Abyssal Extra Credit [New Dawn in the North]


Double Luck
Backstories and other related stuff can go here.  

Kiley can't log in at her work place so she emailed me this to post for her.

I was born under a new moon, to middle class merchants in a town about
two days ride from Nexus. I grew up in the best schools my parents

could afford, and apprenticed under a diplomat to learn the art of

beurocracy and politics. It's amazing what one can do with words,

especially now, with my new powers.

I kept to myself, always reading history and learning new languages. I

was taught all the formalities of ones far above my own station, my

parents hoping one day I could further their own status with my work,

always pushing me to "meet a nice, young man" who would always have

tons of money to spare.

I never was interested in that....I only went along with it all

because of the knowledge I craved.

And then He came. I wanted to be with him, but it was not destined it

seems. For, on the night I had hoped to arrive and be with him again,

and tell him how much he meant to me...

I was attacked. Stabbed, broken, and left for dead.

Since then, my skills have been put into practice for a new master.

Instead of the mindless intrigue I encountered during my

apprenticeship, I now serve a more noble and greater cause than any

mortal has ever even known.

Something that means a lot more than idiotic ramblings made by petty merchants.

Would you like to see, to experience that peace you yourself are

searching for in vain? Good, then I have someone you should meet.
I miss the shit out of you guys, for serious.
Kiley: write more.
I miss you too man, Gustav and I were talking about you on the phone earlier :D

And yeah, I only write when my muse bangs me over the head with a cattle prod....so my writing is pretty sparse.

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