell by attending the academy.
Name: Tai'Shou (Means Sea-Creature) Debbenath

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Ocean Dragon - A deep-sea dwelling water dragon that can bring Tsunamis and a toothy bite. As well as extreme speed.



Personality: Tai'Shou is very fun. She loves to be outside, travel, and most importantly, be nice to others. Other than that, she tries hard to not use her power too much, and that gives her some time to study, hang out with friends and possibly go shopping.

Bio: When Tai'Shou was born, she was unusually delivered in an egg. A big, orange, black, and grey egg. Soon, it hatched, and out came a very long, bony, looking dragon creature. It soon shifted from bony plates to soft baby skin. And that's when her parents named her Tai'Shou, meaning 'Sea-Creature' in their own meaningful way.

Tai was great in preschool, she didn't spazz out on anyone, especially when people had bothered Tai or hurt her. She would usually forgive them, or some other non-violent way of correcting their actions.
Name: Daniel Spaceshifter

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Species Wizard like Noah has the ability to control space. So I'm like a deity

Looks: Wears a grey long sleeve shirt with blue jeans. He wears a cape hoodie that is yellow. It covers him so you can only see his lower face. He has only one arm and a cane. He has to use the cane to manipulate space at his fullest extent. The cane is hip high and wooden. After using his power he will suffer physical side affects such as growing an arm in an abnormal place, big feet or an upside down head.

Personality: He is very laid back and lazy. He can be very slow but when he wants to be mischievous he is an evil mastermind.

Bio: When Daniel was young he heard of an ancient artifact that can master space from his grandpa. after years of adventuring with his grandpa. As it turns out his grandpa was a god of space and his grandma was the goddess of time.( see reference to Noah. Btw me and Noah are brothers.In real life and role play. ) Seeing how hard Daniel worked for the artifact and gave him the cane. Now all Daniel has to do is master it so he goes and applies to the academy.
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Name: Ashlynn Nonan

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Witch

Looks: My Profile Picture

Personality: Smart, funny, can be highly sarcastic at times

Bio: Ashlynn has a temper, but she only uses her words to fight. She doesn't throw a punch, unless she is defending a family member. She loves animals and the color blue. She likes reading/writing stories. She likes acting and she often lies about her name when she first meets people.

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