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Fantasy Abstracts, Concretes and Matchless.


One Time Luck
I'm having a hard time putting what I want to see in words, so I'll just do the best I can for now. I want an RP that has elements of fantasy, like superpowers, inhuman species and the like, though it'll be based in a fairly modern day world. It'll take place on Earth, and unless somebody tickles my fancy on traveling throughout the universe via strange methods, that's where we'll stay.

I'm my Earth, there are three types of people; Matchless, who are practically human without special abilities to speak of; Concretes, the occasional superpowered person whose skills can be explained by most scientific ways, and finally the ever elusive Abstract. Unlike their counterparts, they are as close to aliens as humans can get, usually possessing a power that is so base it's easy to see why it's uncommon to hear anything about them. Other than that, not much is known about them.

We've seen how the lives of humans and Concretes turn out, but what about the rarer third type? What will they become, what challenges do they face with this heavy burden of power, and what are the capable of changing in our ever shrinking world of connected events? We'll have to see for ourselves.

So, I hope I got a few eyes on this topic, because it's only got about eleven views. Let me know if you're interested.
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how about they travel using special portals called a s.a.t.a.r. safe active transport accelerated reactor ? it fits
First of all, I want to say sorry for making this look like an interest check, because my intent was to get advice and suggestions from y'all to see where to go with this. Super sorry, y'all. I'm grateful for the mod that moved my thread to here, though.

Anyway, heartfelt thanks and apologies aside, let's answer some questions.


Thanks for submitting this, and it really does sound like something that would be hopelessly complex and utterly lost in real life, it works perfectly with this world! Plus, I've been wanting to implement a teleportation system in this (possible) RP. I don't think it'd be hard for some sharp-minded Matchless to practically replicate the sudden spacey movements of teleporting Concrete. But, to add on more development to the idea, I think it would be safe to say such technology would be relatively new and stable, but only allowed in certain situations. I.E, emergency situations and when they need to get somewhere quick.


Okay, I'll try my best to describe this, so please bear with me. If the powers of a Concrete can be called common and have more of nature place in the world, the strange powers of an Abstract are so underlying and abundant in the most subtle ways that they can only be referred to as 'base!' For an example, say a Concrete has the ability of, say, Molecular Motion Alteration(or MMA, if you would), it's grounded in the physical world and is classified as a Concrete ability. Now, say an Abstract steps onto the playing field, armed with something they call, totally off the top of my head, Truth. Like the Concrete uses their power to change the world around them, the Abstract's undefined ability could potentially be world-breaking in the wrong hands, as they have a freedom usually unknown to Concretes. Think about it: imagine that Abstract twisting the truth of human physiology into resembling something out of a cosmic horror story, mutating humanity at it's very core just because they could. Spooky.

I don't know if this cleared things up, but I hope it did.
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