Abyssal Name Revisited!


Ten Thousand Club
Okay- things are moving along as planned.  I now have a Solar PC that has accepted the Black Exaltation.  Now I need a new name.  I was hoping the folks here would be willing to help me out.

The PC is a northerner, dawn caste Hunter/nomad type who actually behaves like a bit of a Dawn/Night mix.  He accepted the Black Exaltation as a way to garner the power to defeat the Bull of the North and stop his conquest of the Haslanti League.

Any suggestions for a suitable name?  I’m actually leaning toward a longer name if possible- one that highlights his betrayal of the UCS and the like.

Any help?

'Black Betrayer of the Shining North'?

or replace 'Betrayer' with 'Destroyer'.
I pissed on the Unconquered Sun and all i got was this lousy t-shirt :) but seriously 'The obsidian mirror of faded glories'  'the Fulgin shadow cast amid lies'  (yay new sun reference) Perfidious scion of rime
He who betrayed the light and walks in darkness...

I have been reading the wheel of time again thats a forsaken like name
I try, Forn.  Seriously, I try REALLY HARD to come up with good words.  Too hard, some (keep your mouth shut, Gustav) would argue...
"Quisling" is a nice' date=' archaic word that means traitor or betrayer...[/quote']
... though it's not that archaic, and a bit too modern history-specific for my taste.

Vidkun Quisling was a norwegian politician who was Minister of Defense before the second world war. He fell for the nazi-ideology BS, and actually proposed a german invasion of Norway to the nazis.

When Nazi-Germany invaded, he declared himself prime minister and ordered the norwegian armed forces to lay down their arms (with the opposite effect).

Since then 'Quisling' became a derogatory term, meaning traitor or collaborator.
Solfi said:
"Quisling" is a nice' date=' archaic word that means traitor or betrayer...[/quote']
... though it's not that archaic, and a bit too modern history-specific for my taste.

Vidkun Quisling was a norwegian politician who was Minister of Defense before the second world war. He fell for the nazi-ideology BS, and actually proposed a german invasion of Norway to the nazis.

When Nazi-Germany invaded, he declared himself prime minister and ordered the norwegian armed forces to lay down their arms (with the opposite effect).

Since then 'Quisling' became a derogatory term, meaning traitor or collaborator.
That's what my Word-A-Day calendar told me..!  Bad-ass that you know this.

Still, it's a bad-ass word.  And how many Exalted players are going to know the context of the word?  Or rather, how many knew before we started discussing it in a public setting?
And how many Exalted players are going to know the context of the word?
I bet there's a much higher awareness of it amongst Europeans.

That's what my Word-A-Day calendar told me..!  Bad-ass that you know this.
Still, it's a bad-ass word.  And how many Exalted players are going to know the context of the word?  Or rather, how many knew before we started discussing it in a public setting?
Stillborn said:
I bet there's a much higher awareness of it amongst Europeans.
... I'm swedish, and around here it's common knowledge, and part of our general education (no surprise there   :) ). I presume, as Stillborn says, that this is pretty common knowledge down in mid-Europe as well.

But if it's exotic enough for you, go for it!

... I'm swedish, and around here it's common knowledge, and part of our general education (no surprise there   :) ). I presume, as Stillborn says, that this is pretty common knowledge down in mid-Europe as well.
Yep we know all about Quislings here in the UK.  At least us studly intellectuals do. :lol:
Still, it's a bad-ass word.  And how many Exalted players are going to know the context of the word?  Or rather, how many knew before we started discussing it in a public setting?
... for some reason, it just doesn't feel bad-ass to me. At first I thought it was just the proximity to the origin of the word, but suddenly it hit my why it just doesn't work for me... it's because of another (similar) swedish word:


... kvissling is pronounced the same as Quisling (in swedish). Kvissling is slang for zit. Thus, not a very fear-inciting word to me  :lol:.
As far as Abyssal names go, I'm always partial to the one I came up with for the Moonshadow caste that I included in my old DB campaign.

Loquacious Advocate of Annihilation.

'Cause, really, what's scarier than a nihilist who makes sense and sounds reasonable?
Clausewitz2 said:
'Cause, really, what's scarier than a nihilist who makes sense and sounds reasonable?
I don't know. I make sense and sound reasonable, don't I? What's scary about me?

Clausewitz2 said:
As far as Abyssal names go, I'm always partial to the one I came up with for the Moonshadow caste that I included in my old DB campaign.
Loquacious Advocate of Annihilation.

'Cause, really, what's scarier than a nihilist who makes sense and sounds reasonable?
You get props for "Loquacious."

Good title.

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